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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. On 7/31/2021 at 2:59 PM, X-Naut said:

    The crossbows were mainly just an aesthetic feature for whatever reason. FE1 had the Bowgun but it acted more like a proto-Killer Bow than a true crossbow.

    I wouldn't mind seeing them return like their Radiant Dawn incarnation but their damage could use some reworking.

    I can't speak for how they worked in RD but even if they were just essentially Killer bows, they'd at least look/have different animations than a regular bow.

    I feel like generally with the exception of the Killer Sword/Hand Axe/Levin Sword/Mace that all of the weapon sub-types all "blend" together, sure they technically have different stats/models in the in 3D games I think but you don't see them for that long and they generally don't look that distinctive apart from each other. (And in the GBA games they all look exactly the same during actual battles.)

    So I would honestly be happy if Crossbows are brought back and they're just Killer Bows but with a unique appearance.


  2. 7 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    If we're going to have marriage then I prefer it to be of the Genealogy of the Holy War variety, existing for the sake of gameplay and plot (I'd almost give that to Awakening too, but let's face it, none of the child units not named Lucina play any sort of role in the plot of Awakening). If we're going to have it just purely for plot, well then I'd rather it be like pre Awakening games and give the character predefined arcs and relationships with specific units, rather than try to cobble together romantic endings with a bunch of units who weren't really trending towards a romantic ending and are given paired supports that look more like madlibs than an actual shared conclusion of respective plots. And to be fair Three Houses wasn't absolutely terrible in this regard, but it was such a hugely unfinished game I think I'd rather the effort was spared for something else. Like making Silver Snow and Verdant Wind at least superficially different.

    Not to mention the Children can be easily skipped. (I honestly found them more trouble than they were worth, so I only got Morgan and Noire, and Noire went on the Bench almost instantly.)

    Yeah I wish we had the FE7 way, where it's a handful of well-written romances as opposed to "Hey we're co-workers, lets marry" feel Awakening has. (I didn't like it when it was my first FE game and I definitely don't like it now.)




  3. 11 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    Ha. I love the line "Marriage serves no actual gameplay purpose!? It's just Waifu pandering!? Whoo!"

     I do prefer marriage being at the end like in FE7.

    It makes no sense to me why our lot are apparently getting married in the middle of a war when time is usually of the essence.  (Like in Awakening.)

    Also I'd rather have romances be for the characters sake than my Elite Eugenics Program to have the best child unit super soldiers. (even if I wish the 3H confession art was all in third person, I honestly just find it kinda creepy having first person CG art.)

  4. 39 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Actually for that matter it infuriates me that two of the four endings have Byleth as the literal God-Emperor of Fodlan like that's a happy ending that could possibly end well.

    I could probably go on further but I really don't want to text for five hours. I'll mention stuff about the other routes if I'm reminded.

    I know it's a bit early but that pisses me off.

    The game has dialogue choices, Byleth becoming God-Emperor is literally the last thing, is it that hard to just give the player a choice?

    Just have "Nah ,you sort this out yourself, I want to go back to being a simple mercenary" as a dialogue option, it's literally the very end of the game from what I know so it's not like you have to change alot.

  5. An FE game where the conflict is Global somehow with factions based on several historical countries. (I guess cross-continent teleportation is a thing or the story is set over a significant amount of time.)

    So you have not-Egyptians for instance (I know Plegia are apparently based on Egypt but they don't use Egyptian weapons or resemble them much.) throwing down with not-Vikings, with each country having a few things to make them distinct. (Such as the not-Egyptians using mostly Bronze weapons but being big on Light Magic.)

    So we can have more weird historical-inspiried weapons like a Not-Khopesh.


  6. 21 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:

    Noooo!! Let her live and be an NPC! Or better yet, a unit. Hector's death will be enough of a gut punch, and it would round out the trifecta: You have one of the Old Guard who dies in Hector, one who can't fight in Eliwood, and one who can and does join the fight in Lyn. Besides, we don't have enough middle-aged/elderly* women fighting.


