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Everything posted by FlyingKitsune

  1. No one gets the jokes. The ability to read manga chapters from the future, so you don't have to wait every week.
  2. Has an avatar people would recognize more than his previous avatars.
  3. I hire the Chrom in my sig to make you leave, and I keep him around as a body guard. I'm now the King of the Hill.
  4. Everyone has too high of a luck stat to have it backfire, and everyone is happy with their mighty new devil weapons. I steal all the divine dew from the summoner so they can't refine any of the new weapons from the recent update to heroes.
  5. Most likely likes Marianne of 3 houses based off his sig.
  6. I laced twilitfalchion's coffee with laxatives. He then runs off the hill to find a nearby bathroom. I'm now king of the hill.
  7. Banned for changing his avatar twice after I joined the forums.
  8. Has their avatar from the cover of "Shadow of the Torturer," by Gene Wolf.
  9. I collapse the hobbit hole, trapping Dayni, so he will be forever the King Under the Hill, but not King of the hill. I am now king of the hill.
  10. Haunt my descendants. Giving them small dosages of paranoia will be fun. WYR be haunted by the most annoying ghost to ever exist, or one that constantly whispers into your ear to give you very bad ideas?
  11. The blue lions all take turns torturing you before healing you, and then torturing you some more. I mention Edelgard on the internet.
  12. Plans on proposing after the war, as he is a professional raiser of death flags.
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