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Everything posted by Arhuhamel

  1. And guys, I have another question, I want to make walhart a 5*, is it worth it? ( I like him so much, wolf berg is such a cool axe hahaha) Another question, wich armored units are strong and viable to make 5*? (Like zephiel, black knight zelgius, etc.....)
  2. Where can I access these special training maps? (i'm really new haha), I will check this channel later, but now, tell me something, can I get this Blazing Lion Roy on F2P?(i will post the image) Another question, is Feh Pass worth it? ( seems cheap for the rewards, minerva is cool)
  3. I've a lot of 5* units, let me list them: Ike vanguard, xander, king tibarn, owain, chrom knight exalt, ninian, eliwood(lance), hector(lance), reinhardt(mage knight), yarne, eirika(mage knight), Eir and Julius (Loptous), wich team do you recommend? to beat GHB (just for that, because tbh i like to use the ones i like for "normal" mode)
  4. Hello there folks, I'm new to the game, but right now i'm having trouble to rank up, I simply cannot complete a grand hero battle on lunatic mode to rank up to rank 12, i don't know how to progress now, my strongest team are: lvl 40 5* Ike Vanguard, lvl 35 5* Julius, lvl 34 4* Walhart (almost getting 20k feathers to make him 5*) and a lvl 35 4* Valter, i simply don't know what to do, any of the GHB on lunatic i can beat, only on hard, please, can you guys help me?
  5. This romhack that i'm playing is very bugged, when a mage or a healer level up, the game freezes, always, i'm simply frustrated, i wish i had a romhack like this one, with lots of reskin and recolor, with no bugs hahaha
  6. I have a new issue, this romhack make arena hard as hell, gold bets over 900(makes enemies hardddddddd), how i can lower the arena difficulty in FEbuilder?
  7. ok, thank you guys for the help
  8. Ok, but i'm playing a romhack right now, FE6 recolored, what i need to do is, just open the rom (patched) with FE builder and change anything i want? I can just do it with any rom(patched or original) that i have? (example: I want to play vision quest with broken stats, i can alter it in FE builder?)
  9. Hello there folks, I'm playing FE6 again just for fun, so,and I wish a could have a infinite binding blade to make roy a solo chapter god, but 20 uses makes me cry, so, is there any way I can cheat the game to give the binding blade infinite uses? I've played some romhacks that make some weapons infinite, but i need to hack a FE6 rom to make the binding blade infinite or i can do it other way? If anyone knows, please, teach me.
  10. I understood almost everything of what you said (because my english is poor), but to get this roy (from the image) is only during events?
  11. Hello there, i'm relatively new here, a month maybe, but doesn't matter, lets talk about the series, I want to know what is your favorite FE game and why, I don't want this to be the generic discussion, I want solid reasos for the choice, let's make this interesting, so, I will start(Obviously no spoilers): My favorite FE is Shadows of Valentia, I've never played the original, but man, this game is amazing, I felt more amazed than my first FE game (Sacred Stones, when i saw that wonderful sprites..... i fell in love), and it is for a couple of reasons: - First the storytelling, simply amazing, the way that the story is told is magnificent, i guess even a bad story can become fair enough to hear when told like the Shadows of Valentia did. - 3rd Tier classes, man i love when they do that, i like it so much, because i think it adds a lot of depth to character progression, and i like to see your characters getting real beefy (specially with the overclass hahaha), that's why i like radiand dawn so much too, because of the 3rd tier class system, sadly not a lot of games in the franchise have it. - The combat animations, oh boy, i felt in love when i saw so much fluidity when exchanging blows with the enemies. I was amazed when i first saw the GBA sprites, and when awakening released it gave my a new whole perspective for the future of the series. - The weapon system, simply unique, it's good to have a break from our usual system, sadly, no playable axes, but no other words. - The dungeon system, very interesting, in my opinion, it added a lot of depth in the gameplay, it gaves me the feels of a usual JRPG sometimes. - Last, because it's not the intention to make this long enough to be boring, is the story, imo the world setup is fantastic, even the link with other games is simply amazing, the story got my attention from begnning to the end, the character and villains relations are very good, very good heroes and villains rooster imo.
  12. Sorry for the random question, but, I want to know how can you get Roy, because i've downloaded the game yesterday, and i've have a lot of 5 star units for free, so i've noticed that in order to get units you have to summon them with orbs, ok, but it's completely random? I want roy, sa i've that exist 3 different roys in this game, and in order to get them, especially the legendary one (blazing lion I guess), it's all about RNG? Or there is other way?
  13. You said that after you're done with this hack, you will start a new project, do you have anything in mind that you can tell us? Or, are you accepting suggestions?
  14. ok, but this is in every mode? 80% xp gain on easy, normal and hard?
  15. Blood, there is a difference in XP gain among the difficulties? I finished the game last month on normal on eirika's route, but now i'm playing the newer version on easy, and I'm feeling that the XP is reduced for killing enemies, am i going nuts or does this exist?
  16. blood, where do you find these animations? where can i check to see when a new animation/sprite comes out?
  17. Thank you Blood, you are awesome! But......sorry to bother you, but, you have the new class tree to post here? Because we can know better on who to invest xp, like the trainees for example, let's take Ross, if you turn him into a pirate, you lock the fighter tree, you can't make him become a hero, so with the new classes.....we don't know wich class you be on the tree.
  18. Blood, Kyle does not promote in your hack, right? He always use the animations of the unpromoted Roy?
  19. Let me ask something, in chapter 19, there is an enemy boss who is a gladiator class, there is a way to unlock this class with a playable character?
  20. sorry for the wrong place that i've posted, i didn't find the correct one, so, can you tell me more about these reverse recruitments?
  21. Do not worry my friend, you already did an amazing job, you have my thanks, i've played your romhack very amazed, i can only thank you for your efforts, so thank you again. Now let me ask you a question, do you have or you know another romhack with reskins (if rebalance comes together good, but i want more is a reskin) for the FE 6 and 7? I didn't find any other reskin for these games with the top quality of your FE 8 romhack, if you know, tell me please.
  22. Hello there my friends, I'm new to the forums and I want some suggestions for playing the GBA fire emblems romhacks (Fire emblem 6 and 7). Last week i've played this Sacred Stones Reskin and Rebalance: Oh man, let me say this is a wonderful romhack, top of the line in my opinion, very nice sprites and animations, a lot of diverse skins for a lot of characters, and new custom classes too. So, I don't know many reskin romhacks for FE 6 & 7, can you guys indicate me a top quality reskin (and rebalance if comes together, but i truly want is a reskin), like this one I've linked, romhack for both FE 6 and 7? Observation: I don't want romhacks with custom story, like The Last Promise, I want romhacks with primarily top quality reskins for the original story of Binding Blade and Blazing Blade.
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