    It's a crack-ship I have. I wrote a support for it a while ago. Basically I think Ursula would respect Hector and Co for their strength, and Hector personally for his (rarely shown) cynicism and pragmatism. The pairing is mostly Ursula trying to prove her worth to Hector, and, over the course of a lifetime (and a daughter), doing so. I personally would ship Hector and FE8 Selena** more, but I highly doubt IntSys is going to bring a character from a different continent/planet/universe over to Elibe. And if they do, it certainly won't be a dead one...


    *Middle aged may be a stretch, depending on how young they make Lyn in FE7. If she's 15-16 during her own story, she'd be roughly 35 in FE6, right? That's far from middle age...then again, it might be considered middle age for the game, so who knows. 

    *I wrote a support for that one too. Ultimately, Hector and Selena get together, but Selena refuses to be sworn to another man after the tragedy of Vigarde, so they stay unwed. She travels around the country a lot, and as such isn't as present in Lilina's life growing up. This would also allow her to show up in FE6 without having to miraculously save her from any tragedy or the like. 

    But you see, M-a-x-i-m-u-m  E-m-o-t-i-o-n-a-l P-a-i-n.

    I wouldn't mind Lyn coming back but I do wonder if they'd manage to do that well, I do hope the Mani Katti returns at least as an unique weapon, maybe could you get it from some Bern Boss who has it as a War Trophy from Sacae if they don't bring Lyn back, because P-a-i-n.

    Eh, by Fe Standards it's probably how old Marcus is in FE7.

    I think I might have actually read that a while back.


  7. 15 minutes ago, Use the Falchion said:


    **That being said, if they decided to make Ursula recruitable and a potential marriage partner for Hector, I'M GOING FOR IT. Or, you know, just let Hector romance Serra.

    Definitely the same, but for different reasons. (Although I do think - or rather, I HOPE - that a remake would handle the...ah...removal of Hector's wife from the story far better than the original did, assuming she needs to be removed at all.)

    I can't say the thought of Ursula and Hector being together is a thought that crossed my mind, that's a new one.

    Is there a reason you think they'd get along?

    I do know if Lyn has to die (Probably if she's Hector's Wife if she's not going to die already) I do want her demise to be a last-stand defending Sacae, simply because I want the emotional gut-punch of that. (And it'd be more kinda tragic if it's due to saving Zephiel/meaningful than just child-birth.)

  8. Modern FE heavily pushes for Lyn X Mark but who would you have Mark hook up with given the choice?

    For me, for a Male Mark, it'll be Vaida, mainly since the few hints towards Mark's backstory in OG FE7 hint towards him being from Bern and I'd be curious to see how they handle that with Vaida who's very loyal to Zephiel.

    For a Female Mark, Hector, because he's Hector and I don't care if I'm setting myself to die in an unspecified tragic accident so FE6 can happen because it'll be worth it.

  9. 1 hour ago, lenticular said:

    So, I totally get why a lot of people don't like the Monastery. What I do not understand is why people don't like the Monastery but then do all the Monastery activities anyway. And what I doubly don't understand is why people don't like the Monastery, do it all anyway, and then complain that the game is too easy. The game is balanced to be beatable without any bonuses from the monastery. With the exception of the small number of mandatory activities in the early-game that serve as a tutorial, it's completely viable to just skip through every month doing nothing but resting and auto-tutoring and still get through the game (at least on Normal and Hard difficulties).

    I tend to think of the Monastery as being similar to skirmish grinding in Awakening, social stuff in My Castle in Fates, or sidequests in Shadows of Valentia. It's there for people who want it, is a part of "optimal" play and will definitely make the game easier, but it's fine to skip some or all of it if you don't want to engage with it.

    The other issue with trying for authentic pronunciation is that there's no way most of the voice actors are going to manage to nail all of the phonemes from languages other than English. If they tried for an authentic Old Norse pronunciation of Hræsvelgr then they might get something that sounds fairly similar to an Anglophone ear but it would probably still sound weird to any native speaker of any nordic language.

    Because at least on a first play through, you don't know how much the game is beatable without them, for all you know, you're heavily expected to use them. 

    I also don't quite agree with comparing it to side-quests in Valentia:

    Valentia side-quests can, for the most part, be done at any time at your own pace, almost all of them aren't time-sensitive, not to mention that you can grind in Dungeons at any time.

    With 3H, you're at a deadline, you only have so long you can grind before the next plot-battle, you feel forced to do it now because you can't do it later.


