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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 38 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Well, technically Eliwood can use lances but is unable to use axes, at least in FE7. That said, I overall stand in agreement with you. I like characters getting weird and fancy new weapon types for their alts, but I also think a lot of characters who could reasonably have several weapon and movement types go underutilized. Why are Tobin and Grey both sword infantry while Kliff gets to actually enjoy his multiple promotion options?

    Could have sworn he learns axes on promotion, I guess I was wrong.


  2. 6 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Like a, uh...flying tome Fallen Faye?


    I wasn't actually aware until just now that Harrier's learned Magic, I thought they were just Falcon Knights with more stats.

    I would personally prefer a Lance, if only because I like Lances and I made Faye a Pegasus Knight on my playthrough and am still annoyed that she's currently locked to bows. (Though magic would be fine.)

    That's a big thing that annoys me about Heroes actually, they invent reasons to put characters with weapons/classes they never actually touched, yet Echoes, which does have a bunch of potential classes/weapon types for characters, has barely any alts. (So no Swordmaster Brave Kliff or Brave Mage Tobin and I think Awakening/Fates also might also have this problem.)

    I'd rather have that than giving Eliwood a Lance (That he never uses) then calling it "Ninis' Lance" because hey clap it's the name of a character in FE7 who didn't actually have a unique Lance...even though Eliwood can get Axes and giving him one would make more sense.

  3. 13 hours ago, defensedefumer said:

    Here's mine:

    Name: Faye (from Echoes) aka Fallen Faye
    Title: Alm's Avenger
    Weapon: Spear of Mila (blue)
    Skill: She should have firesweep plus deep wounds from her weapon.

    Background: I imagine a world where Fallen Celica slays Alm, and Faye takes vengeance by allowing herself to be possessed by Mila. Thus her obsession with Alm doesn't end, but she is more crazed and violent than usual.



    Then watch as her Confession has her suddenly become obsessed with Kiran like Regular Faye.

    I think it'd be cool if they made her a Harrier maybe since that's an exclusive flying class to Echoes and we already have Falcon Knights.


    20 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

    Heck, I kinda dig it.

    Light Rune could work more like Obstruct, but the special idea is kind of neat too.

    Mine could prevent enemy follow-ups, since they attack once but are then stopped.

    Gonna slide this in from my DMs.

      Hide contents



    I see what you did there.

    Needing the Blue Skill.

  4. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I know! It's insane! There are so many characters who could have joined the party after the timeskip, but they're all contributing to the war effort offscreen or as NPCs!

    Yeah that's dumb.

    On your topic of false information.

    I'm playing through Seteth and Flayn's Paralogue (Which I honestly like for how Seteth, the normally relatively calm character is absolutely furious during it.) and the game displayed the enemy as NOT trying to attack any of my units near the end of it, since I thought they were all fleeing (or at least the priests were) I wasn't worried...only for both of them to attack my units.

    I checked just before ending my turn, they had NONE of the Combat stuff, no line pointing towards my units, no combat forecast, nothing.

    This may be unpopular, but I'd rather have NO info (AKA just the Unit range of GBA Games) that I can consistently relying on, rather than ending up doing dumb stuff and having to  Divine Pulse because the game's faulty info made me think the AI would prioritize escaping over fighting.

  5. Mark

    Wandering Tactician


     "Flame Mine" from FE7 (So a Red Dagger-type I guess), that Mark throws like a grenade at the enemy. (We have missiles and machine guns with the mechs so I think we can get away with Mark having essentially fantasy-molotovs.), maybe it has a "Enemy cannot counter" effect if Mark attacks first (or Mark has a skill to that effect) since Mines interrupt enemy movement in FE7.

    Special Skill:

    "Light Rune", When Mark attacks an enemy with it charged, they can't move at all for one turn afterwards, so a situational ability that prevents an powerful enemy from moving. 

    So he can get a free hit in as well as slow down an advancing enemy by essentially denying that enemy a turn.

    No idea how balanced he'd be but I think it sounds potentially interesting.

    As for dialogue/characterization, while I'm not too sure what all it would be, I would like if Mark is portrayed as a bit of a pragmatic Tactician (his game is the one with mines in it after all) and maybe if there's a bit of drama in his forging bonds due to him essentially seemingly abandoning anyone when FE6 happened.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Three Houses Day 24: Reclaim the Flayn

    ...Hey, so, fun fact...

    Three Houses' Japanese name is “Fuukasetsugetsu”, which means “Wind, Flower, Snow, Moon”, and it refers to poetry about the beauty of nature.

