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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. 3 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Hmm. I could actually believe that one was altered on the difficulty of translation. I think if I were charged with that I would have localized it as "Virgin Hunting". It's not really an established term in English, but it conveys the same sense of indirect raunchiness while also being extreme enough to obviously be a joke. Though if they did translate it in such a way then I know the fan base would have absolutely run with it and depicted Byleth as some kind of predator. Maybe "Unicorn Hunting" could have been a more subtle way of hitting on the same idea, with the added humor of that support taking place in doors.


    If I ever write a fantasy thing, I'm stealing Unicorn Hunting, that is really good and I'm sad now that isn't in 3H as I would have burst out laughing at that.


  2. 5 minutes ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:

    Eh, I imagine he'd most likely scold them, but not really in any severe way, more like he'd just give them a warning (unless Flayn was around to hear it. Then sh*t would hit the fan, even if Flayn probably wouldn't get the joke xD); I mean, the guy deals with worse (just look at his C-Support with Manuela, haha).

    So is that whole bit about Byleth learning to open up to others (offscreen that we have to be clumsily informed about) still in the Japanese version? 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:


    For example, the raunchy joke they make is in Edelgard's C-Support when she asks them what they are doing wandering around at night, and they can jokingly answer with "night crawling", which is an old japanese term for men sneaking into women's rooms at night to have sex with them. I guess that localization changed that cause they either didn't find a way to properly translate it, or they probably thought it'd make Byleth come across as creepy.


    I can just imagine how much of a fit Seteth would have if he heard Byleth saying that.

    I don't mind creepy/being a jerk dialogue choices as long as the game has characters react appropriately to it. (which, granted, it's 3H so if the Avatar-Worship is like in the English version there could be bits where characters don't take as much offense as they should, which is honestly half the fun of intentionally picking that kind of dialogue.)

    I like to imagine the "Training Gauntlets" are actually basically the Fodlan equivalent of a Police Baton/Tonfa as it highly resembles one.

  4. 1 hour ago, Cosmic_Dragon said:


    That would also kinda go against things that the story itself says. Byleth and Jeralt are both famed mercenaries throughout Fodlan, and Byleth themselves even have an established reputation as the "Ashen Demon". That's not a resume that someone who was "kept away from most places and people" would have (not to mention, in Byleth's FE Heroes bio, it also says that they traveled all over Fodlan as a mercenary and fought in numerous battles). Also, Jeralt never says or shows that he was keeping Byleth away from society, Jeralt was only trying to keep both him and Byleth away from the church; and there's also the fact that he wasn't even trying to hide from the church, he was simply trying to have as little contact with them as possible. There's also the fact that in the Japanese dub, at one point Byleth proposes celebrating with beer and booze, which is the way that mercenaries normally celebrate, which implies that, yes, they have indeed gone to taverns or even brothels with Jeralt and his mercenaries before. 

    Also, it is indeed completely plausible that Byleth had a lay on the sack at some point or another in their lives. Again, I bring up the Japanese dub where it's shown that Byleth can actually make raunchy jokes at points, and they do so openly; implying that, at the very least, they are indeed knowledgeable about sex and probably have no shame or problem bringing up the subject (which is normally more likely in people who have experience in that sort of thing). And let's be honest, Byleth for all intents and purposes was a perfectly healthy human being, and like any other human, they would've had points where their hormones got out of control, and them being rough n' tumble wandering mercs like Jotari said who were contrantly moving into all sorts of towns with all sorts of girls/boys, well... Not to mention, with how good-looking and well-built they are, I honestly can't imagine that no one ever approached them to try taking them to the bed (especially in the case of the female Byleth).

    So the English version actually removed alot of good bits then? 

    Byleth being able to make raunchy jokes/propose drinking would have been good.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Interesting concept for a weapon, though I've yet to be able to get a speedy user of it. I think that's what I'm gonna do with Felix, that should be interesting.

    Yeah Felix is pretty good with them so far in my experience.

    Caspar isn't half-bad either and I'm considering making Bernadetta a user of them, because why not and she already does some (Off-screen, of course because the budget for this game was blown on the Maid DLC Outfits) punching/disarming in her supports.

