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Posts posted by Crazycolorz5

  1. utilt kills at 125? I actually didn't know that, or heck alot of the things you put. Who do you think her best mu is?

    Also Warp Canceling is so much fun to do, I was messing with it the other day.

    Maybe a bit later, and that's with rage. Many of my numbers are probably skewed because I know them for Rosalina, lol.

    Palutena's best matchup.... probably Villager. You can keep her out pretty indefinitely thanks to the windbox on reflect. The only thing is is that if VIllager does get in, it's hard to get her off of you.

    Personally, I just use Palutena against Zelda and Puff, since Rosa covers most other MUs. I did counterpick Palutena on a villager this past weekly though.

    Palutena's worst matchup is Fox, because non of your jab->something combos works since he can fall and shield on most of them. It's just awful.

    I just asked a friend and they said that they think Palu's best MUs are Vilalger or DK. (I can see DK since dthrow uair is guaranteed for a loooong time)

  2. Also I figure it's better to contribute late rather than never for Olimar, since he is my 3rd character.

    Olimar's fsmash is really hard to approach through, but keep in mind that 1) it's not very strong at the tip, 2) he can't do it for a short time after throwing all the pikmin, and 3) he gets wrecked by reflectors on the pikmin.

    Thus his best kill options are a point blank red (or purple) smash, red or purple backair, or a blue uthrow (kills at about 140 with rage).

    Most of his attacks also have item priority (namely his aerials), so they'll get beated out my any hitbox.

    His upB is very mobile when he has no pikmin, and he can do an aerial out of it.

    Now, tricks you shouldn't fall for:

    1) His dsmash catches the 2 frame. Don't get hit by it, idiot.

    2) landing nair -> usmash works only if you aren't ready to do something out of it. Floaties should air dodge, fast fallers should fall and shield (I think). I just know that it doesn't work but can catch many people.

    His game plan, if you're fighting a good enough Olimar and one that isn't just spamming sideB/fsmash, is:

    > Keep your pikmin management/next to pluck to try to keep one white or purple on you at a time.

    > When you have a white, try to either use a throw combo to get it on the opponent or just get it on them somehow. Once that happens, pressure them and if they try to get it off, punish it with a combo.

    > When you have a purple, use the increased power of having a purple sideB to take stage control and pressure them from a safe distance. Use a read to get a kill early with a purple smash.

    > If you can rack up enough damage with your white and purple sideB, but can't seal a kill, blue uthrow should be an option in mind, but don't fish for it.

    I've seen most Olimars land with nair after upBing.

    Olimar's weaknesses are getting juddled/edgeguarded, due to his lack of a hitbox on his UpB, and his lack of priority on his aerials, and his floaty-ish fall speed. He doesn't really have options to cover people right below him other than ff nair.

  3. Palutena's strength comes from mixing up at the right times.

    Her grounded frame data is garbage, so her neutral mostly consists of spacing bairs and fairs. Her jab is good in that it's very disjointed and leads to, on most characters, a standing grab, on some characters, a dash grab, on most characters, a dash attack, and on all characters at high %s, a nair.

    She relies on mixups and 50/50 tricks to kill. Most notably:

    dthrow -> uair is a 50/50 for a small range just before/to after 100% on most characters. It's guaranteed at kill %s on Rob/other large characters. At higher %s, just jump out and be ready to react to a dj uair.

    jab -> uair/some smash 50/50s at high %'s. If you just out she can follow with a uair, if you ad into the ground, she can smash that. If you do nothing, at high enough %s, she can smash that.

    dthriw-> rar bair is real and will kill towards the side of the stage. Though, she can't reach you if you get thrown right at the edge.

    Other than that, her kill options are

    bair - starts killing at about 140 from a bit past midstage

    nair - kills at around 130 if you DI it up, kills at 110ish offstage if you get flung outwards. DI it in and stage tech it for max survivability

    DA - kills around 130-135ish with rage.

    uthrow - kills around 145 with rage.

    You don't need me to tell you to respect the bair, but don't not-punish it. Force them to mess up their spacing and capitalize on it.

    Autoreticle is surprisingly safe on blocks/as long as the projectiles come out. However, if you spot dodge the targeting, that's a free punish.

    Reflect is also safer than it seems, because of the windbox. It makes the villager matchup very good for Palutena as villager striggles to get past it.

    Counter is f10 and unsafe on hit until about 40%

    You beat Palutena by messing up her spacing, being wary of tomahawk grabs, and not letting her kill you until 140% Her weaknesses are that she has trouble getting out of juggles (warp canceling is her best tool) and she doesn't have any counter breakers, especially if you're in front of her (no bair).

