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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. On 9/18/2020 at 10:23 PM, Perkilator said:

    It's no secret that gambling is pretty controversial with video games (especially in the age of loot boxes). Opinions on the matter are usually negative once real life money gets involved. What's your opinion on this?

    In my honest opinion, should be reduced to in-game currency, and ONLY in-game currency (and even then, it'd be best to avoid displaying it as a real-life slot machine).

    Eh, I don't mind it resembling IRL Gambling, I loved the Gambling Mini-games in the Mario DS Games but have no desires to actually gamble IRL knowing how easily you can lose it all.

    That said, Gambling with real money should never be a thing, it's absurd to me that the ESRB gets more mad about fictional gambling with fake money but when it's real money but it's not even a slot machine, that somehow makes it ok when honestly the second one is far worse.

    As a Kid, even I saw how as the term I would know later goes, "The House always wins" with Mario, dressing it up sounds more insidious honestly, like disguising it as a more "Wholesome" thing.


  2. 7 minutes ago, Fabulously Olivier said:

    I guess agree to disagree. I do not feel that Tellius is incomplete in any regard and I find the notion laughable. The worst I will acknowledge is that there was clearly an understandable jank in transitioning to 3D models for the first time.


    On another note, why is there still a debate on the title of remakes? The Echoes is very clearly the one keyword that denotes a remake. It's before the colon, denoting series name, and Echoes essentially means "again". It's the "Shadows of" that was the subtitle, and thus subject to change in any remake.

    It was at least incomplete somewhat for the Japanese I hear, since the second one had some pretty large balance changes/new unique weapons exclusive to English versions. 

    I voted for Elibe, if only because it's the first FE game I had a true connection with and seeing a proper FE6/7 linked (Story-wise, not being the same game) together remake of both would be amazing.

    I'd probably play a Tellius/Magvel remake and I'm honestly not sure if I'd get a Geneology one. (Since alot of the stuff I really hated in the 3DS games started there technically.) 

  3. Only really when well written.

    The only game to kinda do it right so far in my experience was Three Houses and even then it's too early. (Fates technically takes longer, but it ultimately fails to actually do anything with that longer time and the writing ultimately means it might as well have been after one chapter like 3H)

    They should do a single path again I'd say.

  4. Silent Storm Sentinels

    An expansion pack to SIlent Storm, a pretty good WW2 Turn-based strategy alt-history game. 

    Basically X-com inspired but with a limited pool of unique units, you still have action points and a grid inventory.

    Main big selling point is the very high destructibility, got a locked door? you can pick it open...or blow it open, or blow the wall next to it down, you can uniquely even extend this to floors, blow up a ceiling and your units can actually climb up/down through that ceiling to go up/down floors.

    It has proper bullet penetration, so it's possible to outright shoot through wooden walls to kill enemies/break them down.

    You will need to a get a digital version if this interests you, since I think phyiscal copies have starforce which will brick modern PCs 

  5. I liked FE7, loved Echoes and have a love/hate relationship with Three Houses. (Since I love the basic gameplay but some of the map gimmicks are abhorent.)

    Only played a small bit of FE1 but I Liked it so far.

    Hated Awakening and Fates was so bad that I didn't even get to the route-choice before calling it quits. (and regretting my choice of a digital copy I couldn't re-sell.)

  6. Depends alot.

    I think FE7 is mostly fine, Echoes is mostly good until the last act trips and falls while Awakening's writing is so painful I could probably complain about every story beat for an absurdly long length. (And Fate's story was so bad that combined with the gameplay I didn't even get past pre-route, quitting just before you meet Azura.)

    Three Houses I'd say is mostly good but like Echoes has really dumb moments. (And unfortunately the game's beginning, an important part of any game, is one of the more awful bits.) 

    Echoes does suffer from a lack of supports that should have existed though, but I did love every support (even the weak ones managed to still feel like two friends talking) in the game. (I just wish we got more, like Faye and Celica for instance.) 

    Still, Echoes and Three Houses managed to have me outright smiling at their epilogues with the fates of my cast, which isn't something most games can get. (And Awakening's solo Kellam ending managed to somehow make me think even less of a cast of characters I already despised by this point so much that I honestly wish Grima could win.) 

    FE6 is definitely really basic outside of supports and ironically proped up by FE7 simply showing us pre-war Elibe. (And fleshing out essentially dead background  characters or ones with really minor roles like Hector as well as having a ton of MIA Characters that end up emphasing just how destructive this war has become when over half our playable FE7 Roster are dead or missing.)


  7. Yeah it looks pretty bad.

    Also the "The Skill Tree will improve it" argument isn't one, I hate forced-in skill trees, which is what the vast majority of them feel like in my experience, so I really doubt that'll make the game good if your argument is the "Combat isn't bad! Sonic just starts weak!" 

  8. Finished my first Three Houses Route which was CF.

    I got the DLC so I'm hyped to play that eventually then go through the other routes.

    The game's flawed but it does feel like a game the devs put their heart and soul into and I honestly had a big grin watching the credits.

  9. If it's unrealistic within it's own confines (or goes way too far in liberties if set in the real world with real stuff.) then I think it's fair:

    For instance, both Awakening/3H have super-strength:

    In Awakening, Chrom and Lucina do not canonically have super-strength, yet they're capable of jumping/falling the distance of a tall building with no ill-effects in CG Cutscenes, it's just trying to be cool out of nowhere and looks dumb and unrealistic.

