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Posts posted by Crazycolorz5

  1. Bejita screams and his hair turns blue (I dont'know if this is possible with GBA graphics but I think someone can program it) and he swears revenge for Bejina.

    I gotchu fam.

  2. Veeeeery nice.

    Question, though: I don't imagine the current version supports mounting and dismounting in the preparations screen, but will future versions support it?

    Nope. At worst an ASMC could be written to remount anyone dismounted that you could run at the end of a chapter, though.

  3. Just give the characters the relevant skills instead of calling it blood and doing the same effective thing.

    I just don't think it's widely usable except for specifically an FE4 remake, so I won't be making it.

  4. I'll post my findings in detail at a later time in the day, but for now, check this out:


    I managed to put a skill on an enemy! Isn't that awesome? I was sorta shooting in the dark here but I'm glad it paid off.


    Here's what I've learned regarding enemies and skill placement.

    Every generic unit of the same class shares the same skills

    Therefore, if you add Lifetaker (like I did) to one Samurai, it effects all of them.

    How skills appear in the data

    Using C009.bin in \GameData\Person\C, we can find the unit data for this particular map, and how skils are set up:


    Y'all like that third grade painting skill, don't you?

    The blue bytes represent the Weapon Rank of the enemy. However, generic units seem to lack weapon ranks (as far as I could tell). Perhaps they're stored elsewhere? Anyway our enemy here has 3 bytes of weapon rank data, meaning they have three weapons: A B-rank, and two C-ranks. Highlighted next are the skills, in order from top to bottom (how they appear in the game). These skills in particular are: Duelist's Blow, Vantage, and Seal Strength (If you couldn't tell, this is Fuga's enemy data). The empty bytes represent the last two skills, which are empty because Fuga doesn't have anymore skills in this encounter. Lastly is Fuga's personal skill. I do not know why he has his personal skill displayed three times, but I guess it's something to prevent hackers from editing personal skills using conventional cheats like NTR. All generics have bytes dedicated for Personal Skills, so in theory, you can give a generic a personal skill.

    The hard/confusing parts

    While this is all nifty, there's still some parts I don't understand. Like the empty bytes between skills. I haven't checked Conquest unit data yet, but I assume they're difficulty bytes, don't quote me on that.

    Also, character IDs are nowhere near their skills. 'Ol Fuga here has his character ID (2D) in a completely different location. Same with Hayato, in fact HIS ID is right above Fuga's skills! Instead, you have to search by their class ID. Fuga's class ID is 23 (Master of Arms), therefore by searching that you can uncover his skill data. Same can be used with Generics and Hayato in this chapter. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what happens when there's a character and a generic with the same class and you want to edit their skills separately. More research is needed.

    Anyway, that's all I found in regards to putting skills on enemies. Hopefully this information is helpful, and will lead to something sweet.

    If my GBAFE hacking experience is transferrable at all,

    Weapon Levels are autoleveled based on weapons in inventory.

    The same generic data is used to spawn multiple enemies.

    Skills are stored as a halfword (despite having less than 255 of them?) and thus the 0x00's between them make sense. (I guess if 3ds is 64 bit it'd be a fourthword, huh :P? Though idk if it's 32 or 64 bit)

    Maybe character ID is just stored near the end of the struct?

  5. You know what the forgotten, cool FE5 mechanic was? The fact that you could change the menus to whatever colour you wanted with RGB bars. TRS had it too, but it'd probably be a bitch to implement.

    Nothing has sounded like more of a pain to implement.

    It wouldn't be so bad except for the fact that GBAFE's customization menu doesn't have any sliding bars, so there's nothing to copy off of. It might be easier if there was, like, grid bars like in the newer games, but I'm not writing code to read inputs and update a bar in assembly.

    So, tl;dr, no.

  6. Can we get a tag applicable to character/class that makes them heal HP at the beginning of their phase, as if they were on a fortress? Additionally, for the sadists: units that heal all of their HP at the beginning of their phase.