    They do make me kinda realize why most FE games don't give you many weapons with brave effects as they're kinda powerful but also aren't heavy so they don't negatively effect dodge. (I can only imagine the chaos if Killer Gauntlets existed.)

  6. 12 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Eh, they managed to do time travel in Awakening and fail to do anything interesting with it.

    Time Travel that (As far as I'm aware) they literally had to retcon to dimension/timeline hopping because it still didn't make sense. (Since I'm pretty sure there's no hints towards that in the base game from what I've seen and the game literally gives the females who can have kids plot-armor as if it was regular time travel.)

    I am glad 3H brought back Ballista as well as the Catapult thing that launches rocks, sniping dudes from the otherside of the map is fun. 

    Since it's as good time as any, what's everyone's opinion on Gauntlets? (I Kinda like the punching but they honestly seem OP so far and a friend of mine who's interested in ye olde weaponry says they look more like fancy gladiator stuff than anything actual soldiers would use.)

  7. 16 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I knew it was Edelgard from the moment she opened her mouth. Women using voice deepeners do not remotely sound like men. But beyond that I had some really weird theories about what was going on, involving time travel. I thought Flame Emperor and Death Knight were Edelgard and Dimitri from the future. Mostly because I expected them to actually make Byleth's time powers plot relevant since they insisted on making them canon.

    Probably would have been too interesting.

    Now I wonder if someone's going to steal that and turn into a fanfic.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Did you play Black Eagles first and not notice Edelgard was the Flame Emperor? Because their method of foreshadowing that reveal verges on to the absolute absurd. Especially after the remire battle where a characters shows up and essentially says "Huh, I wonder where Edelgard is. Oh look, it's the Flame Emperor." Meanwhile if you're playing Verdant Wind first it just lacks foreshadowing entirely and comes completely out of nowhere because Edelgard as a character just doesn't exist until she rebels.

    Honestly the foreshadowing for Rhea is...bad.

    I literally thought we were ment to know it was her in the prologue, I didn't even recognize it as a "twist" until I saw people meming it on shitpost emblem. (AND OF COURSE BYLETH CAN'T MENTION THE VISION TO ANYONE BECAUSE BYLETH HAS THE IQ OF THE AMOUNT OF MINES IN FE7 which just occurred to me just now, so why even have it be an in-universe Byleth vision if it means as little as that one guy who betrays you in Awakening early on, it just makes Byleth look even more bloody stupid for seemingly never questioning Rhea.)



  9. Yeah the crest descriptions are awful.

    I've said before but I hate any "additional" RNG generally and the crests would be a big example if 3H wasn't relatively easy.  (at least compared to Awakening, where Dual Strike is actually the cause of most of my early game deaths on several playthroughs, while I haven't had a badly-timed crest activation kill me, yet.)

    HIDDEN extra RNG even more so, I'd rather have a strategy game flesh itself out with non-random elements. (Such as Light Runes and Mines.) than "Hey, let's stick on even more randomness the player needs to keep track of!" or at the very least, keep it to "Objective" player bonuses, getting some health back/preserving weapon uses doesn't screw me over, while any sort of extra damage very much can result in suffering from success. (I honestly prefer how Heroes does it since at least there I can actually time/plan out when my ability activates for extra damage.)

    Yeah I dislike Rhea being so obviously evil, if I at least had the option to have Byleth recognize and be unnerved by this, I wouldn't mind but the plot, as it does on several occasions, seems to think that having a feared legendary mercenary display intelligence lower than any other FE Lord, including admittingly trained villagers is reasonable, somehow.  (And for an avatar, it creates a big disconnect when my Avatar likes/isn't creeped out by someone who very much annoys me or creeps me out, use those dialogue prompts for something as simple as letting us decide how Byleth reacts to something please IS that's kinda the point of having them generally.)

    I saved after the creepy scene where she has you on her lap later on and It wouldn't surprise me if the game has Byleth just brush that off rather than being incredibly creeped out. 

  10. Clearly, after the new CYL: It's clear Gatekeeper is actually a god-power entity, capable of summoning Garreg Mach itself to him at will.

    The weird time-distortion in 3H? Where eating food a few times a day and training makes it night time but you can go across the continent, fight and come back in a day? His work.