    In Chinese, from what I've heard, due to the Chinese people doing those kinds of poems for so long everyone got fucking sick of them, “Wind, Flower, Snow, Moon” is a euphemism in China for shitty writing.

    ...I'm just gonna leave you guys on that note.

    ...is it wrong I burst out laughing when I read that?

  7. Wow that ending dialogue is incredibly terrible.

    It's straight out of "Edgy Rival who hates Friendship" trope, I could see Shadow from Sonic boom saying at least half of this.

    This single section of dialogue has managed to out-edge every single edgy sword dude in FE put together, it's awful.

    I'm calling it right now that when he's playable, he's still going to have a terrible level 40 confession which goes against his character here. (They already did for Zephiel.)

  8. 4 hours ago, kradeelav said:

    This is my favorite thread on this site, and this post is especially golden.  Bwahaha, never not going to unsee it, now.

    It'd be cool to mess around with statboosters and various status effects they can give - I'm thinking something also like the effect the Beserk staff gave.


    Have a super combat drug that massively boosts attack/defense but puts the user in a Berserk state.

    "Hey Caspar, I need you to march right into the middle of the enemy and snort this."

    Then have Byleth snort ground up dragonbones for extra Divine Pulses.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

    Honestly might be a little too soon to make judgement on Muspell as a villain. He doesn't even appear in the opening dialogue, so making judgements on someone based solely on appearance and quotes made in the heat of battle feels hasty (without looking at datamined info at least)

    It's Heroes so I kinda extremely doubt the writing around him is going to redeem a villain who might have one of the worst designs I've seen.


  10. Well I did it and I finally saw Muspell for the first time.

    Wow he just looks really dumb, he looks like pompadour wearing highschool anime delinquent and his voice is whiney.

    I think this guy might honestly be the least imposing FE Boss ever, I nearly laughed out loud once I heard his death quote combined with him literally kneeling as his injured image.

    I haven't finished book 2 yet but I will no longer be able to take it seriously (not that I could anyway) anymore knowing this is the big evil god, someone's magical anime highschool delinquent reject design.


  11. On 8/28/2021 at 2:46 PM, FailWood said:

    Which main series Fire Emblem game do you think handled Magic the best in terms of gameplay balance (where it's not overpowered or underpowered)?  Things like magical units, classes, tomes, magic weapons (Bolt Axe, Flame Lance, Levin Sword, etc.), status spells, and the magic triangle (which isn't in every game) are all factors here.

    I guess in my experience FE7 was pretty solid but also that game was kinda easy, so it could get away with having literally only a single Bolting Tome. (I'd honestly have more in a Remake, but still have only a single Bolting Tome on Hard, I'm not a big fan of weapons/items literally only showing up once.)

    Three Houses: Don't like the Magic system, it removes resource management alot, means we can't get powerful spells early on for the most part (Magic Jaigen that starts with Bolting when?)  and just in general kinda actually makes Physical weapons feel a bit sub-optimal at times, I could hit a guy with a sword, but then I have to use in-game resources to repair it eventually, I don't need to do that with magic. (Unarmed Combat is intentionally somewhat weak so you can only really finish off weak enemies safely without endangering yourself a bit or using up weapon durability, at least compared to magic.)

    I can also cheese grind Supports by spamming Ward.

    FE6: Mostly fine like FE7 but the enemy staff users A: are a pain to tell what their "True" range are and B: have absurdly high stats to the point where it's borderline cheating compared to your own staff users. (And chapters where you spawn in range of enemy staff users with no real way to avoid getting hit by them without knowing about the Fae exploit.)

    Awakening: It's Awakening, do I even need to elaborate on how magic is absurdly broken in that game? Sure I can get the game I don't like over faster by Robin Emblem but that's not exactly a positive statement for how balanced Magic is.

    Echoes: Magic at least takes away Health so it feels less exploitable than 3H and I love Invoke but I do honestly generally prefer having to manage magic same as my weapons.


  12. 21 hours ago, Faellin said:

    One of my friends is selling some of his old PS4 games, and in that list is the Tomb Raider PS4 trilogy. He offered 10$ for each of them. And as a rather big Uncharted fan I was very tempted to take him up on this offer.

    Just before I pick them up tommorow (already made up my mind on getting them). Thought i'd try to drum up some conversation on these games. I hear they are extremely good and all, and since they are fairly old at this point (I believe shadow of the tomb raider is like 3-4 years old by now)

    Never played a tomb raider game in the past either, but i've seen people compare these new games as basically a darker toned Uncharted style experience.

    Basically the most ""2013" game you could think of.

