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Posts posted by Sooks

  1. 1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    Read this



    If the Wonder effects are unique to most courses, then it goes from being just a gimmick to a full-on game mechanic.

    Sounds very promising.

    1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    Alaska to Washington to Virginia, that's a unique pattern (idk which came first).

    Washington came first, but yes that’s what happens when you have a parent in the military. I’ve heard of worse from that actually.

    But that’s what happened for Washington to Alaska, the second move… I don’t remember what that was about.

    1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    I can say you are the first person i know whose lived in Alaska, how was that?

    Well I was really young so I don’t remember much let’s see, it was cold, snowy, cold, harsh, cold…

    No but seriously, I only went to preschool there but instead of having snow days, which everyone was prepared for I guess, we had rain days when it rained too much and it froze to the ground. I also saw a moose in our own front yard, no more than ten feet away from me (from behind the window), eating leaves off of one of the trees, which absolutely blew my little mind. That might just be my earliest memory. That’s all I could really say about it. But I have always kinda hated or at least disliked being in cold weather for as long as I can remember, maybe there’s a connection there. Who knows.

    1 hour ago, Armagon said:

    This is Peach Arch Park, the only place on the border that Americans and Canadians can freely mingle between (but not farther than that, also this particular image was taken during the lockdowns).

    Huh, how come it looks like people are camping out there?

  2. 31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Yeah the latter, but it's okay, not trying to push you or anything.

    I mean yeah, it is just a video game and you only exist over the internet. For all I know, you’re not even real!

    31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    The frog suit in Super Mario Bros 3 changed the underwater controls from "hit A to swim upward slightly" to "just press the D-pad in the direction you wanna swim", it made them so much more fluid and enjoyable, with the downside that ground movement was horrible in the frog suit. In Wonder, a (seemingly) very similar mechanic takes the form of a badge, meaning you can just take the better controls to every underwater level if you like.

    That does sound better, actually.

    19 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Did you ever met an Alaskan Bull Worm?

    Does a moose count?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


    What? I’m fine, I just had literally nothing to add to the overall thread. Unless you meant that I hadn’t played more Covenant of the Plume which yeah, school sort of happened and I fell into another “eh I don’t feel like video games atm” mood. I’ll probably continue soonish.

    3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    but hey, they confirmed underwater levels are fixed lol

    How so? I never played whatever game had the frog thing, what’s special about it?

    3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Wow you've moved all over the place.

    Not even remotely proportionately, Washington was a few months (I was born there), Alaska was a few years, and the entire rest has been good ol’ Virginia.

    3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    I can tell you my level without even entering the site: 12. Lived in Spain, stayed in France, visited Portugal. The end. I really ought to get out more lol

    Is it as easy to visit countries in the EU as it is to go to other states in the US? Do you need a passport or anything? (A lot of people in the US don’t have one)

  4. Nothing to report

    6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Still looks good, I just don't know if this direct was really necessary. You could tell they were struggling to show anything new without just going "here's the whole game"... and still had to spoil all the worlds in the game, so that's nice.

    Idk, I kinda liked it. The wonder flowers were not explored at all and I thought they looked like they could be amazing, the badges seem really hard to implement well but are a new mechanic, the online stuff… seemed highly distracting but it could maybe be good? although idk why they’re not letting us just do full online multiplayer. The powerups are cool. The direct didn’t feel necessary but it made me more hyped, although I rarely find myself wanting to play 2D Mario.

    2 hours ago, Armagon said:

    My American friends, what's your America score?



  5. 2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    So basically, you're "Ruben don't like read" but in reverse. Can't get into characters unless the game demands 60 hours of your time to introduce you to their eating habits first. Tsk tsk... Where's my plume?

    Noooo it’s just that I read their names like twice and only vaguely remember the phonetic structure, not that, anything but that

    2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    ...Are you mad?! He was my favorite character until my other favorite characters joined and I created a whole team of favorite characters! And Wylfred. No way I was going to sacrifice him! In fact, I managed to sacrifice everyone I had available to me, except the three people I really liked. How's that for a perfect ending?

    Sometimes unfortunate moments do happen tho. I thought Lockwell was cool but…

    Anyway lucky you. I do only hope I can avoid sacrificing my 3 favorite characters.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    She's just Spanish, c'mon man. It's not that exotic.

