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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 3 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Is anyone else disappointed that Nuibaba is a pretty lady instead of a hideous lizard woman? If she gets into heroes I hope her damage art has her revert to her lizard self from the NES days to imply she's hottie when using magic on herself and a nottie when she gets too wounded to sustain that spell.


    I want that, that would be a pretty fun way to recognize the original Gaiden. (And probably freak out a bunch of people, which I also want to see.)


  2. I at least see Rudolf's contrived plan as a kind of desperation, he's seemingly possessed by Duma in the vision of the future at the start and if I recall the Duma Faithful under Jedah's rule has alot of power in Valentia, so I can at least see it as Rudolf thinking that if he takes any obvious direct action against the Faithful, he's just going to be killed/mind controlled by them.

    Meanwhile Lima was just a hedonistic ruler who kidnapped women.

  3. So do we know they're "shutting the game down" ending or is it just ending the actual story? 

    Because I really hope they're not shutting it down. 

    I've already had to deal with one game studio that shuts down mobile games I like for no reason (Gameloft, who then release a new free2play and pay2win game in the same genre.) and this sort of "Only active for 5-ish years" approach to mobile games is exactly why I don't like paying for microtransactions. (I put a decent chunk of change into TF2 since Valve have no intention of actually shutting the game down and infact recently it broke it's record for most players of all time despite being old.)


  4. 3 hours ago, Jotari said:


    I think it would have been way better if they just named Berkut Seazas. Then Rudolf's Nephew wouldn't be a new character. They would have just give a monstrously high amount of additional importance to a character that had zero lines in the original game, which would really tickle my fancy XD


    I honestly want them to add Seazas to Heroes in some way that pokes fun somehow at the fact he was absent in the remake. (Like him having conveniently went on vacation or something.)


    3 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Alm's war leading to the death of innocents is something I could get behind a lot more if it's something the game itself actually presented as a consequence. Like if Delthea getting enslaved was blamed on Alm for some reason (even if unjustly blamed it would still present the idea that people are suffering because of this and he's blamed). But the game mostly glosses over all of the issues Celica has. The closest thing we get to it is the hostility the Rigelian village has for Alm should Zeke be killed, but much like dead Mathilda, that's an alternate scenario that isn't really designed to be a part of the story the player is expected to experience. I do get what you're saying though. Because the way you see Alm in Shadows of Valentia is the way I want to see Alm. It's just that it either something the game failed to actually convey to me (and a lot of others), or they had no interest in showing Alm as a flawed character at all.


    I mean, if it wasn't really something they wanted you to experience, they wouldn't have included it.

    We've seen with Awakening how if the writers didn't care about dying, you could literally kill the children (Cynthia) of the Lord (Chrom) and the game won't comment on it at all.

    As well as giving all of the child-birthing characters plot armor so roughly half the cast can't actually die, yes I know there's the "actually an alternative timeline" excuse but that's never even mentioned in the base-game and was probably added later to explain-away the inconsistences of just having the mothers not dying, like Ricken as a band-aid over the Plot-armor not actually preventing time paradoxes.

    So I do think they intended people to experience it (This is the game that actually factors in if you visit Ram Ranch as Celica, has the DLC prevent you from recruiting the characters into both armies and even has the watchman show up again if you leave/re-enter the first dungeon before beating the boss.) 

  5. 12 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Big agree there. I think the normal battle themes should be turned into early game boss themes to keep them in the game, but the actual normal battles use a more intense version of the map theme.

    Also, fascinating about Faye's support "bonus". I wonder why they chose to do that.

    I guess to show how she's fighting for Alm to the detriment of herself?

    A kinda surprisingly semi-serious thing considering how in the Japanese version she's even more one-note and over-the-top from what I hear.

  6. 5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    That's just plain wrong.

    She was never captured in the first game, for starters. So by default she's not captured in Shadow Dragon either. Neither in BS Fire Emblem. Also, in Awakening itself it could only count if her Einherjar Card was detained or stolen and taken to the place that it's found, but there's no indication that's the case. So... whoever wrote that description... is that even official? Could've been written by someone here on SF after all...

    Her "kidnapping" count is only high when you remember we have remakes of the games she was kidnapped. So it artificially bloats the count.