  10. 3 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:


    Glad to know that the students are on a "first-name basis" with the Professor. You know, the character who is never referred to by their name in canon? And whom their students regularly call "Professor" or "Teach"? Yeah, this scene us dumb.

    Seriously just make Byleth's name Byleth.

    Changing it adds nothing, it's not like you find your "Real" name written down anywhere, just call them Byleth.

    I always feel the actual personality of a character (Which 3H only lets you sway a little bit, which is still relatively ground-breaking compared to Robin.) is something that matters more in what I can shape.

    I consider a game with actual dialogue choices that let me shape a character but only that, to be a better attempt at an Avatar/Insert/Customizable player character than "Here's a generic anime protagonist, you can make them look slightly different and change their name."

  11. Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

    Admittedly, it definitely looks like it's not an option because otherwise there'd be no game. Still, would be amusing at least if there actually was that.

    Like in a game like Golden Sun, when asked to go save the world, you can actually say no and... Game Over. But the option is there and you can actually decline, so points for effort.

    They could probably find a way, like Jeralt's Mercenary group is crippling low on funds or something and Byleth could have dialogue with their dad where it's clear that they're only doing it due to the money problem.

  12. If only this game had a dialogue system that potentially allowed us to actually shape Byleth a bit, like complain about the situation to Jeralt or act in someway that implies we aren't on-board with this whole thing, If only.

    Seriously it annoys me how we aren't even give any real chance to have Byleth be suspicious, the best we get is a few situations and it's more "I don't believe in the Goddess" rather than any actual distrust towards the Church. 

    Also yeah, there should have been a "No to all of you" option with the house leaders in that one bit, we literally know nothing about them. (and I guess maybe word the other options to have it be so that it's more Byleth humoring them for instance so it makes more sense.)

  13. 4 hours ago, Imuabicus said:



    I was just talking about those guys appearing from the not-even-identifiable doors when you kill Miklan, there's reinforcement Siege Tomes? 

    On the topic of calling attention, that's why I hate Batallions visually.

    In Classic FE, I only notice "Hey this is kinda technically a small battle" in hindsight, I never really feel myself drawn to the fact that I don't have generics except without fail anytime the series tries to cover that up, I notice.

    Generic Troops in an SOV cutscene? well they literally never exist in gameplay and I actually though the Deliverance were a relatively small group winning via blitzkrieg on a too divided army, why are we suddenly seemingly an equal massive army with Generics that didn't exist before or after?

    Battalions literally vanish in/out of combat unless you play the entire battle zoomed all the way in (which no one is going to.), it really draws attention to it rather than hiding it. (I'd honestly rather Battalions be Generic units, you fixed the problem of 3H having not many characters, you could make good Generics highly expensive but also low tier ones costly enough that using human wave tactics is still a terrible idea.)

    Yeah I don't like the emotion stuff, they feel like a misguided thing to cover for the fact the character models aren't super-detailed but just look like clutter, IMO, those emoticon things are like motion blur, they're good in moderation when the scene requires it, but slapping them ontop of everything just looks bad.  (Same with Support points being earned being these dumb massive love-hearts that feel out of place, I kinda miss the purple effect Echoes had, admittingly maybe it's because it reminds me of Awakening's support thing.)

    Just use the teleport feature all the time for the Monastery, that's what I do.

    But yeah it has no right being as slow to load, bad looking or...well anything.

    Deadly Premonition and Red Faction Guerilla are on the Switch, both games look better, run better and load faster than 3H with a full proper open world and both games actually predate 3H by a not insignificant amount of time. (DP was 2010, RF:G was 2009 while 3H is 2019.)


  14. 5 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Also, to be clear, that's not the main reason, even though it was the only one I listed. Guess I considered the main one too ingrained into me to remember to voice it. The main reason is that, from everything I've seen and heard, the only universe in which Maddening can even resemble being fair is one in which you are making liberal use of divine pulse, something I have no intention of doing, because playing without it makes it so much more obvious just how terrible the game's design philosophy is, and I need to show that off.

    Boy it'd suck if we had random out-of-nowhere enemy spawns from locations that aren't even stairs/forts that can easily force you to divine pulse.

    (Seriously why does this series try to establish reinforcements come from those where when it's frequently broken?)