    But the cutscenes are like 2 minutes long.

    22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Who, Lockswell? I believe I sacrificed Cheripha first. He went down... later.

    No, Hugo but fancy, the one who you picked that path for.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


    They both end with alia so I was onto something here.

    4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Not bad! I got through chapter 2 with only one sacrifice my first time, as well.

    So did you sacrifice the blonde dude or not?

    4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


    Lol, I need to get better with these names.

    4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    I only resetted if everyone/Wyl died and I couldn't bring them back.

    Well then again, I was actually getting gameovers on this map so I guess it counts.

    4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    A child sacrifice was necessary to salvage the run on the following map...

    Did a realmwalker show up?

  8. The next battle of chapter 2 done. Keeping Dalia alive is insanely hard, but luckily dash is an insanely good skill (which I proceeded to buy for everyone after the battle). This map is pretty much screaming at you to use heal on her while you make your way up but uh… uh… yeah I so almost had to plume Cheripha. Almost. But through clever use of dash, another tactic I forgot the name of, and the fact that revival items spawn characters right next to whoever revived them I was able to save her just in time and nuke Horague or whatever his name is from existence (rip Horague btw). With the time pressure alleviated early, I was able to easily maneuver myself to get a ton of sun while also experimenting with what actually makes the red gems drops. Cause somehow I’m sometimes getting a combo between Cheripha and Earnest that drops them but usually not and knocking people out of the sky with Wyl isn’t working.

    17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Marth: Feather o'er the battlefield...


    17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    I doubt you did anything at 10 lol. Ask your family?

    That’s who I’m asking.

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Incidentally @Sooks You're on MelonDS, right?


    You can make Covenant look very crispy with these video settings. Maybe a lower internal resolution. MelonDS is not very demanding, but that might make it chug a little. 16x is way overkill, anyway. The difference is nigh undiscernible past like, 8x.


    Incidentally I’m curious, when you played this the first time did you make yourself use the plume whenever you made a mistake or if you realized whatever you did was completely avoidable did you reset?

  9. >Plumed Lockswell doesn’t seem to do that much more damage…

    >Almost oneshots realmstalker

    Well lmao. The real question is whether to sacrifice him or Cheripha, but I’m having a lot of trouble using him correctly (meanwhile Cheripha is not that good but pretty easy to figure out).

    7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    You were told at the start lol

    Rip lol

    7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Well, no matter. I say, if the realstalker besets you, employ a healthy dose of plume.


  10. 7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Depends, if the goal is to kill boss you're in luck. If the goal is to rout, then... yeah, you're screwed. Plume time.

    And I check the goal… how?

    7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Hey, out of curiosity - what does he look like, this realmstalker?


    7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Mages are support and utility units. Their damage is unblockable, targets a different defense that most enemies tend to not have as much of, and each magic type deals some sort of special effect. Most inflict status effects at random, while firestorm is a launcher, which can be super handy for combos.

    ...You DID notice you can atack normally with Lockswell, right? He doesn't need to cast his spells with the "cast spell" command to attack lol Don't feel too bad, as I recall I didn't instantly notice this myself

    I did but I assumed it was whacking enemies with his stick for two damage and really magic is his only means of contributing like other games.

  11. Welp, got my first game over (I had literally no one to plume again).

    Is the consequence of not getting enough sin this realmstalker guy? Do I have to kill him to win? He seems impossible to beat, but avoiding him might be doable. Even with the plume, the only plumeable guys I have are this archer and this mage, neither of whom are that strong. But maybe I’m underestimating how much the plume helps?

    Anyway, mages in this game seem pretty bad. Or at least the one mage who I have right now. Everyone else can do combos and as such quite a bit of damage but this dude needs to use over half his AP for one attack that doesn’t do that much damage.

    18 minutes ago, Armagon said:


    • You did and just forgot
    • Identity fraud


    Considering my age I really don’t think I did it and forgot about it which is the problem.

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Well, to be fair, Dejanira is a pretty common name...

    True, they probably mixed me up with someone else.

