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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. I claim Dorothy! Of course, I need to drink heavily if I am to wake up to that woman each morning.
  2. Dorothy!!! lol j/k! She's ugly as sin! I CLAIM Lackesis! FREE STDs FOR EVERYONE!!!
  3. #vote:TLS Toa's up to something. I do not trust him. He needs to die. And look how angry he responds when people start to question him.
  4. So I caused a riot . . .hmm . . .knowing me, it would be race related! 1992 L.A. RIOTS BABY!!! (Wait, I don't even live in L.A.!)
  5. I know . . .I hate the PC part of my morals. Maybe I forgotten how to laugh at my flaws of my religion.
  6. *Thinking of the bassline from Cowboy Bebop's Tank!*
  7. 1. That's because I know the difference between satire/humor and seriousness. The people who got offended took it way too seriously. I can't blame them because I was the one who had said all that shit. It's like my friend say "If you can't laugh at others then you have no right to laugh with others." I was joking, god. Hell, if I was a woman, I'll make jokes about my gender as well. I make jokes about my race and i don't mind if other do so as well. 2. At least I have the common sense to turn off the T.V. and not totally bitch and whine like those PTC and FCC fucks. Also, I remember one episode where Peter says "if you don't like something, then just turn off the TV", you know, that whole FCC bullshit. Dammit, I hate my morals!
  8. I've been offended by Family Guy. They're forcing their belief value that there's no God and Afterlife and I can't stand it anymore! I had to turned off my TV set. And this is coming from a guy who's usually Politically incorrect and make fun of religion. Is my morals starting to come back to me? Damn, if only George Carlin was still alive . . .he would know the answer.
  9. There are some cops in my city are mostly assholes who fuckin' abuse their power and have this god complex that just because you have a badge, you can do whatever the fuck you want, no question ask. The fuckin' former police cheif got in trouble for towing cars and selling them off without the owner's notice. There's also been a recent case where a officer jump on a CHILD, a 12-year-old CHILD and punch him in his face. Somebody tried to get the pig (I can't even call this dude a officer of the law) off the child and the fuckin' pig handcuffed the guy to a park bench. I can't stand these damn pigs who abuse their powers. At first, I was a bit angry with your post and I was a bit close to flaming and cursing you out, Cynthia. However, I read the post a few times and I agree with you on some points such as not using your race to argue a case but on the other hand, there are some . . .pigs (remember I don't call these guys police officers unless they actually use their position for good) that will use race as a factor. My family had experience this bullshit first had. The reason why pigs are on the news is because they're want to go as far as using something as minor as fuckin' race to influence their actions. Still, like I say, I agree with you when you say people shouldn't use their race to bitch or complain, but there are some pigs that will use race as a factor.
  10. Well, since Shannan and Lakche hooked up, I guess Johalva and Johan can try to put the moves on Patty (Remember, Shannan dumped her). However . . . Large pic is large and hack lover convo is hack http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z154/Th.../PattyxLynn.jpg Yeah, seems like Patty took another route. Oh well, Johan, I heard Tanya was single!
  11. Hard: FE 5 (Only because of Beldo's Stone Magic and I was using Sara to unstone characters so I can get a decent ranking in characters) Hardest: FE4 for all the things he stated. However, using Julia, I did kill her brother in under two turns.
  13. Poor Johan . . . He was no stranger to love He knew the rules, and so did she A full committed is was he was lookin' for He thought no other guy could give He wanted to tell her how he was feelin' Boy, you better give it up! Shannan . . . He knew her, for oh so long Her heart's been aching Lakche's ain't shy to say it Inside they both knew what's been going on The know the game and they're gonna play it
  14. FE5 is the only SNES Fire Emblem game that shows love for the Axe users!
  15. Fave: 1. Master Knight- Any class that can use melee weapons and magic is win in my book! 2. Sword Masters- Speed and skill, baby! Least: I really don't have one.
  16. America has done worst things to our youth. However, I'm glad I'm one of the leading force! Spoilers: One of them dies. The another is caught in some baby-momma drama. Guess.
  17. Fix'd. Yeah, Wall St., the White Collars, some baby boomers and others have forgotten the other generation, us. We are the ones who's gonna get fucked in the ass with no lube at the end of the day because of all this bullshit they overlooked.
  18. ^He's actually quite (in)famous in the cosplaying/internet pop culture circles for being "Man Faye".
  19. Damn dude! I'm sorry but I had to use it when I got shot to death! Here, here's something better:
  20. I don't know what you're talking about, so here's a reserve roundhouse kick to the temple.
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