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Everything posted by marcus90

  1. Is it so wrong with me if I write typos some times? You need any hugs? About Sain being a Lord, he is the bulkier one, and the palette is fit to him perfectly, so he stays that way. Sure, just give me the time.
  2. Thanks for this. I just don't know how to make some kind of weapon class-locked, mynus for the Swordmaster/Lyn option.
  3. Go to eat some scatological mucus, you dwele.
  4. I made it a unique weapon with 60 uses for Lyn/Swordmasters only, but maybe that is way too much. 15 uses maybe it's better?
  5. She his a fiery red hot witch so bitch, she has big tits, she can kiss you better than a Lamia, she is as powerful as an Aracnhe, she starts with A rank in haxes, she can reclassed to Sniper so she is the higher-tier, let her do a little of arena, she is set to own anything in spite of grandaddy Jeigan. She is great and she is worth the turns she cost. 7/10 + 1 bias = 8D
  6. He compensates what he has not with the sexy PCC he has, and that is almost as good as Wrath, but Wrath is a free counter, so its, for me, a 7.5/10 Good unit that can allow itself to own fuckers that dare to attack him in enemy phase.
  7. Final Update for today. Bug fixes and modification to some maps.
  8. 1) Now that you make me think about it, I'll make the PRF weapons, somehow, Luna-based, so they are much more useful now. Fuck with the slim weapons. 2) The hero there is perfectly killable in the next patch (like before, just got defense nerfed enough to take the damage to kill him). Mediafire will work, right?
  9. Update of the mod onto the first page.
  10. Start the game from Lyn Hard Mode to avoid lots of gratuoituous glitches of Normal Mode. You can start the game from Eliwood Normal Mode too, but it will be Harsher from there. A READ ME IT'S INTO THE PATCH DIRECTORY ITSELF. Try to keep everybody alive in Lyn Mode, otherwise you get a malus in Eliwood/Hector Mode. Version 0.7E Readme me has anything you need to know. Tell me what you think about the patch, what should I try to polish out and what you'd like to see more into it.
  11. Favorite Villain: Nergal. Favorite Final Boss: Ashera the cousin of Siren from Final Fantasy VIII
  12. 7.5/10 Good unit, hindered in-door, 60 uses personal weapon that sucks cause only he can uses while there are other great units that should get it, so that's a -1 from 8.5. Promotable at level 10 because of his good stats all aound, gives bonuses to some dudes and has a leadership star.
  13. I'd be a glass cannon like this. LV5 Pre-promoted Neutral WORRIAH the lord has to talk too in chapter 13 of 31 Background: 21 years old. Left alone by his family because he wanted to be his true self only and not a pawn in their hands, Quitchineel hones his will to discover what the world has to offer. Quitchineel begins to explore unkown territories he just heard about by people he was used to listen a lot while doing the mundane chores for his fosters. Some years passed and him, despite his vast knowledge that has stored in many diaries, still needs to feel furfilled. After a passive life, he deems himself worthy to join people that are after his same goals - knowledge - and consider himself the "Scarceler of Wisedom" to whoever is glimpsed by him and considered worthy of his knowledge. Details: A little over-the-top, yet very honest and corteous and genteel to anybody. Easy to get furious if mistreated continously. Easily mistakes feminine boys for girls. He has difficulties at falling in love with people because he has worries about other sexes.. Steadfast with bows and wear a gigantic quarry over his shoulder. He loses balance easily with heavy weapons because he rushes too much. Likes to eat, so he is very slightly overweight, but compensates with good agility and power, plus his body is ironed by many hourse of walking with heavy items carried on. Hp 38 Str 24 Mag 0 Spd 19 Skl 9 Lck 10 Def 12 Res 9 Con 9 Hp 140% Str 90% Mag 0% Spd 35% Skl 80% Lck 25% Def 10% Res 10% Starting Weapons and Item: Killer Hax Killer Bow Elixir Supports: Lord of the game Curate Chick Shota Child of the game Loli Child of the Game A random rival Another crazy dude like the game version of me
  14. Weapon Master A footsie class that is prerogative of a character foundable in middle game that can uses all the weapons with C as starting rank for all of them,. starts with 4 different iron weapons to cover the weapon triangle already, very balanced stats at level 1 for a pre-promo unit (like 32 HP, 15-16 in atk, speed, skill, luck, 8 in def and 7 in res), good growths and his sprite/3d model is a mash up of the best you get from the other physica footsie classes. It even obtains more exp than other classes because it's not that good at growhing so he needs more exp to be better in the long run. Class Growths for Males HP: 140 ATK: 30 SKILL: 30 SPEED: 35 LUCK: 30 DEF: 30 RES: 20 Class Growths for Females HP: 70 ATK: 25 SKILL: 35 SPEED: 45 LUCK: 40 DEF: 20 RES: 40 Personal Character growths HP: 90 ATK: 60 SKILL: 35 SPEED: 60 LUCK: 40 DEF: 30 RES: 10 Starting Weapon Ranks Swords: C Lances: C Axes: C Bows: C
  15. Actually Erk is sub-par if compared to Pent.
  16. My turn! No charge! Prepare to read bunch of random grime. So. Then. Eleven. 1) Geitz. DA WORRIAH with BEEEEEEESSSSSSS in Haxez and Bowz that just need few levels and skyrocket, plus dat powah of 19 and speed of 13 in Hector Hard Mode are there just to say "Abuse Use" 2) FE6 Bartre DA WORRIAH V. 1.5, with bedda HP, bedda strenght than Geitz, lower hit and speed, but gveat BOWZ rank D he can pwn aero-bitches with and dat 22 strenght is better than 19 speed of zexy Echidna that lacks the serpent lower body. 3) Marcus from FE7 iz a worriah statistically and stay strong for all the game, just feed him dat speedwing and he iz Geitz with full WTA 4) Saleh and Pent at the same position. Really: this dudes are powah and hit resistance! 5) Titania. She is very sexy, she has the 2nd best growth in POR and you just feed her the fucking Bonus Exp to let her solo the game with Marcia, Ike and Boyd. Special mention goes to: Garcia (Dat beard), Duessel (DAT SEXY BEARD), Arran (AKA Emperor Mateus or David Bowie), Oyfae (Da magic wings he has on his face) and, OF COURSE! (dramatically turns toward you the user) DAGDAAAAAA!!!!
  17. That's why you early promote raven at level 12, so you get a genderswapped Echidna
  18. I did this as a Test of a Let's Play FE XD Let's Play LOL
  19. Don't you dare to use him not! HE HEZ HAXOR! XD
  20. Jill: Feed her Bonus Exp, annhialate your zombie foes! 9/10
  21. Niime: the first time I saw her, I thought of her as trash. Now, I know I was wrong. She is the best healer in the game and makes you play much more carefully. The physics are not to wast. She can apply nice warp tactics. She her looks shit cause she is 80+, but she said in her youth she was hot, and by what I've seen on Elibians Night, where she is 50-60 and looks 40, well, she definetely was! So: she is a good fighter if fed an angel wing and put on a mountain with nosferatu, she is the best healer in the game, and she (was) hot. 8.6 - 0,7 of negative bias because her she is gonna die because of age and it would have been a much more interesting character if she was in her sexy 50s so I could touch myself at night thinking about her (lol just writing rubbish) 7.9 to me: a good character.
  22. Dude, I just found that SS Run scattered around, so I gathered all the videos in a single playlist to people that want to see how the dude played the game.
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