    Oh yeah, also no hitbox on warp so if she's expended her double jump so she can't dj uair, throw out a hitbox and 2frame that teleport.

    edit: stuff I forgot:

    jab -> utilt is guaranteed if you're spaced too close to her. utilt in general is good for reading normal getup, and it kills (125-130ish with rage).

    utilt is actually pretty good. She bends down SUPER low so it's a good anti-air

    dtilt isn't awful and is kinda hard to punish.

    ftilt is awful and if it's used, it's probably a misinput

  4. Okay, I'm on it.

    Edit: I've fixed the issue. It seems to be something Nintenlord never rewrote when he rewrote a large section of the parser. Basically, I think it means that the code isn't known in the RAWs. So we actually should investigate this.

    Edit2: I found some commented out lines in the Text RAWs file.

    #Same as TEXTSHOW
    TEXTSHOW2, 0x1B21, 4, -game:FE8 -indexMode:8
        Text ID, 2, 2

    So I uncommented those lines. I don't know why they were commented. In any case, I've fixed the underlying issue if there were any other unknown codes.

  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fxpd982v3qsrngv/Portrait%20Mouth%20Eyes%20Format.png?dl=0

    Line up the upper left corners of the mouth and eye frames with the correct X and Y coordinates. Those are the ones you use in the macro for EA, if you're installing that way.

    #define setMugEntry(mugEntry, mugLocation, mouthX, mouthY, eyeX, eyeY) "PUSH; ORG PortraitTable+mugEntry*0x1C; POIN mugLocation; POIN mugLocation+0x1624; POIN mugLocation+0x1604; POIN mugLocation+0x1004; WORD 0x00000000; BYTE mouthX mouthY eyeX eyeY; WORD 0x01; POP"
  6. Bumping to say I've updated to V1.0 (ParseFile) and V0.2 (ParseFolder) for compatibility with EA and #incext.

    Updated to version ParseFile 1.0. This mostly makes its --to-stdout flag compatible with EA's #incext.

    Updated to version ParseFolder 0.2. This fixes a few issues with folder traversal. Namely, if you recompile on a UNIX machine, it should work properly there now.

  7. Version 10.0 Released!

    On 5/19/2016 at 1:42 PM, Crazycolorz5 said:

    Download Tools at FEU's EA Formatting Suite.

    Latest Version Download: Event Assembler V10.0

    This dug into the code for Core.exe a lot. A few bugs were squashed, such as resources failing to close from #include. All of the changes are detailed in README2.txt. This sets up EA to be able to process a wider variety of data, and PUSH/POP allows you to repoint something without having to reallocate to free space.

    This update also adds the Tools folder. The README.txt file tells how to use all tools that have been developed for EA. However, since the tools are much larger than the size of EA itself, the download is separate. In future releases, we might offer a full .zip containing both EA and tools, but for now, download them from the EA Formatting Suite thread.


    V 10.0
    -FE6: Added THE_END code in raws, replacing _0x3E (credit to Onmi)
    -FE8: Changed old FE8!IFET to CHECK_EVENTID
    -Updated EA Standard Library to 9.2.
    -Made capitalization in includes and folder structure more consistent.
    -Fixed bug where resources inconsistently closed when included.
    -Fixed #incbin to use BYTE instead of CODE.
    -Fixed bug where ifndef didn't properly recognize automatic definitions.
    -Made >> always do 32-bit logical shifts; Added >>> to do 32-bit arithmetic shifts.
    -Fixed operator precedence to match that of C's.
    -Loading a raw code will also load _0xXXXX where XXXX is its ID;
     If the code is <= 0xFF, it also loads _0xXX.
    -Redefinitions are now only warnings, rather than errors.
    -Added #incext; Searches Tools folder for the name of the tool provided,
     then calls the tool by command line with the rest of the parameters as
     commandline parameters, then inlines with BYTE any output written to stdout.
     An error is logged if the first bytes of the output are "ERROR: ".
    -Added the Tools ParseFolder, Png2Dmp, and PortraitFormatter.
    -Added PUSH/POP to store and load CURRENTOFFSET.
    -Added #easteregg. Try to find them all!
    -FE8: Added "Slots Helpers.txt".
    -FE8: Added ClearBackgroundSmooth -- just does a FADI before the call.
    -FE8: Fixed ReinforcementEvent macro (was incorrect before).
    -ALL: Updated all macros that used ORG to now take advantage of PUSH/POP.



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