    It's Awakening so honestly I could see them getting it that wrong, it doesn't exactly have a good track record with getting past games right.


  7. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    So, I gave the sluice worker some bonewalker oil and he gave me... 10 silver marks. Um... isn't that the trade-in price of bonewalker oil normally?

    ...YES! YES IT IS! I JUST CHECKED AGAIN! The fuck is the point of this quest!?


    The beginning of the agonizing slow assassination of what remains of Celica's character. Jedah calls out to her. But... that's all. For now at least.

    Now to wade across map damage swamps while three goddamned cantors spam shit at us.

    Kamui and Leon have a talk and...

    ...Okay, this is odd. I got the impression from the rest of Kamui's talk with Leon that Kamui's not gay, but when Leon talks about a hypothetical quest to find the perfect man if Valbar weren't around, and says that sounds like fun, Kamui agrees. They follow it up like Leon read that as gayer than Kamui meant, but... the fuck did Kamui mean by agreeing that hunting for the perfect man across the country would be fun?


    You can get other non-silver mark rewards.

    Brain damage from constantly huffing swamp fumes.

    Real Men be Wingmen, even for their gay friends. ThatorLeonPayshimtoputonaValbarwig



  8. 9 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


    ...Irma, the priestess. Who swiftly realizes that Celica is Princess Anthiese, daughter of Lady Liprica. Who was apparently a priestess, and not a noble. Also, she had natural gray hair. Seems Celica inherited her hair color from her father.

    Aaaaaaand... Lima IV... kidnapped and raped her.


    They went there.

    I mean they don't say that, but they do say he forced her to join his harem of brides, and... y'know... having gotten pregnant... yeah, no way that wasn't rape.

    And apparently she died very shortly after giving birth to Celica.


    Fire Emblem Echoes! 12 For kids!

    Good job taking care of your Followers, Mila.


  9. 49 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    They also established that Terrors become more frequent the closer one gets to Mila. Which seems totally backward, when their greatest banes are "blessed" weapons, and holy magic like Seraphim.

    This is admittingly a head-canon but I got the impression that since Mila is the Earth Mother and technically plants are a living organism of some kind, that Mila's power to essentially "give life" to crops more easily in the soil also has the unfortunate side-effect of giving life to any dead there, hence Terrors AKA: Zombies.

    So sure it gives more crops but it also in a twisted way gives "Life" back to corpses. 

    Probably gives people who follow Mila more reason to learn/create means of dealing with terrors too, you'd probably make Seraphim a spell you teach your clerics alot when Shanty Pete's Parrot rises from the Dead for the 8th time that week and starts trying to peck the nearest person to death.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I haven't seen that said in game, which is a shame because it's an interesting concept.

    There's alotta stuff I wish they went into.

    Hell they even introduce a new powerful seemingly evil character with Medusa (Who Nuibaba actually gave her soul to) and they're just dropped right away. (Who knows maybe they were setting up Awakening 2 or something.)

    And I've said before how much I wish we got an epilogue about how Valentia/Archanea interacted after the war. (I'd much prefer that to what we actually got.)

  11. 38 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    On the topic of Berkut, if you read developer interviews, Kusakihara has gone on record to explicitly state that Berkut is supposed to be a foil to Alm. The whole idea being that Berkut is what Alm could’ve been had he been raised in Rigel. And if that was legitimately what they were going for, then they failed miserably at it. I’m made the Naruto comparison before and yeah it’s a completely unfair comparison but I can’t understand how anyone could read that manga and not even pick up the basics of how to write an effective foil relationship. Alm and Berkut’s relationship is just so shallow and one sided it’s pathetic. The key to writing a good foil relationship is to make the characters be as similar as possible while seeming completely different. 

    if the whole idea is that Berkut is what Alm could’ve been, then we should have seen that parallel. We should’ve seen Alm act like Berkut in some ways. Have him have that same air of arrogance or whatever. The point of a foil relationship is to use similarities to highlight differences. And it’s those very differences that help develop both characters and create more meaningful conflict between them. Problem is Alm and Berkut are nothing alike and the most their conflicts amount to is that he keeps whining that he’s constantly losing to a peasant that isn’t actually a peasant but is in fact his cousin. If the the intention was to create a proper foil relationship, then they failed utterly.