    In 3H, Crests grant super-human abilities and the story to an extent deals with how they'd be out of battle, (I think I recall hearing it's even stated how Dimitri breaks Lances faster due to this.) they're not out of place in cutscenes just to look cool (Though 3H does have it's own problems with that such as Byleth nearly dying to a generic mage having a spell that doesn't even exist.), these characters actually have empowered strength due to them.

    Or on a smaller detail, Chrom sticking his Sword in the ground all the time, it only makes sense in a turn-based context (In that why Chrom isn't simply rushed and gutted while defenseless) and it just sorta looks stupid regardless.

    Same with battle animations, most FE battle animations are relatively grounded, but your suspension of disbelief isn't tested with where most absurd combat animations come from, as crits are rare and special. (Like how relatively grounded war movies might have a moment of two of over the top action, it's over the top but infrequent enough that it doesn't quite break your disbelief.)

  10. 3 hours ago, joevar said:


    1 tile per spell? on open field? on maps where enemy wait for you?

    You can use enemy range to bait them into running into your mine as well as for enemies who aporoach you anyway. (Or blocking tiles you need to defend.)


  11. On 3/1/2022 at 3:02 AM, Dark Holy Elf said:

    I would definitely have to disagree with these. Both are games that a lot of people started with, and obviously were very successful at drawing people into the series who hadn't played it before (particularly Awakening). I personally know numerous people who got into the series with 'em. They may not be your favourites, but they're good at what they do; the proof is in the pudding on this one.

    In my experience me and one person I know who's played it in person bounced off it. ( I knew one other person who played it in the past and enjoyed it but have no idea if it was their first title.)

    If it worked for you, good for you but for me personally it's just an awful entry, it's not fun even as an experienced fan and as a newbie I gave up on the series at the time assuming the others were like it.

    (Then again, I think 3H is more like past games than Awakening but people often say the opposite is true online so what do I know.)

  12. They could always add spells that let you make trap tiles.

    Like the fire tiles in FE7 (periodically becoming dangerous) or like a mine in FE7/The Damaging tile in Aether Raids in FEH.

    Or a magic spell version of the Light Rune.


  13. On 2/27/2022 at 10:05 AM, drattakbowser said:

    If a person don't know Fire Emblem but want play one of them, what games should you highly recommended ?


    In my limited experience:

    I'd recommend Blazing Blade/Echoes for any newcomer, Blazing Blade is what got me into the series and I have a friend who got into the series when I lent him my copy of Echoes. (Granted he did play Lyn mode before hand and enjoyed that but he got near the end of SOV before dropping it due to playing other games but he fully intends to finish it later.)

    Not Recommend:

    Three Houses: The Monestary is a massive time-sink and well, first impressions are everything and Three Houses introduction chapters are really bad, I honestly consider them the low-point of the game with some Awakening-Tier writing. (Yeah sure, just skip Byleth teaching the students until the mock battle so we're suddenly friends with them and skip a gradual natural buildup, that's not dumb at all and totally jarring to the player!)

    Awakening: The gameplay is just worse than any FE title and the writing in general seems incredibly phoned in with an unlikable bunch of card-board cut-outs that make FE7 look like Shakesphere, it literally put me off the series as my first game and while I never asked my other friend who played it/Fates as his first games (and put him off the series) if the gameplay put him off, Awakening's writing style was a negative to him too. (And even when I did go back and finish it, I didn't enjoy it at all.)

  14. Tried to do the Legend of the Lake chapter in 3H.

    This might genuienly be one of the most unfair bosses I've ever seen in a game, I wonder if they even properly play-tested this chapter.


    (And the chapter up until you get to him sucks too.)

  15. I'd like to maybe see a Lord in a similar situation to Byleth, teaching people how to fight and work as a team in a recurring location after every map.

    Except it's a Prison, because the people you're teaching are actually criminals/deserters as part of a Penal Battalion.

    So the Lord is trying to get a functional military unit out of thieves, cut-throats and cowards.

    So sorta like (from what I hear) The Dirty Dozen but Medieval fantasy. (and more than a dozen.)

    I hear Thracia 776 sorta partly does this, with some of Leif's forces being unsavory bandits and thieves. (But I don't know if it deals a decent bit with Leif having to try to keep them in line for instance.)


  16. On 12/24/2021 at 3:49 AM, Dark Holy Elf said:

    I personally don't ever recall reinforcements feeling unfair in Code Name: STEAM. Perhaps because permadeath wasn't a thing so even if one of them did gank someone near the end of the map, the consequences wouldn't be as dire. But I only played it once and don't remember it well now.

    Even then, you only get 4 units a map, so losing even one is a big handicap.

    And there are enemies that rush you that are only triggered when crossing certain parts of the map, so you can enter an area and have it be clear...only for a bunch of enemies to round the corner and take someone from full health to dead out of your control. (Like the big Berserker dudes.) 

    It's happened to me on more than one occasion so now I'm crippled unless I pay a bunch of money at an unused save station to revive them and get a score penalty at the end of a mission. (Assuming there's even a save point nearby.)


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