    Why can Byleth not go back far enough to save Jeralt despite easily being able to do so in gameplay? because of him, after all, there wouldn't be as much to report if Jeralt dies.

    Why do Byleth's god powers not allow a Golden Route newgame plus? Because he shows up and stops them, because he can't report on a war if it never happens.

    He is a cosmic entity of chaos that wants as much to  report on as possible.

  11. Definitely getting Gatekeeper.

    I kinda hope another "Meme" character who'd normally never get in/isn't playable in their own game wins the next CYL. (Such as Nuibaba, Bandit Boss or Kostas for instance.) I'd rather have more unique characters who aren't playable at all as opposed to. "Here's yet another character already in the game, with a different outfit and maybe a different weapon type".

  12. Mark wears green because he actually spends a not-in-significant amount of time during battles hiding behind a bush giving orders while not hiding inside of the main lord. (Like an Medieval Ghillie Suit.) as well as possibly how he travels when on his own by hiding from Bandits with it. (And being caught out in the open plains with little cover is why Lyn found him unconscious.)



  13. 17 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

    Going off of your idea, it definitely happened off-screen. Byleth agreed, never really having "the talk," but before anything happened, Manuela got drunk and passed out. This left a false impression of what sex was in Byleth's mind, and that impression wouldn't be corrected until Byleth was married.

    Unless of course you marry Lindhardt, then it's not corrected for a good bit longer.

  14. 6 hours ago, Jotari said:

    No, not enough dodge! We need Ferdinand with Alert Stance+, Sword Prowess 5, Sword Evasion+20, Wyvern Lord avoid+10, Immortal Corps battalion and a evasion ring.  That's over 100 avoid before you even factor in his actual stats. Absolutely unhittable. Dimitri could pull off too as his post time skip personal skill provides 5 more avoid than Ferdinand's. You also have two skill slots open, so you could toss on renewal and quick riposte to top up his personal skill and avoid getting doubled (though getting both of them in addition to Alert stance+ and Sword Prowess 5 would probably be impossible outside of New Game+ shenanigans)

    All this talk of skills has made me realize I never checked anyone's skills for my entire playthrough to assign them after unlocking them.

    I'll have to get on that as I kinda find myself honestly forgetting things other than supports/weapons.

    I start failing to keep checking up on things on once it's more than Money, Weapons and Supports.

  15. 47 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Three Houses Day 8: First Blood

    Alright, let's get this show on the road.

    I'm checking out the marketplace, which you hilariously can visit even on the battlefield prep screen if you want, and I buy another iron lance for Dimitri since he burnt through his original one using tempest lance because for some fucking reason lances are singled out to have 10 fewer uses than the equivalent swords and fifteen fewer uses than the equivalent axes, and they don't let you repair things at this point for some reason, so your only option is to buy another one.

    And now Sothis grants us the power of divine pulse, and it will be a very dark day for this game if I ever feel the occasion to use it.

    And this game will sure as shit try.

    Because this game is when rewinds went from “Don't like it? Don't use it”, to “Don't like it? Go to hell.”


    Ah yes, the gambit voice effects are pretty dumb. They always use an all-male group of people for the yelling charge, no matter the gender makeup of the battalion. Even if it's all-female. And here, even the generic trash-talk they give before the charge is all-male, despite there clearly being at least one woman among them.


    Funfact: Anna showing up there was a patch thing, I initially played the game for the first few chapters without patching it, so when I ended up patching it, I had already viewed this screen, so Anna popping up and saying Welcome actually startled me.

    What like having enemies spawn from weird wooden bits on the walls that are only identifiable as doors when you use the entirely zoomed in view that no one would really use because it denies you the ability to properly see where everything is on the battlefield?

    Yeah FE Combat doesn't really take advantage of splitting up, it's not like a Unit's facing matters for instance (so even if you did do some big brain IQ tactic to somehow get behind some enemies, it doesn't really matter.) nor is there any form of stealth somehow.

    It's almost like Battalion's were a mistake. (I stick to my belief they should have been DS-style generics instead.)

  16. It seems like a DNA thing (So Blood and Hair) but Hannerman's dialogue around the time when he founds out you have a crest. (If I remember, he implies he wants to strip but if you're female he says can get Manuela to do it.)