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    I mean, I wouldn't press you to play the postgame. For the record, I too tend to, and yet I'm on lap 4 and counting. But we'll see. It's a long way off, anyway, as it requires seeing all three main endings to unlock.

    You haven’t done all three routes?

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


    Oh no.

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    If you want a couple pointers, red crystals are gotten when attacking a dazed enemy, blue crystals when attacking an airborne enemy, and dazing occurs when attack an enemy from behind or when slamming an airborne enemy to the ground.

    Oh, thanks. This helped me get some sin before getting my ass handed to me.

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Hm, that's not bad. Are you out of chapter 2? I had one sacrifice by the end of that chapter.

    No, I’m on the second fight.

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Certain bits of tavern lore give you extra battles to fight. But they're optional battles without sin requirements, and otherwise the lore is not that important, though I found it a nice read between battles.

    Maybe I’ll look into it.

  12. >Have you ever applied to a community college or registered for duel enrollment classes before?


    >Something was wrong with your application, please fix this before proceeding

    >Your records are on file, meaning you have applied to community college before

    Bro what? No I didn’t, wdym my records are on file

    14 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Should I just quote Ruben's reason for giving up on them?

    Cause they’re not as good?

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


    Oh no (I tend to have issues with postgames)

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    That's one way to do it. The other way is to figure out how to use positioning and combos to obtain red crystals (which grant more attacks) and blue crystals (which grant extra experience), not to mention daze the enemy so they can't retaliate and extend combat as long as possible in order to get max sin.

    Well, I do hope the game gets around to tutorializing that stuff soon.

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    The assassins verbally announce their intention to silence him alongside Cheripha.

    Which is the part where he should’ve booked it:

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    That, and Hel demands her bounty. Running away from the first battle he encounters wouldn't have been a good look.

    But this is true, forgot about good ol Hel.

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    As for why they join Wyl, the two of them are marked for death. They have absolutely nowhere to go and no allies to speak of besides one another. So, they join the decently agreeable guy who seemingly fought to protect Cheripha without ulterior motives.

    I just find it funny that they join a guy with no real destination or end goal in mind. Like he could’ve just gone “actually, I was planning to buy a property here and start a family, but thanks for the offer”. 

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    when seeing him the first time to really liking the dude after his limited prologue screentime

    I don’t remember anything he says

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    ...Speaking of which, who have you plumed so far?

    No one except the dude the game makes you, it’s only like my 5th battle. I got the mage dude killed like immediately and thought I’d have to plume Cheripha to make it out, but I actually managed to handle the entire map with two characters. There was an attempt before this where I got Wyl killed like turn 3 but I just immediately reset because I couldn’t plume anymore and there was no way I could do this without someone who could take damage.

    14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Well... I could not get into the first game after Covenant lol. But that's me, you have more tolerance for traditional JRPGs than I do.

    This isn’t an SRPG series? There go my chances of playing it

  13. @Saint Rubenio I started Covenant of the Plume. The gameplay seems like it would be an interesting cross of action and srpg until you realize you just mindlessly press the buttons when combat starts lol. Gameplay has still been fun tho. The over the top dialogue is kinda charming, like I really shouldn’t like it but for some reason I do. I’m one battle in to chapter 2 and so far every chapter has been good. The death scene of that one guy whose name I forgot was pretty good, and Cheripha’s dad actually reconciling with her and joining Wyl is unexpected (he looks like a chapter 1 boss who will die), he reminds Gilbert 3H who I like quite a bit. What doesn’t make sense is why Wyl and Cheripha join forces to begin with, like I know the bounty hunters or assassins or knights or whoever they were think you’re with her but you have no stake in this conflict, just run away bro. And then they decide to join him after the second battle, like literally to go where? You have no idea where this guy is going cause even he doesn’t know but I guess we need party members.

    The chapter 2 routesplit is weird because you’re basically given no information, all you’re told is there’s a serf rebellion going on in the castle town and that forces to crush them are coming from the keep you started the game at (I think). I rewatched that Part on YouTube cause I didn’t pay that much attention to the exposition since I didn’t think it would lead to a choice, apparently going to the keep sides you with the royalty there and going to the town has you join the serf rebellion. I guess that kinda makes sense if you really think about the exposition and where you can go (for the keep at least, once you’ve realized that’s probably what you do there it just becomes “oh so I guess I join the rebels if I go to the castle town, no idea what the hell is going on with the third place tho”), but this was good for me cause I wanted to join a peasant rebellion and overthrow the corrupt royalty. Having finished that battle, the third place is apparently a foreign government sponsoring the rebellion although it’s not clear what I’d actually do there. But I’m content as long as I get my class rebellion.