  15. 1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:



    No video game has ever made me angrier, more frustrated, more stressed, but more importantly, more transcendently miserable. And it wasn't just because my first playthrough was a blind (and through sheer dumb luck, successful) attempt to ironman a game that, more than any other in the series, has nothing but contempt for the concept. It was because it rapidly became apparent that I was playing an installment of my favorite franchise that had somehow managed to surgically destroy almost every aspect of the formula that I personally loved. Almost everything that made me fall in love with the franchise had either been replaced wholesale, corrupted beyond recognition, or buried beneath mountains upon mountains of fluff, filler, and soul-crushing tedium.

    I was looking at a game that represented a potential future where the Fire Emblem I know and love would never be enjoyable again.

    And I was watching the entire fandom happily, zealously, unanimously cheer that future on.

    I have never felt more completely alone in a fandom than I did during those two weeks, feeling like the one Fire Emblem fan on earth who didn't like Three Houses. The only one who didn't like the potential direction this could be taking the franchise in. And after a while it became painfully apparent that, whether due to not being good enough at debating, or just having an audience completely unreceptive to any form of criticism of the new hotness... any attempt to discuss my experience playing it would not accomplish anything.

    ...So I retreated from discussion of Three Houses entirely, and redirected my feelings of frustration into something a bit more productive.


    ...Okay, so... I know that intro probably sounds... a bit melodramatic... but I think it's important to give you a good idea of exactly what and how this game made me feel when I first played it. Because for those of you just now joining us who haven't seen any of my by-now numerous potshots at this game throughout all 18 previous playlogs... first of all, welcome, and second of all, Three Houses is, without any competition whatsoever, my least favorite game in the entire franchise. I do not just consider it a bad Fire Emblem game. I consider it a categorical failure to even be a Fire Emblem game. Because if Fire Emblem is a chocolate sundae, then Three Houses took out the cherry on top and all of the chocolate sauce, and then add five times the sundae's original weight, counting the bowl, in sawdust. Not only does this game aggressively refuse to be played the way I most love playing Fire Emblem, but what remaining recognizable Fire Emblem content there is has been drowned in more fluff and filler than a teddy bear factory would get shipments of in a week.


    So, I boot up the game on my Switch, and one thing I will praise this game for right off the bat is finally letting us have more than a handful of save files. This one gives us 25, when the previous record was 9 in Fates, and even then only if you got all three paths. This arbitrary limitation really should have been done away with ages ago, but it took this long to do it, and even then I'm 90% sure this was patched in post-launch around the same time they added Jeritza to Crimson Flower. But still, credit where credit's due.

    That said, it's been ages since I've last played this game, and this game is positively huge... so I imagine the story will throw me off regardless. That doesn't really matter though. Plotholes or lore inconsistencies are not going to make up too much of my critique of this game, I expect.

    ...Briefly forgetting that I can't simply start a few file by clicking on an empty one, I go over to the “new game” option, and I'm immediately greeted by the offer to make this a new game plus file. I decline, because that adds a ton of incredibly broken nonsense to the game. And since I won't be playing on Maddening (given that the idea of playlogging a mode it's notoriously easy to softlock yourself on sounds absolutely insane), I need to give this game as fair of a chance to be hard as I can grant it.

    I'm going to be honest, I know that feeling all too well and can sympathize. (I won't go into detail but let's just say that the vast majority of games I loved in my childhood that still have installments today are games I now have no desire to play/hate playing if I did get them.)

    That doesn't strike me as melodramatic at all personally.

    Honestly I hope the probably inevitable (and hopefully good) remake of any previous Fe games has that amount of save files, Since I feel like I have to save in a different slot anytime a character dies incase I need them later and are now soft-locked. (Since while I appreciate FE's relative boldness for that, I do want  to have a save file anytime I potentially have a "Point of being screwed".)

    I personally actually hate New Game Plus/DLC stuff on a "Fresh" playthrough as I feel they're almost always stuff that break the experience, (Such as Sniper Elite selling objectively better DLC Guns, such as the only silenced Sniper Rifle and FE Echoes DLC Supports arguably count as a admittingly minor example of this but the unlockable DLC weapons/shields were left untouched in my inventory.) if possible I always try to go as "Release Date" as possible with a game, with only the bare minimum of stuff if possible. (Or if it's stuff that the game was clearly designed around and only left not-in due to time constraints and patched in later.) so I do plan to not do New Game plus stuff until I've done every house once. 

