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Posts posted by Samz707

  1. On 4/22/2023 at 2:03 PM, NotYourKindOfPeople said:

    With the success of the Mario movie, What are chances of getting an actual Fire Emblem movie/tv series/etc?

    It doesn't seem impossible.

    Valkyria Chronicles got an anime.

    As for which, it depends.

    I'm an FE7 fan so obviously I'd love to see that, especially since it hasn't gotten an voice acted adaptation yet. 

    I actually really liked the OVA and I liked how it was seemingly going to flesh the characters out  (While I hear the DS games didn't really do that.) for FE3.

    Awakening is popular so it's honestly likely though. (Not that I'd like that, I really didn't like it as a game and making it an anime wouldn't fix my issues with it.)

    Multi-route games are the least likely unless we get some weird thing where A: Byleth can now time travel to the start of FE3H Routes in canon now for that game or B: they make several different seasons of it that follow different routes. 



  2. Air Conflicts: Secret Wars (Via the Switch collection.)

    I don't really play many flying games but it seems like a decent WW2 arcadey flight sim, I also like how it has more obscure parts of the war. (Such as Yugoslavia.) 

  3. 19 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Byleth does manage to shift the balance of the war entirely to the side they join. The situation is a complete stale mate without them and then a complete victory with them. Moral support can only go so far, some of that must be down to sheer competence, either as a warrior or as a commander.

    I at least think that's understandable in the sense of usual "war only continues when the protag gets involved".

    You can see it in CRPGs alot, like Fallout NV, the big war that the game is around basically halts outside of maybe random battles with no real impact until your character gets involved.

    STALKER Clear Sky,Jagged Alliance and Brigade E5/7.62mm stick out for being exceptions. (And even then, Clear Sky and Brigade E5/7.62mm stick out as the only ones where your faction will actually advance without your input.) 

    It's silly but it's usually how games hand this, Byleth waking up to the war already being over wouldn't be much. 

  4. I'm kinda unimpressed with Byleth in Hopes?

    I'm only on Chapter 7 but I've experienced the big intro thing and done the first "rematch" with Byleth.

    Hopes Byleth frankly comes off as a mary sue and their absurd opness feels completely at odds with Houses Byleth.

    They instantly defeat several named characters in a silly way to establish them as "strong" (or more just makes them look weak, after all Kostas nearly killed Byleth in Houses) and in both of the proper fights, the game handles them poorly.

    The first fight will get interrupted by a cutscene if you survive long enough, this already makes it look like Byleth isn't actually that strong and more that the game is willing to cheat to make them "look" strong in a superficial way.

    In their second fight, you literally get a reward for forcing Byleth to retreat by depleting their HP, yet the game will then promptly act like Shez couldn't defeat Byleth in a cutscene afterwards, even though I literally just did and the game rewarded me for it.

    I know the Death Knight in Houses gets a bad rep but at least there, the game never acted like "Oh there is no way Byleth could ever defeat them!" while you were literally holding the rewards you just got for kicking their ass.

    Byleth comes off as not that strong but they have the writers to clumsily rewrite any situation to make them look good, they so far are honestly worse than Houses Byleth with how much of this weird Avatar Worship they get by the story.  (Since yeah they're not technically the player avatar anymore but they're blatantly getting dumb special treatment, more so than Houses which already skirted the line at times.) 


  5. 57 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

    Yeah, and it makes the unit feel more like a Lyn alt despite being called "Mark".

    I don't mind it, I'd take it any day over stuff like the Valentine's Day Lyn and her crushing on Kiran, it's better than most of Lyn's alts that I'm aware of.

    I'd also honestly rather have them have this "ambigious" Mark since A: that's the appeal and B:If most FE Avatars are to go by, they could have easily worsened Mark if they made them more like Robin/Corrin.

  6. I do find it funny how the Paralogue/Duo convo has Lyn talk more about her family, considering how it's usually just avatar-worship with her in FEH from what I've seen, so I see it as funny that the Avatar Duo is finally when Lyn starts talking more about her family in FEH.

  7. 4 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    As far as Rebecca alts go I think aging her UP instead of down would have been more interesting. An alt of Rebecca as Wolt and Roy’s mom would have been really cute.

    Old Rebecca would be cool.