    Extremely linear shooter with tons of forced walking/cutscenes and quick time events with only 4 weapons.

    I personally found it an incredibly tedious slog worse than the previous TR games with 2013 and Rise wasn't any better. (Didn't bother playing shadow.)

    They're drastically different from the older games.

  13. Desperados III

    A pretty good Western Real-Time Tactics (So Stealth RTS essentially) game.

    It improves a good bit on the original Desperados Games which were inspired by the Commandos series.

    For anyone unaware of the Genre, you control around 3-6 (Depending on the game and level) characters with their own abilities and use them to sneak around, such as placing distractions (Such as the Sniper Character, Doc Mccoy placing down a Doctor's bag with a gas trap inside or a character in the Original Desperados placing down a Flask of Tequilla.) and tools to deal with enemies. (Such as Gas Bombs or Dynamite.) and sometimes outright combat with weapons. 

    Desperados 3 has a "Showdown" mode that lets you pause the action to select a bunch of actions that you can then have carried out with a single input. (such as two characters knocking out two enemies next to each other simultaneously, this existed in prior games but only III and the last game, Helldorado actually had it pause time.) 

    Surprisingly Celica's VA, Erica Lindbeck actually voices the Spy-ish character, Kate O'Hara, so flirty Irish Celica wasn't exactly something I was expecting.

  14. It's canon to Heroes, Fates and Awakening. (And I think was retconed into Awakening? since I think all of the multi-verse stuff in that was purely added in DLC as far as I'm aware as a crutch for how the time travel made no sense.)

    Fire Emblem 7 might have had a Parallel Universe with the Dragon's Gate. (But for all we know it actually deposits them on another, very far away, land in the same universe.)

  15. Just now, Jotari said:

    I agree so hard I made a thread about it the moment I discovered it.

    Eh, yeah, but I don't think the intent there was for Sylvain to be depicted as actually into a man. Sure he's a horn dog, but he seems to be entirely about the ladies. No S support with Male Byleth for him, uh, I think, let me check...yeah only female Byleth. So it's more so that he's so sex crazed that he didn't even notice the person he was going after was a man. I can see why it was changed, because in our societies one could easily think a cross dressing man is a transgendered woman and then derive it as some sort of condemnation. Making it a scarecrow manages to convey the same idea the original was entailing, that Sylvain is so sex crazed he doesn't even notice what he's pursuing isn't what he's actually after...if we ignore the logic as to why someone would dress a scarecrow up like a woman. It's not like dresses and things are any cheaper or effective at dissuading crows.


    Amiibo Gazebo is good name.

    Doesn't Sylvian have a heavily implied to-be-gay ending with Felix?

    I noticed Byleth has a few weird things where they can romance a clearly Bisexual character...but only as one gender.

    Ferdinand has an incredibly obviously gay ending with Hubert but neither can be romanced by a Male Byleth.

    Manuela has a gay ending with Dorothea and even still flirts with you in a few scenes but can't be romanced by a Female Byleth. 


  16. 24 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    As to that, fish girl's support with Sylvain pretty much implies he's bisexual. But still, this is crazy.

    Isn't his Felix ending FE7-Tier "Gay but we're not outright saying it but instead heavily implying it in a way that borderline sounds more romantic arguably than just saying they were gay?"

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    First off, these are... really young ages. Did he really become a jaded “have fun while I can” person at eight years old, or was he just always a horndog and is using his freudian backstory as an excuse?

    Second off... elephant in the room...

    ...it wasn't a scarecrow in the Japanese version. It was a crossdressing dude. Evidently the localizers didn't like the idea of Ingrid citing finding men attractive as an instance of someone's sexual deviance being completely beyond the pale. Now, they're already willing to depict Ingrid as racist, so I don't see why they can't also depict her as homophobic, but I think the issue the localizers had was that it felt too much like this support was supposed to have Ingrid be objectively in the right and have the moral high ground on Sylvain.

    A shame, because homophobia in a character who has a major character arc about the societal expectation for her to bear children (something that, obviously, two men or two women can't do together biologically) would be really interesting. It could potentially speak volumes about what she thinks the purpose of marriage is for and whether she even thinks love is a real thing. Turning this support into an argument between a stuffy, homophobic traditionalist and an amoral, jaded sex fiend is a concept I think has a lot of potential, both for comedy and for characterization.


    The problem is they'd have to somehow fit that into a support chain that was never written to support it. (A bit like how Echoes English tries to make Faye less one-dimensional.)

    Also the serious mode is kinda undercut a bit because they don't turn it on for your first-kills chapter. (So your characters are taunting enemies after killing them THEN freaking out about it.)

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