    So it's a DNA thing, so why would a physical examination be required?

    Maybe I'm missing something but it seems more like it was something thrown in so they could joke about it despite it making little sense. 

  17. 13 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Frankly, this game is the worst for throwing weapons; they are much weaker than bows, as well as heavier and less accurate. Also, the higher-end throwing weapons need Wootz Steel to repair. Simply put, just use a bow instead if you want to attack from range.

    Pretty much from what I understand.

    I do at least like how Bows have higher range but suffer accuracy penalties in this, that was a good change much needed IMO, reminds me a bit of more "Traditional" turn-based games like Classic X-Com/Jagged Alliance handling guns.

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Three Houses Day 7: Plans for the Future

    Right, so, here comes week 2 of classes for the month, and since I'm not left with as much time today as I expected to have, I think I'm going to devote today to talking about two main things. The second will be my plans for my army, and the first...

    ...Okay, so I've been looking for the right opening to discuss this for ages, but I've had this idea for a while that I feel would address multiple issues I have with this game. Those being:

    1: The fact that Byleth is ironically the least-customizable unit in the entire cast due to being just as untrained as everyone else but being way more expensive to teach.

    2: The fact that Byleth's position as teacher seems completely undeserved due to that whole “not having any high skill ranks” thing.

    3: The fact that the game acts like fighting other students should be a gut punch despite giving you damned near no opportunities to get emotionally attached to anyone the game is going to force you to fight.

    My solution:

    Give Byleth a damned subject to teach, either in addition to or instead of a house.




    Yeah 3H...isn't very good...at alot, I do feel IMO it at least has heart but the devs bit off way, way more than they could chew it seems, honestly almost anything would be better than what we have right now. (Like Byleth, as you said, teaching a subject to all 3 Houses.)

    Literally the only big interaction you can have with other students is tea-parties, which has no dialogue from them, so it practically doesn't count, (Again, feels like an feature in early Alpha.) sure with mission help and those you can unlock supports...but well, are you going to focus on getting supports for a ton of students instead of your own?

    I'm still on the Month with Kronya but with the exception of Armor/Riding taking too long to grow, I don't feel like Byleth is as "forced" into a class as Robin is, Robin has magic (Which is literally objectively better than their sword in every way.) and Nosferatu is OP, which means you feel more than slightly "Encouraged" for Dark Mage/Tactician Robin.

    While sure Byleth has a unique Sword weapon (That I only use on Demonic Beasts), I've been able to have them pick up Lances and some magic for healing without feeling like I'm playing super sub-optimally, while in Awakening, well, Nosferatu gets the game over quicker much faster. (though I guess that partly is the result of the Sword of the Creator being not that great.)

    That said, I don't think there's any moments where having supports with someone you don't recruit matters. (There was that cut thing where Edelgard could recruit some of the Black Eagles on Silver Snow but we don't know how that ends up mattering.)

    I almost wonder if they should have just had 2 routes, Edelgard and non-Edelgard since it seems like from what I hear that the non-Edelgard routes mostly re-tread themselves. 



  18. 7 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:


    As for throwables, with the poor stats they've given to throwable Lances and Axes, there's a solid case for the unit in question just picking up a Bow instead. Bows also offer Curved Shot for extra Range and/or Hit, while Javelins and Hand Axes can't use combat arts at range.


    Not to mention that tutoring for a weapon type gives next-to-no-EXP past a certain level...so I'm pretty sure it's probably practical to train almost everyone in Bows eventually since you get little EXP for tutoring them in their "main" weapon. (Especially if tutoring is still available in the second half of the game, I've not got to the war section yet.)

    Also anyone else think that Broken Bows shouldn't still be able to be used? I always just took it as "They run out of arrows for the bow but they didn't make a new message", I dunno it just seems like maybe they should be excluded so there's a reason to train them in Swords or Lances as back-up weapons. (And you can't attack with magic once you use it all up.) and while I'm no expert on ye olde weapons, a broken sword sounds like it can still in theory be used as a weapon, while anyway I can think that causes a bow to be broken probably means it can't be used as a weapon. ( I just feel like maybe ranged attacks should be something you can run out of.)