    Maybe it's just me but Alm not being arrogant kinda was the point.

    Berkut's an noble who think he's superior to everyone else while Alm is an peasent who doesn't. (to the point of not catching on to him being Rudolf's son because hey, he's just some normal peasant with combat training.)

    I kinda saw the whining as basically intentional irony, you have Berkut/Fernand rambling about how they're losing to a peasant who's actually royalty (and I think would be considered higher up than them actually?), I kinda saw that as intentional irony. (And even then it's still true since Alm doesn't have any of the perks of royalty such as fancy expensive armor or anything like that, so it's both "Losing to a peasant who's probably less well-trained and equipped than you, but also they're actually royalty higher up than you" so it's basically them getting double humiliated kinda.


  12. 2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    And now I'm reminded Fallout does have a SRPG game.

    Ironically, it didn't had the Speech skill.

    I need to resume Tactics, I liked what I played of it.

    But yeah the complete lack of speech is somewhat disappointing. (At least have the odd occasion where there's dialogue options and picking wrong results in a fight/losing potential help/recruits or something.)

    2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:


    Kinda like what happens in Four Fanged Offense in Blazing Sword. Despite fighting the Reed Brother to 0HP, they don't die. Diplomacy wins in the end... never mind all the Black Fangs that lost their lives that day. But things did ended with some talking. Sure, Limstella then screw things up to the point the other brother was driven to fight to the death next time they met, but still...

    At least if I remember (And it does at least with Erik) I think they at least acknowledge that the Reed brother is injured, same with Erik, so yes you reduced their HP to 0 but they're actually injured (and while it's only text, Erik apparently can't even stand so he's actually seriously injured so I actually really like that occasion because we still brought him to near-death.)

    So it's not like the person is just 100 percent okay. (*Cough*Kostas*Cough*)

    7 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Celica: Besides, even the cleverest trap will betray some sign to a watchful eye.





    ...Heh... and...

    ...and what does that say about you, Celica?

    ...In fairness, yes, this is better than she's done before in the whole “why we can handle it” department. But really, I'll have to pay attention to see if Alm is any worse. And also, uh... yeah, we're gonna see in a second how sound that reasoning was.

    Oh, wow! Look at that, Celica! The trap was sprung! The exact one you were warned about literally minutes ago! And it still took you by complete surprise!

    And she's only alive because Conrad saved her from her own recklessness and arrogance.

    ...I'm pretty sure Celica wasn't portrayed like this in the original. It's kinda ridiculous how the expansions to Celica's character have so frequently revolved around having her make stupid-as-shit decisions. I genuinely get the impression the original Gaiden game had more respect for her as a character.

    Celica: I owe you an apology. You warned me this would happen, and yet I –

    Conrad: Do not apologize. But stop allowing petty emotion to cloud your judgment. Your choices steer the fates of more than just yourself.


    Celica: You're right. I can offer no rebuttal.

    And I also don't think you ever put this advice into practical use.


    Please, I still want to like Celica.

    But yeah while I like her generally.....honestly she's so poorly written at times, It almost doesn't even seem like it is Celica, if that makes sense.

    It's not like Tharja/Faye where the bad writing moments seem in-character, it's so absurdly dumb that you could have a bad plot point where Celica literally was suffering temporary brain-damage somehow (like falling face-down into the bogs later on) and I'd honestly buy it, it's so bad it honestly seems out-of-character completely.

    Celica literally was throwing down with Barth and planning ahead to take him on but then later can't tell Jedah is the obviously evil obviously evil (yes, I did mean to say it twice, it's that bloody obvious) person that he is and gets way too mad about Alm going to fight Rigel. 

    Hey Celica, you didn't go ahead and get Mila to fight Barth and Later Grieth for you, so why does she judge Alm for it?

    She is legitimately so poorly handled, it almost feels like she has split-personality disorder or something, it feels like two different characters.


    30 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Killing Desaix is a good thing, though. The man is presented as power-hungry and devoid of morals - so no better than Barth or Grieth. And any negotiations would have likely included Desaix remaining in a position of power, which would be intolerable to the Deliverance. And when his original rise to power came from deception, they have no reason to put any faith in his words.

    Not to mention he's super evil and is actually the one to tell Slayde to kill Celica and Conrad, he's a clearly very slimy person who's in it for the power.

