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Everything posted by mcd900

  1. The fog in his mind felt to be thickening by the moment; he dimly registered Marina's speech as she spoke of their victory, barely catching the mention of Hwein, beginning to fully tune out as the girl hopped up on the table. He was... tired. Idly rotating his staff in his hand, he looked around to see how the others were managing. Certainly, having to perform as much healing as he had would wear out a person - not that he regretted it, of course. It had fallen to him to handle things in that moment, and if circumstances called for it he'd do it as often as needed. More importantly, the general would be all right; Amera's unexpectedly earnest plea had seen to that. It was the mood in the air had unexpectedly fatigued him. Surely had he some foresight, he might've anticipated that a civil war might have led to some more personal conflicts of interest, but as much as the others seemed to have known - if not come to terms with - the nature of Ithraxl's personage had entirely blindsided him. It was difficult to figure out how he felt about their victory; in Hwein, things had been straightforward, clear... He caught himself sighing a bit too heavily, looking around to see if anyone had noticed. Luckily it seemed not; though, sure enough, the rest had sought the company of those they were familiar with, with a few exceptions... Lucille, still mounted and gripping her pegasus' reins for one. It would be for the best for our new recruit not to feel excluded... and I'd rather not be idle. "It looks like things are calming down now... for what that's worth, given the state of things. Are you holding up okay?"
  2. It happened in what felt like an instant; he could hear but little of the words spoken above the din of battle, but what rang out clear through it all were the dragon's roars, both those of rage and of pain. The dragon had hardly appeared before it collapsed and dissolved, hidden once more behind the press of bodies in the corridor. The change in the air was immediately perceptible - and missing was the elation he'd expected from bringing such a hard-fought battle to its conclusion; there was little but anger and grief. He stowed his tome, gripping his staff a bit tighter, hesitating to approach with the tension in the room... What happened? We won the battle... right? So absorbed in pondering the situation was he that he hadn't noticed Nisha's approach - not that it was easy in typical conditions aside - and was caught off guard when she suddenly spoke. "A-ah. Nisha. Right, that's... that's an excellent point. If you're alright yourself, then I should go now. Thanks for... telling me." He was loathe to admit that his thoughts had been other places than healing the wounded, settling instead to briefly thank her for the information before stepping quickly towards the front. Figuring out what had happened - and handling what came after, given how serious things seemed to be - could wait. The end of a battle is the most important time to be caring for the wounded... And duty comes first. It has to. At the very least, until Hwein is free again...
  3. There was what could best be described as a sudden increase in the tension in the battle; unavoidable, he supposed, given the circumstances and those here, though not entirely expected. It was best left to those more appropriate to handle things, however, and for that matter he still had a duty to attend to. Seilan to 18, 21, Heal Asami. "He certainly doesn't lack for presence... but we need only defeat him. Strong as he may be..."
  4. "Thunder lord...?" When the general just performed that? Somehow I'm not so sure... "Well, I won't let another chance be wasted, thank you. They're certainly not having the best of days in there..." Seilan Elthunder (S) Merc 5, again!
  5. "Of course. Be ready, this battle looks to be nearing its conclusion." He noticed the general launching thunderbolts past the walls. Her judgment was likely sound; it would be a safe bet to follow suit... Seilan to (20, 19), Elthunder (S) Merc 5.
  6. "I'm quite well, thank you, Asami. Glad to see you're holding up okay too." He paused for a moment, considering the situation. "They're probably not content to sit around while we chip away at them, no. I suppose what comes next will decide things, for better or worse..." Seilan to (19, 17), Heal Marina. "Feeling alright? We need to be ready."
  7. He winced a little as she thanked him; he'd been expecting a worse outcome, much as he'd have disliked it. He gave a short nod, relaxing his grip on the staff. "The fort... it's well defended, as we'd anticipated, though we are making progress, albeit slowly- ah..." Off she went; he'd hardly began his report before she'd dashed off, but he supposed he couldn't blame her. Her lack of composure hadn't exactly been painting her in the best of lights, even if her skills had been rather admirable. Onwards, then... Seilan to (21, 10).
  8. The Demon King was certainly showing no sign of slowing down, holy guard falling before her as he did. It wouldn't do for her to turn her anger on their own group, though, so perhaps it would be best to put his staff skills to use. I... hope this works. Is this a magically induced rage, or is she just... angry? Seilan to (18, 8), Restore Thesephine.
  9. The draco riders to their rear were making a mess of things, and with the fort's troops advancing on them from the other side, things were looking grim. The Demon King was drawing ever closer to their own group, though, so perhaps they weren't done for yet... blind rage as though she appeared to be in. He could only hope the group at the other side of the fort was holding their own... Seilan to (20, 10), Heal Bridgit.
  10. "...Asami, while I cannot deny the effects of your dancing, do you think you might be dancing for me a bit overmuch...?" Seilan to (21, 13), Elthunder (S) Draco Rider #1.
  11. "Well, miss Asami, to be fair, I can't exactly see anyone from here. Though, I suppose I must not be too far off... what with the meteor they appear to have returned to us. We can sort out this mage later; there are more pressing matters approaching from behind." Seilan to (22, 17), Elthunder (S) Dracorider #2.
  12. "Ah... really? Good and bad luck, I suppose... thanks, Asami. Once more, then." Seilan Elthunder (S) Zask.
  13. There were undoubtedly more foes further ahead in the fort, even if he couldn't see them. Surely there wasn't any harm in throwing out some errant lightning... Seilan to (22, 22), Elthunder (S) Zask.