    Then again I did get an (Not sure if exceptionally RNG blessed) Good Shamir, who can already haave a 70-ish chance to hit with a broken Iron Bow, so I can honestly just save gold on bow repairs by having her shoot everyone with a broken bow so maybe I'm a bit biased on the effectiveness of Broken Bows. (Since Bernadetta isn't as good.)

  19. 1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Simple maths is one of the thing that really endears me to the old Paper Mario games. It just feels like stats are so much more tangible and matter when a single point of defense is something you need take into account.

    Yeah I'm a fan of "less is more" in terms of stats.
    I'm not a big fan of "LETS HAVE HIGH NUMBERS!" *Cough*Awakening*Cough* because it just makes things needlessly confusing and almost always results in less-balanced difficulty as if even the actual developers can't understand the high numbers themselves.

    Honestly same with weapons too, I Feel like 3H "Anyone can use any weapon!" system isn't worth it because in addition to no weapon triangle....Swords/Lances/Axes all have Killer/Brave/throwable versions at least, so it's not like say, Killer Weapons are exclusive to Swords so there's an actual reason to branch into them.


  20. 14 hours ago, ZeManaphy said:

    Oh, what a pity. I always made sure I always returned lost items to students once I got them. It's a great way to develop points for the professor level as well as learning more about the interests of the people of the academy. That being said, I understand why you don't enjoy Three Houses. As I've stated above and is my main point still, Three Houses is a game that rewards you for getting invested into the world of Fodlan: its history, culture, people, and practices The more you invest, the better the rewards. Activities like returning items and minigames help you learn about your allies what histories they have and how Fodlan's current politics affect them. Obviously someone who just wants to go to battle with minor breaks and does not care about the history or current story of Three Houses in not going to like this game because it wants you to care about Fodlan, its people, and its future. And for those who invest in these people and social issues, they get the better rewards, which is a good thing because towards a play style that is enhanced by those features.


    I'm not really trying to sound like an ass but I disagree.

    For Lost Items, you generally have little-to-no hints (such as one of Shamir's items being hinted at only by a single support) so you just mash every item on every person and half the time due to this, you're not even sure which of the 20 items you went through was actually what you gave them, I honestly don't know over half of what items I turned in actually were.

    I need to kinda ask, how much of this actually requires the Academy?

    With the single exception of the Library (Which I'd argue narrators in previous FE games covered for the most part) nothing about lore requires the Academy, characters generally don't say anything of interest and the few actually meaningful things that matter, could have easily fit in a pre-battle cutscene in an older FE game/Talking in a village in Echoes.

    As someone who has actually gone out of their way to talk to everyone..most of the dialogue doesn't matter, it's fluff and filler without meaning most of the dialogue is pretty much everyone saying the same thing but slightly filtered through their personality for the most part, very little of it in my experience actually has made me know more about the world and if anything, it just adds more pointless dialogue that makes it easier to forget when someone says something actually meaningful, because it's buried under 20 different flavours of "Hey Professor did you know "Insert Current Plot Thread but slightly filtered" is going on?" I honestly forgot character traits til others mentioned them/I saw later because I talked to them, talked to everyone else's recycled dialogue and then it got forgotten in the sea of pointless dialogue.

    Infact more often than not, it's frustrating when something comes up...then people just don't talk about it even though they should, Why does Jeralt know Leonie? for instance, it should be something we learn in the Academy by talking to either Jeralt/Leonie but nope, it's in a support, can I ask Rhea what exactly constitutes the Death Penalty because that concerns me? Nope.

    Personally, I don't agree with this, the few worthwhile bits of dialogue could have easily fitted in a Pre-battle cutscene (Like FE7 did alot with the Lords) or a talk bit in a village.

  21. I know IS probably won't read this but I'm curious if anyone agrees with me here. (Also kinda writing this out a bit late where I live so I may not exactly do this great.)

    While it's not quite a justification for how little meaningful dialogue choices there are in 3H (Look at any RPG with voice acting.) would you be okay with there being less voice acting overall (Such as for the Monastery ) if it resulted in you having more choices in dialogue?

    I've noticed that a few good text adventures tend to give the player a decent-to-large amount of options and having only text (or less voiced dialogue at least, basically not having every little interaction being voiced.) would no doubt make this somewhat more plausible for an FE game.