  13. 3 hours ago, Clear World said:


    Well anyways, this is a thread about storytelling. So I'll try not to divert from it. To help the process of developing a rich story with strong character development, it would be a benefit if the creators decided firmly what was the intended mode of play for the game early in the process so they are aware of the limitations and work arounds they have to do. For example, I do like 3 Houses, but that game is clearly not designed around permadeath. If anything, permadeath in that game is really just tacked on. So it also sucks that some of the game's story and most characters' development are also held back by the same limitations that a games based around permadeath dictates. 


    1 hour ago, Ottservia said:

    I agree with this. 3H clearly wants to utilize and develop its cast in the main story but because they have to take permadeath into account all it really amounts to is maybe like one or two lines of generic dialogue every chapter and nothing of substance. I feel like if Permadeath wasn’t there then the side characters would have more to do in the story itself.

    Honestly I'm of the opposite opinion.

    Sure Dorothea has her "We killed Ferdie" scene, but there's no equivalent scene for if he dies but he's on your side, Hell, make the graveyard bigger and have our students get graves there if they die.

    Not to mention the "two lines of dialogue" is still far more than your average FE game.


  14. 18 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    But yeah, so, there's this really obnoxious fetch quest revolving around a coral ring, which is a really cool item, but to get it you have to chop the coral around here until you get a bunch of coral pieces. It's damned near impossible to do in one trip through the Seabound Shrine, so on a no-grind run, it's basically out of the question. I'm actually kinda pissed off at the amount of grind-y side-content they added to this game that you simply cannot touch if you want to be challenged at all, because even when you ignore the turnwheel and push through the game with minimal random battles, Intelligent Systems hasn't released a game whose hardest difficulty was this easy in more than a goddamned decade.

    Man, the controls for attacking are pretty awkward, and that becomes fairly obvious once you have to do a lot of it to cut down grass. If this were an actual game with actual real-time combat, these controls would be a literal deal-breaker. Especially when you try to attack multiple times while moving. It's this freaky, barely-controllable berserk back-and-forth that I struggle to put into words. It has to be done rather than heard about.

    Hahaha, there's a man dying of hunger, he begs for food, I give him fish, and he's all “uh, sorry, I was thinking something a bit more meaty.” First off, talk about choosing beggars, and secondly, the hell is this idea that fish isn't meat? But yeah, he's looking specifically for the dried meat item we have.

    Aw, this is pretty sweet. Babby Celica crying about waking up to her bedroom on fire is pretty heartbreaking.

    Ahhhhh, and Conrad's name is finally dropped. I had forgotten what his name was.

    So I wound up managing to get not just Saber, but also Kamui and Leon to level 7. The myrmidon class boosts are pretty damned kickass. Both Kamui and Saber wound up getting above the nice defense base, but still, that 30 HP is pretty awesome and appreciated. Now they just need to get to level 10 again and they'll be... dread fighters.

    Alright, now Kamui and Leon get a talk...

    Apparently Leon's line of “If it isn't Kamui” was supposed to be dismissive. The way I heard it, it sounded almost flirtatious.

    ...Well! Whaddya know! Another support conversation between two people where one really doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk to the other! How original!

    And now Leon gets a talk with Valbar. It's uh... it sounds like Valbar is kinda oblivious to the fact that Leon is both gay and obsessed with him, and doesn't understand why he isn't even trying to get a girlfriend when he could probably manage getting several if he didn't constantly run his mouth. I know by the A support he's finally figured it out, but given that Leon does absolutely everything short of literally saying “I'm gay”, it's kinda amazing he doesn't already know.

    Yeah it's easy but I'd rather have a mostly fair easy  (not completely braindead though) experience than a unfair hard one.  *Cough*AmbushSpawns*Cough*

    Saber stops the Famine!

    So does this mean we're eating like really moldy meat/bread the Undead were buried with? Just tuck into a lovely piece of "Meat" you got from a Zombie.

    Yeah it's a bit awkward, thankfully you're not asked to do much attacking so it doesn't bother me that much. 

    Yeah that Memory Prism is good.

    Ah yes, Balanced Class, Dread Fighter.