    Miscellaneously, the plume seems as fun as it sounded. Should I ask what happens if I do too many battles without getting enough sin or leave that as a surprise? Cause I’m really bad it, 90% of kills I get are just barely so I get no overkill and less than 10 sin, and then every now and then I wreck a mage or something for over 100. Guess Hel should’ve picked a better dude to make a covenant with. I’m also spending a lot of money between battles but it seems like I’m getting about as much as I’m spending, so right now there’s no money worries. The normal battle theme is pretty catchy.

  14. 1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Don't worry, the cases do get shorter after this game. In fact, though the "three-day" rule remains in place, cases never(?) last past two days after the first game.


    1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    You mean when she thought she did? Because she truly didn't, you know.

    Yeah that whole plot point.

    1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    It's certainly one of the most popular cases of the series, that's for sure.

    I can see definitely why, but the beginning is just so meh.

  15. So I finished the last case of pw: aa and as such the game itself. The case got super crazily insanely good… eventually. Which is kind of the problem because the beginning was so boring and the end was so good. I have no idea how to feel about it, looking back. Damon Gant is now my favorite murder bro, because unlike the last guy who they painted as an untouchable elite who uses the justice system as he wishes, this is guy is actually it. I mean who else plays boss music when they’re on the stand? And his gentle personality made it hard to predict. It’s also funny that his entire plan was exposed because he made his made the passcode to his safe his detective ID number. Not because that allowed Phoenix and co to get into the safe, but because that allowed them to prove his ID number. Never reuse your numbers guys.

    But there’s other good stuff. Ema killed that one dude? Great. Lana’s entire motivation and actions in the past? Amazing, although it doesn’t make any sense why she got a defense attorney still. Jake wanting Justice for his brother? Awesome. Edgeworth and Phoenix actively working together still continues to be phenomenal.

    The game itself was okay. The beginning felt overall pretty slow and not super interesting but there was better stuff towards the end.

    7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

    I was mostly busy with things like human interaction


    7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

    In other news, I've made a bit of progress with my doctor concerning ADHD medication and also getting a therapist, so I've been in a pretty good mood lately.

     It’s great that you’ve been in a pretty good mood.

  16. Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

    Well, no, but it's a more... everyday sort of horror, so to speak. That's what I mean by it hits close to home, it feels more real than your usual grand epic of war and sorrow.

    I think I get it. I like my sad epics tho, Banner Saga.

    Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

    And well, I guess I did grow up with suicidal tendencies, so in that regard it did hit close to home.

    Still glad that’s mostly a nonissue now from what it sounds like.

  17. 1 minute ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

    I got so excited when I saw the shine on the nose because I thought it was a nose piercing.


    6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Not the kind that hits close to home like Omori, but quite.

    Omori hit close to home to you? Did you grow up with an older sister and a flight of stairs?

    6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    Play this first, then the rest

    Pluming my backlog smh

  18. 21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    If you've any more questions, I'd be giddy to answer them.

    On a scale of visual novel dating sim to Omori, how much depression is there?

    21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    You can give it a shot, see how you like it, play more if it grips you.

    It sounds exactly like my cup of tea. I’m so close to finishing the first AA I really need to (damn the last case), and then there’s the matter of when I return to totk or play fe10. We’ll see.

  19. 21 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    It's one of my favorite games. Period. Would you like to hear more?

    What you said about it before (a while back) was enough to get me interested, I just kinda forgot about it.

    21 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    A run lasts somewhere between 10-12 hours. Except, there's three routes, and the natural progression, in my opinion, is to do them consecutively as you improve at the game and need to rely on the titular plume's powers less. So the shorter length lends itself really well to three consecutive runs, leaving you with just the right amount of fulfillment by the end of them.

    Is it like a big obvious route split ala Fates?

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