  14. "Ah... is that so, Asami...? Well, then; once more it is." Seilan Elthunder (S) Mage #5.
  15. There was a pesky mage dropping thunderbolts on them from somewhere back there that needed dealing with. Hmm... That sounds... kind of... familiar...? Best put that out of my mind... Seilan to (22, 17), Elthunder (S) Mage #5.
  16. They'd thinned the enemies' ranks some, but he figured it was a bit premature to be celebrating yet, seeing as they'd only just made it through the fort's front gate so far. Moving to keep pace with the rest of the group, he pulled the staff from his side to treat the wounded they'd inevitably have, catching sight of familiar wings. "There's a lot left to this battle yet. Here, hold still for a moment... alright, there. Don't hesitate to pull back if you get wounded... it'd be a shame to fall here if this is to be the last battle against the rebellion." Seilan to (21, 14), Heal Xalrei.
  17. Their summoned defenses were strong... He winced a little as one of their own fell to the ground. He instinctively began to reach for the staff at his side, but hesitated, considering the situation. There were still too much risk to help him, at the moment... the enemy needed to be dealt with, first. The wound looked bad, but... no, there was no use thinking about that right now; there was no sense in him running in there as well, he'd be cut to ribbons. Seilan to (21, 9), Elthunder (S) Wight #2.
  18. Lucille, the siren, and the one in the cart were moving towards a rear entrance to the fort... Good. He could think of few less enjoyable things than trying only to push through the enemy's well-prepared defenses. Mindless monsters were probably only the first of many tricks they'd have to pull. Seilan to (19, 9), Elthunder (S) Lance Armor #5.
  19. He exhaled deeply, trying to settle himself. Attacking a fort like this was different than tracking down bandits and criminals, or... well, defending a fort. But it was in his best interest to fight his hardest, here. It would be unwise to let the Vaians do all the work, lest a lack of contributions on his part see the Vaians undue harm, or worse, have them deny him help... and that said, there was always value in getting the first strike. There was no way a group their size hadn't been spotted approaching the fort, after all; it would be up to who made the first move. Onwards, then; there were some well-armored troops at the front gate that might serve as good lightning rods. Seilan to (20, 7), equip Elthunder (S), attack Sword Armor #1.
  20. The plans were laid for the assault on the fort. The main group was to charge in; some of the Vaians were to guard their flanks, and the Demon King would repel the attackers from the rear. The Demon King's initiative in choosing to remain at the group's rear, alone, gave him a strong impression of just how confident she was holding them back. Still, he couldn't quell the slight doubt that the enemy might attempt to break through disregarding her; no matter her strength, surely someone fighting alone couldn't stop their maneuvering... it was too late to change the plan, though. They needed everyone they could spare attacking the fort, after all. He quietly fiddled with the ring on his finger. Once we're through this battle, they'll be able to fight unhindered... The speech roused him somewhat, though it did little to dull his awareness that the coming battle was going to be difficult. The Vaians were strong, and they'd seen new additions since they first arrived at Tepel. They would suffice; they had to.
  21. He sighed, quietly. Looks like Ayane is an exception to not throwing her life away... can't be helped, I suppose. Guilt is a powerful thing to deal with. At least things hadn't come to blows; not for now, at least. There would be more to come, but that would be between the two of them to resolve. At a loss for where to stand, with many faces gathered here, he opted to stand near where he'd helped Ariana to the table. He didn't exactly have anyone else he knew well enough to go find, anyways; it was a bit early to call Erephis or Taiyute more that acquaintances as it was, and things were awkward enough as they were. It hadn't exactly been difficult to catch the looks thrown his way as he'd brought Ariana in. There were a lot of people gathered around the table; it came as a bit of a surprise that so many people were to be attending a briefing like this. Thinking about it, though, he got the feeling that this group was a lot less regimented than any old group of mercenaries - aside from a select few who were distinctly in charge, a person here could speak with ease to anyone else. It was odd, to be sure, but this was an odd group; one he was now a part of, no less. Glancing at the map now placed upon the table, he tried to discern their next objective, thinking out loud to himself. "After an attack - no, a series of attacks - by the enemy, followed by their retreat... it makes sense either to pursue them, or counterattack elsewhere, while they're weak..." Catching himself speaking, though, he quieted down; it would be explained soon enough, whether or not he had been right.
  22. The medusa - the Demon King - he was still processing that, somewhat - slipped out of the room before he could get a word in edgewise; not that it was much issue. He was fine with the arrangement, after all; no, the surprise lay more with the concern the "Hero" was showing to Ariana, at least before she had been ordered away. Surely it was impossible for anyone not to be unnerved after hearing of such terrible experiments, and yet she was more worried for the girl in front of him than anything else. What's more, she was walking around still wounded, without making any mention of it... the humor of which was not lost to him, still aching where the arrow had hit him, but he dismissed that - there were more important things to focus on. Having taken the offered waterskin, he continued to slowly give her water. Surely there was something he could do... her physical wounds were treated as well as was possible for now, since healing magic didn't work. Perhaps he could distract her a bit, at least. He cleared his throat, awkwardly. "Ehm... Ariana, yes...? Hopefully you can understand me right now... you're going to be alright. I know you're in a lot of pain right now, and I'm... trying to think of some way to help with that. For now... try to focus on something else. A... good memory with a friend, or something like that." Ah, he was floundering. Damn. He hadn't exactly ever practiced his bedside manner on the enemy...
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