  15. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Hey, so, while I was doing this really monotonous task of wearing down this cantor, I thought about Clair and Gray's support conversation and then went on a mental tangent over the whole “Casanova wannabe” archetype, and something occurred to me. I may just be having a massive memory lapse, but I can't think of any examples in fiction of the opposite: an attractive female character constantly pulling off some kind of disingenuous “femme fatale” or “ara ara” routine, only for literally all the guys she tries to hit on to react with annoyance and disdain. I mean there are similar things, obviously; anime is full of guys who react to seduction attempts with blushing, awkward terror and run the fuck away, and of course there's the whole “abhorrent admirer” trope, but I can't think of any examples where the default male response to an attractive woman's shallow flirting is annoyed, unimpressed contempt. Closest thing I can think of at the moment is actually Aimee, but I'm not sure she quite counts, since she's implied to be something like ten years older than the men and boys she generally hits on (and really for the most part she's fixated on one person).


    Would Manuela count? she's not quite full Ara Ara, though I guess in that case it's more her room that puts off the guys as I've not gotten all of her supports so I'm not sure if most people brush off her flirting or if it's just her room full of discarded Bara mags.

    I guess also Darkness from Konosuba? maybe? she's a masochist but it  just massively puts off every Male in Konosuba.


  16. 5 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Anyway, Mae seems to be more shaken about putting her magic into practice taking lives than Boey is, which is, uh... news to me, given her sassy battle one-liners.


    At least to me, it seems like a "doesn't try to think of it in the heat of battle but she does think about when not currently fighting for her life.", though yeah the game doesn't quite dwell on the nature of killing. (And when 3H kinda tries to address it, the sassy battle quotes are still there for the first kill since they forgot to disable them on that map.) and yeah, even despite the support implying she hides it, she is a bit too joyful even for that, so I think the implication is a mix of A: she doesn't think about it during fighting and B: tries to hide it anyway. (even if it is admittingly a bit of a mess.)

    Granted the nature of supports kinda means it has to happen in battle. (Even if the fact it takes up an action means you're somewhat expended to do it in relative quiet-time for those units.)

    So I don't think it's quite out of character but it is mishandled.


  17. The Doom 3 Game over is kinda good.

    Normally the regular planet shot of Mars is used in the pause/main menu screen but instead an pentagram with an animated background is used instead, also the save/load interface is now blood red instead of the blue color similar to your in-game PDA.


    On 6/1/2021 at 1:57 AM, twilitfalchion said:

    Of games that I've played recently, Ghost of Tsushima sticks out as having a particularly brutal game over screen. Jin's body lies there after losing all health, and the player has to watch him either get beat on before dying or directly executed (stabbed, crushed, etc.) as the screen flashes red.

    Also worth a mention is Crash Bandicoot's game over screen with the creepy face of Uka Uka popping up to make it memorable, lol.

    Reminds me of Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault.

    Whenever you run out of health (and The medic isn't out of healing supplies which you mostly use to heal.) you collapse to the ground helpless and have to hope he reaches you in time, if you're about to Bleed out, Tommy (the player character) will start hearing voices from previous levels (and dialogue seemingly from his Girlfriend/Father that can only be heard while in this near-death state.) just before he expires. (though you can be saved if the Medic gets to you just as the voices start I think.)

    However Japanese Soldiers may also run up to you and finish you off, either via a Bayonet, a pistol shot to the head and I think enemies with Submachine guns just bash you in the face with the stock so you have to watch yourself get executed helplessly in first person if this happens.


  18. 4 minutes ago, Ottservia said:

    It’s one of those situations where gameplay and story should’ve been integrated better or just generally more nuance should’ve added to it. If the only way to succeed in saving Mathilda had more to do with trying to proceed carefully then maybe it could’ve worked a little better like if you’re too fast then a bunch of enemy reinforcements would show up out of no where making the map a lot harder or something like that I’m just kind of spit balling. Or maybe you could add a mechanic where it lets you take out a bunch of enemies at once but it would also harm Mathilda. Though that would probably only work in a game like fates where dragon veins are a thing.

    That's kinda how it works?

    There's a Cantor constantly spawning Infinite Terrors into Mathilda's cell, so you have to hurry up since she'll eventually succumb to them, not to mention Archers that I can't remember if they target at her.

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