    If we ever get an FE6 remake, I'd like to see an older Rebecca make a cameo at least. (I am totally not biased by the fact she actually killed Nergal in my first run.) 

  8. 5 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Supports suck and get way too much attention from the Fire Emblem community.

    I can't say I agree considering how FE3H's supports are part of what makes the cast so great, even as far back as FE6 some of my favourite bits in it story-wise are supports. (Such as Fae and Igrene.)

    At least in FE3H Paired endings felt like a "S-Support" of sorts, though I hear Engage only has these for the Avatar and honestly I hate that, I like supports more when they're used to flesh out characters, I'd honestly rather see it like FE7 again where the Avatar has no paired ending and there's more of a focus on other characters having paired endings.

  9. 5 hours ago, Safy said:

    I see toxicity the other way around too, like you're called an "elitist" and unwanted around the hoods if you say you like series staples such as permadeath or weapon durability. Or if you genuinely enjoy chilling with the laid-back pace of Genealogy's maps.

    I have definitely seen this with the Tomb Raider fandom.

    If you don't like the new games, you are by default biased and nostalgia blinded.

  10. On 2/27/2023 at 3:37 AM, Florete said:

    Nothing specific. I just think getting rid of "this character can't be involved in any cutscene because they might be dead" would be helpful. It's not even just the story proper, if you knew characters would be around you could have outside characters be involved in supports and such. The support system as it is in FE only exists because of permadeath, which is unfortunate because strictly 1-on-1 conversations for character development are also quite limiting.

    Alternatively, they could simply pull a FE7 Matthew, have alternative versions of cutscenes for if they're dead, just on a somewhat larger scale.

    FE3H's group chats I feel even get a decent bit in negating this.


  11. On 2/1/2023 at 8:05 PM, Zapp Branniglenn said:


    Not strictly. Some characters in Fire Emblem get MORE screen time as a result of unit death. Going all the way to the first Fire Emblem. If Ceada has been killed and you beat the game, that scene with her is replaced with Nyna comforting Marth over her death. Admit it, you want to read that script. For Famicom storytelling standards, that IS a different ending. I would argue Fire Emblem ought to push harder incorporating permadeath in storytelling, then tell us the storytelling may change based on unit deaths at the Classic/Casual selection screen. Now we're even more invested to seek out the best ending, or seek out different story events on repeat playthroughs.


    FE7 as well.

    Several scenes change if Matthew is dead.

    The Dread Isle scene that changes if he's dead hit far harder for me than the corny forced "Here's a dramatic death, feel sad" moments of actual "characters" (Emmeryn and Mikoto) that the game wanted me to care about, part of it is how Matthew has actual attachment (Good Dialogue, being a unit in gameplay and supports) and another part is how Matthew's death, is actually my fault, It wasn't some forced roll-my-eyes plot death for some obnoxious NPC, it was an actual, lovable unit, who would still be alive had I not messed up earlier.

    This is one of my favourite story moments in the series and Only Permadeath could tell it.

  12. SOV definitely has the best looking portraits in the series.

    Battle style, I put it down to GBA (Because not too slow.) but SOV is a close contender.

    Map style: 3H, it's 3D and you can rotate it but still readable though again it's a close-call with Echoes (Since the maps are actually readable at a glance unlike previous 3DS FE games.) and I'm not sure which I'd consider better. (Just didn't want to answer SOV for everything.)


  13. On 9/14/2022 at 5:57 PM, HillCountry said:

    I only played the latest 4 installments of the series.  Now I am thinking to play the other 8 before Engage.

    I am going with emulators.  Just wondering how playable are the early games, especially between FE4 and FE8?


    I'm a little bit into FE1 (keep getting distracted by other games) but am enjoying it so far, It does seem to have aged better than people give it credit for. (on Chapter 4 if I remember.)

    FE7 is a fun time and it's the game that got me into FE after not liking my first FE game, the GBA FE has good mechanics and FE7 has good characters.

    FE6 is kinda a pain in the ass, it has ambush spawns and some godawful map design, I like most of it, but past a certain point it feels borderline like a Kaizo Romhack even on Normal, Not too sure I'd recommend it honestly.

    I don't know if the 4 games you've played included switch spin-offs, but I'd recommend Echoes if you haven't played it yet as it's got good characters, gameplay and visuals, it's a great time.

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