    I feel a good example of why I'm so disapointed (and wondering if FE should take after Text Adventures) is the Ball from 3H.

    I'm going to compare it to a similar event in Guenevere, an in-development Choice of Games Text Adventure, written by one person about playing as Guenevere in the King Arthur Myth. (But has the advantage of being a text adventure so only really text but I believe a big game studio could probably do this in something like 3H, especially given 3H fondness for cutting corners as much as humanly possible in terms of interacting with people.)

    In Guenevere, this event is a Wedding Banquet for Guenevere and Arthur's arranged wedding, which happens to also involve alot of dancing so I consider it a comparable event. (Granted this is the first real event of Guenevere so it'd kinda probably get the most effort but this was important enough to get a CG cutscene in 3H which is a much longer game with much more developers and budget.)

    For starters, Byleth is pretty much stated by Sothis to dislike it regardless, while Genevere's attitude towards it is decided by the player. (Minor but a choice none the less.)

    In 3H we see some dancing, Claude takes our hand...and it's over, it feels more like an excuse for the shipping moment in the Goddess tower to be honest.

    In Genevere, we get to decide how we approach this, we can be cheerful and dance with everyone, dance a little or decide you're going to do the one dance everyone expects with Arthur then find a chair because you're not a fan of this.

    You then get to decide if you chat with a few named characters with dialogue and some interactions. (Though you can only interact with at max 2 before the Ball ends.)

    (Also if say, Lancelot was to do the Claude thing and grab your hand, you'd have the option to decline, accept or potentially, on instinct throw/nearly throw Claude to the ground because you're a hardened mercenary and you're kinda used to people grabbing you during a fight and therefore make a bit of a scene, and potentially add an extra Seteth/Rhea scene at some point where they chew you out for this, since a kinda similar interaction can happen later on in Guenevere and this event is decently long into 3H.)

    Afterwards, you get to decide if you tag along with Arthur/Lancelot stealing fireworks from Merlin or talk with Arthur's Half-Sister Morgana or decline both and simply try to go to bed.

    So if this was 3H, you'd also get to decide if Byleth actually goes to the Goddess Tower or just goes off to bed. (And in the case of a few similar Choice of Games, perhaps have the option to do something dumb earlier and challenge Manuela to a drinking contest, then miss out on the rest of the event because what did you expect was going to happen and wake up with a hang over tomorrow or even literally do just get the option to ask to guard the outside because you don't want to attend the Ball, then you skip it straight into the Goddes Tower choice.)

    Guenevere also can potentially have an ominous dream you can have here but only if you go out of your way to avoid interacting with others a fair bit. (So in 3H terms you'd get another vision dream like the start or a Sothis interaction if you basically try to avoid interacting with anyone for the most part and have Byleth go to bed early.)

    So while Guenevere has no voice acting (or even Graphics), it's Big Fancy Dance event feels like an involved fleshed out event with a good few choices that improve your relationship with characters as well as letting you decide if Guenevere is happy with/indifferent-ish or outright hates the Dance. (And a hidden little vision for those that go out of their way to be "I'm getting married against my will and I hate it.")

    While in 3H it's a short cutscene that honestly doesn't matter, you could literally write in "Byleth was assigned to guard the Goddess Tower since Rhea saw they didn't want to dance." and aside from a short bit of ship-tease with Claude literally nothing would change, you wouldn't even miss out on support points by deciding to dance/chat with certain characters, it pretty much is eye-candy and nothing more.

    Maybe it's just me but the lack of choices/skimming over anything that could allow for any (even something as minor as "Do you accept Claude's Dance?", is part why the whole focus on interactions 3H has falls completely flat for me.

    While I doubt we'll get a Text Adventure FE-Spin-off (Though I would probably buy one.) I would honestly rather have more text-only dialogue if it allowed for more choices like this one text adventure, by one person.

    Maybe it's just me but I was hoping 3H would at least have some choices like this and the sheer lack of it is honestly incredibly noticeable, I'm not saying every single possible choice here should have been present but the fact not even a single one is kinda shows. (At best you have "What out of two ways is Byleth feeling more down about?")

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