    Yeah the dialogue choices aren't good, a handful are good but well...landing say, roughly 3 dialogue choices not feeling incredibly rail-roaded out of 30 isn't exactly praise-worthy, it's better than only 3 completely pointless ones in Awakening but that's clearing a bar so low I'm pretty sure it's actually just sitting on the ground and not in the air at all.

    Even in Echoes it at least takes several days to traverse the whole thing. (That said an FE game with some sort of travelling mechanic like Jagged Alliance 2 could be cool.)

    1 hour ago, Alastor15243 said:


    This is the lovely part of this playthrough where we are introduced to the single worst aspect of the game's story.

    The fact that they felt the need to make the rewind mechanic a vital, crucial, inescapable part of it, despite the fact that it contributes nothing to the story at all and does not affect the outcome of a single story moment ever after it is introduced.

    But first, a quick amusing tangent:

    In this cutscene, the bandit leader Kostas, who we just took out, suddenly leaps back up and charges at Edelgard, screaming. She proceeds to whip out a puny-yet-apparently-from-what-I've-heard-plot-relevant knife to defend herself.

    My reaction upon seeing this scene for a second time, on my Verdant Wind run, was to go “where the fuck is your axe, Edelgard!?”

    “In Byleth's inventory”, replied my own mind. “You made Edelgard dump it on her, remember?”

    “Too-fucking-shay, game,” I replied, laughing to myself.

    But yes. This is the part of the game where the story introduces its version of Mila's Turnwheel: the Divine Pulse. But rather than this being, like with Mila's Turnwheel, contextualized as the prophetic warnings of the fickle and uncontrollable whims of destiny... it is contextualized as the main character having nigh-unfettered mastery of the fabric of space and time. At any moment, both in gameplay and in story, the avatar has the ability to freeze and rewind time, even after sustaining fatal injuries to themselves.

    “Wow”, the wide-eyed and innocent among you who have not played this game might exclaim, “that's a really, really, ridiculously powerful ability! In light of this ability, what's the writer's game plan to preserve the story's dramatic stakes?”

    Simple, my friend:

    They make half the cutscenes turn Byleth into an incompetent goober with the reflexes of a dying goat.

    It honestly feels like half the cutscenes Byleth appears in were created with the sole purpose of making Byleth incompetent enough to allow numerous horrible things to happen to them in order to justify moving the story forward. This will get absolutely ridiculous later in the story, but I'm sorry to say, people, that this does not wait until you actually have Divine Pulse before it happens.

    No, indeed, one of the most blatant and egregious examples of cutscene incompetence that the canonization of the Divine Pulse mechanic imposes upon the plot... is used to justify the avatar first getting it.

    For you see, how does our dear Professr, who we are supposed to believe is a mighty and feared mercenary, trained by one of the greatest and most famous warriors on the continent, respond to this attack by Kostas?

    This attack that amounts to a bargain bin bandit running at Edelgard with his axe held aloft, screaming at the top of his lungs?

    This attack that takes something around eight seconds, which, for point of reference, is a comparable windup time to Nergal using Ereshkigal, Lyon using Naglfar, or Gharnef using Imhullu?

    The absolute best idea that we are expected to believe Professr is capable of coming up with in that exorbitant length of time... is to push Edelgard out of the way... and tank the blow with her own spine.

    This is our main character, people. This is the character I am expected to believe represents me and my strategic accomplishments throughout this game. And the writers have already set a precedent that they are willing to make this character fail catastrophically at tasks that every other protagonist could, and Lucina in fact did, accomplish with absolute ease.

    Now, there are many arguments as to who the most incompetent protagonist in Fire Emblem history is. Many say it's Celica. Others say it's Eirika. Others still say it's Corrin. There are also the less common, though still reasonably case-make-able, answers like Sigurd, citing things like his political naivete.

    All of these answers are wrong.

    Because riddle me this: did any of these people canonically require literal divine intervention to survive their encounter with the bandit boss of the prologue?

    This is how incompetent they're willing to make the avatar to justify introducing Divine Pulse.

