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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Which of these two games you enjoyed the most? Sword of Seals or Maiden in the Dark? I enjoy Maiden in the Dark so much then Sword of Seals. M.i.t.D is a game in which you are force into the world and yet, you seem that you don't want to escape because of how well written the plot is. Maiden in the Dark basically makes you think you have the most powerful impact on the characters and the story. The story will grab your attention as it is a story fill with emotions. You think this is more of an extremely interactive visual novel or a movie then just a game. The game play is simple and yet innovating and limitless, giving players different ways of playing this game and planning their attacks, routes, and battle lay out. It takes everything great about the Fire Emblem series and make it so much better. The music is also very well scored. Instead of just using MIDI, Nintendo decided to use an orchestra to perform ALL musical tracks . The music just fuckin' adds to the emotion. Seriously, Maiden in the Dark is a must-play game. You need it in your life! Sealed Swords is a piece of shit game. Don't play it. Seriously, here are some screen shots from this game: You can tell Seal of Swords is a piece of shit game.
  2. If I was Young Link, I would make Cermina a pedophile and I'll just use the Ocarina over and over so I won't age and I'll go back in time and bang her again as Young Link.
  3. It's more of a "play-uncle" type of deal like how some folks have play-brothers and play-sisters. Brendan and Jan are cool like that so I figure since Nino notices Brendan and Jan are like brothers, Nino thinks she and Jan are niece and uncle. I would just get Ursula drunk and have a threesome with Sonia and Ursula with I was Brendan. But honestly, I would just keep tabs on who's doing what and see the source of it all.
  4. Medius is black. Why you think he's so cruel and evil?
  5. Good good. Now, will this be stage like that WWE bullshit or the real deal like MMA and boxing?
  6. Get a sense of humor and learn to be politically incorrect, quick. Seriously, you're going to be like blood and we're going to be like sharks if you keep this up. PETA should be disbanded due to the fact they're a bunch of furfags morons who don't know what they are talking about. How dare they put animals above humans. Also, dry meat is a man's meat.
  7. Will there be whips in this match?
  8. Garret's Original Art looks like Dayne Johnson (The Rock)
  9. From one brotha to another! Okay, is does this dude has split-personalizes? Take this fail out of my topic. No, it makes your dad one. Not you. But since we live in a politically correct world . . .
  10. Maybe, but this will be high tier: http://www.bbqaddicts.com/bacon-explosion.html
  11. Remember, you cna't joke around with her because everything in life is to be taken seriously, including jokes. Seriously, meat is manly. Beef Jerky is the manliness meat around.
  12. 1. New for me at the time. 4. Roy gets around. I also demand LeenxPatty yuri. You know what, how about an orgy with the entire cast of Fire Emblem 4.
  13. Six didn't had anything too bad about that game expect the hidden mini-game where you see Idoun lay eggs. I'm still regretting playing that mini-game.
  14. Him too. And his lover. AND Diadora, Sigurd, Leaf, Altenna, and Selis. Also, I have found the following: JuilaxJulius TinnyxIshtar ArthurxIshtar ROY(!?)xJulia
  15. JuliaxJuliusxTinnyx,ArthurxIshtarxAlvisxCyasxAidaxHilda
  16. So, does Oliver have any rope and a huge tree laying around? I never play FE 9 and 10 and I was just wondering . . .
  17. 2. Obviously, I can't go into details about the pic, but what's so sweet about two cousins having sex? Oh, by the way, the girl is the lover of the other cousin's enemy who is also his cousin? Also, Sophia is a pedophile as well. I mean, she way older than a normal human and she's banging Roy and Ray. So, there are about four pedophiles in the series I know of.
  18. Lalum's a dancer and dancer usually have a nice body and flexibility.
  19. 1. Thanks. Now that I think about it, When Roy turns 18, will Cecelia get a divorce? I mean, she likes 'em young. 2.Got it yet?
  20. Because Roy's pimp like that. Ray is anti-social, so Sophia has nobody to go to. All the dudes Tate hangs out with are too old for her age. Cecelia is a pedophile and like young teen boys. Lilina and Roy . . . yeah. Roy has a fetish for Sacaen girls so he wants Sue and Talum is . . . I don't know. Check your PM in under 10 min.
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