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Everything posted by Kramy

  1. Due to that image, I now wanna kinda see Lucina in twin-tails or pigtails xD
  2. I hope not, my wallet can't take anymore hits since I spend a bunch on getting the Awakening bundle ><
  3. Pair up was kinda overpowered but I was thinking, maybe as a way to balance the game, they could also allow enemies to pair up too? I don't know, just throwing that out there.
  4. Dem roses and sparkles get my votes >< So fabulous~
  5. GG too pro 5 me >< Anyways, nice use of splicing
  6. I just noticed how you use the same grass green background when you work your sprites >< Personally, I like first row because of the more unique and badass pose with the third variant of the bottom sword outline.
  7. I'd say the ones with the short hair and longer ponytail looks the best
  8. Posting this on a smartphone was hard ;A;
  9. Oh man i dig this but only for that bride Sumia XD though Chrom does look pretty cool
  10. Brown haired ponytail girl is Sasha from Attack on Titan. Her running gag in the show is that she was caught eating a potato by the drill sergeant.
  11. All this sumia hate makes me cry and laugh at the same time Xd
  12. Oh my god, its a freakin' mutated Bob Ross XD
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