    Wait until you see how incompetent they're willing to make the avatar in order to justify failing in spite of having it.

    But anyway, as you might naturally expect, Sothis is rather furious at Professr for somehow managing to take an axe to the back of the neck... from a frontal attack.



    Ha, imagine being someone who doesn't realize people only actually have one line generally a month and ran around talking to everyone several weeks in a row to see if they have different dialogue, like I did.

    Yeah I literally noticed right away her axe was gone, I won't go into too much detail but if your story ever requires characters to suddenly not use a more appropriate weapon they have to have (So not anything missing/optional), you have screwed up if there is no valid reason for them to not have it, just have an archer nail her in the arm and she drops it in pain or something.

    Also the Animation of Kostas jumping back up is....bad. (Also that annoying trend especially for FE where Perma-death is supposed to be a serious thing where people are fine after getting killed, gods I miss FE7 where every boss was at least explicitly heavily injured and not really in fighting condition if they lived as opposed to apparently getting Aum staffed off-screen.)

    Also yep, Byleth being made incompetent, other games do that to add "DRAMA" to their cutscenes where the protagonist is suddenly incredibly incompetent and almost nothing actually makes me stop caring entirely about what's going on, it's never engaging, it just makes me hate the cutscene due to how obviously contrived it is. (I know it's in the future but when a Mage literally pulls out a shield spell that doesn't even exist in-game just so Byleth can nearly die honestly made me put the Switch in Sleep mode and do something else for a while instead of finishing the cutscene because that's crappy writing.)

    If a character needs to fail then for gods' sake,  make them fail in a way that doesn't make it look like you just threw your hands up and went "DON'T CARE!" in the Writer's room because frankly, if the writers clearly didn't care about this cutscene, why the heck should I?


    If FE characters were ranked on how effective they are "In-universe" (AKA Non-gameplay) Byleth would rank worse than Roy probably.

  16. 10 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Obviously, it's Bern's fancy rock. "No innate power", you say? "A useless MacGuffin", you contend? Maybe so, but it was still (inexplicably) necessary for Zephiel's coronation. Thus giving this one gemstone, which we never see in person, a great deal of political power.

    I don't care what anyone thinks, I love how it's just a fancy rock in Blazing Blade.

  17. Yeah I like Echoes but uh....the game crashes and burns, HARD near the end story-wise, it is a trainwreck.

    You can at least headcannon that maybe Rinea's situation wasn't quite the same since she's kinda not a witch? (It's weird, she's listed as a witch in-game but you can fight enemies called "Vestal"  as random rare encounters and they actually look similar to Rinea.) So maybe her soul was actually bound to Berkut and not Duma or something, it feels like a poorly handled plot point regardless due to calling her a witch when she's clearly not actually a witch, it's a confusing point that feels not finished.

    1 hour ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:


    I'm not really a fan of these fountains, as they just turn fatigue into such a non-entity. You can already counteract it via foodstuffs or shrines, where those show up. It's not hard to make it so you never go into battle fatigued.

    Yeah Echoes just never really uses Fatigue to...really any potential at all really.

    I wonder if maybe a future FE title had an actual time-limit (so if you let the game clock get too far, the villain succeeds in their plan and it's game over.), mix that with fatigue actually mattering (like resting for a day/eating food being the only way to restore it) and maybe it could be an interesting mechanic.

    Too Bad Echoes does nothing like that and you can easily reset it by just leaving the dungeon easily in 99 percent of situations. (Fatigue should have been per-round of combat IMO, maybe allow to to regenerate a bit if a unit has "wait" as their action for a turn, so if say, a Unit fights off 4-5 enemies in one phase, they'll almost certainly be tired out and suffering stat-debuffs next phase.)


  18. 3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:


    Oh yeah, so, this means there's a Mila idol in the basement of the Duma Tower, and... while I get that it's headless because the Duma Faithful don't give a shit... Why is it there in the first place? Who made all of these statues to Mila in Rigel?


    Since The old Duma Faithful didn't seem to have too much ill-will towards Mila/Zofia (They literally kept Conrad safe) perhaps originally in Rigel you were still allowed to worship Mila and/or it wasn't uncommon for people to just turn a blind eye/not really care if someone did.

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