    Also already done, renewal effect, though I should probably make an EA installer for it when I have the time.

  7. (another stupid question) Is it possible to have more branches for promotions? (like in Gaiden where villagers could promote to 5 different classes)

    Also is it possible to make Gaiden's way of getting magic? (level-ups at certain levels) And if so, can you also make it be based on affininities? (for example, fire affinity would let you learn fire at level 1, then elfire at level 10, then at level 15 meteor and finally level 20 ragnarok, or ice with wind, elwind, blizzard and fimbulvetr etc.)

    jj has already done 3 branches per class. More than that seems infeasible due to the display.

    Magic based on level is doable but I'm not looking to implement that right now...

  8. Well, he asked "how", not "whether". . .

    To which I would respond, by making a new trap type and call it a Dragon Vein. Then add a unit menu option that checks if there's a DV Trap on your tile, and when used, it executes some event that you set in a table.

  9. as an FE5 expert I can get behind all those FE5-related recommendations except dismount, I don't think there is any way to make that work well enough to be worth using; FE3, 4, and 5 all failed at its implementation

    unless the characters can use their original weapons (of which at that, what would be the point of dismount but for flavor and flavor is a lot of extra man hours for little) it's just an incredible inconvenience and disservice to the characters in question

    one thing I'd like to have as a matter of convenience, if it hasn't been done already (and if I ever actually utilize my ideas) is to have trade-locking of items as an item flag

    Seconding Lamia on tradelocking - that would be marvelous.

    Dismount/mount is already finished and implemented so I can't complain.

    This is something that circleseverywhere has done.

    Also, it wasn't that many extra man-hours. Took me an afternoon :P. Flaaavor.

  10. Ah, excuse my limited knowledge of Serenes mythological and religious figures.

    Oh, no, I just haven't been on Serenes that much/for that long. Mostly due to a 'spamming' warning I didn't accept for a year and a half.

    I'm an FEU mythical and religious figure (check my sig)/

  11. Welp, time to install tiled :/

    Or you can just do your tile changes in EA like I used to. You youngsters nowadays and your tiled and mappy and tools and insertions and hex editors. Why, back in my day, if you wanted to change a tile, you used a magnetized needle to change the hex.

  12. I've got a slight problem in my chapter with chests being able to be opened over and over again. How do I make it so that they can only be opened once?

    Chests should only be able to be opened if they have the "Chest" tile. Do you have working map tile changes on your map? If they are working, then maybe try to assign an event ID to the chests.

  13. Eirika (Light)

    Bases: 16/4/8/9/5/3/1/5 con/5 mov

    Promo: 4/2/2/1/0/3/5/2 con/2 mov

    Growths: 70/40/60/60/60/30/30, Swords 70 (enough to go from B to A)

    Rapier: 7mt 95hit 10crit 5wt 2x eff v horse/knight

    Hector (Thunder)

    Bases: 19/7/4/5/3/8/0/13 con/5 mov

    Promo: 3/0/2/3/0/1/5/2 con/0 mov, Swords 32 (D rank)

    Growths: 90/60/45/35/30/50/25

    Wolf Beil: 10mt 80hit 10crit 10wt 2x eff v horse/knight

    #include EAstdlib.event

    #define setCharacterGrowths(character, HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Luk, Def, Res) "ORG (CharacterTable+character*0x34+0x1C); BYTE HP Str Skl Spd Def Res Luk"

    #define setCharacterBases(character, HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Luk, Def, Res) "ORG (CharacterTable+character*0x34+0xC); BYTE HP Str Skl Spd Def Res Luk"

    #define Hector Eirika

    setCharacterGrowths(Hector, 90, 60, 45, 35, 30, 50, 25)

    setCharacterBases(Hector, 19, 7, 4, 5, 3, 8, 0)

    #define setWeaponStats(item, might, hit, crit, wt) "ORG (ItemTable+0x24*item+0x15); BYTE might hit wt crit"

    #define setItemUses(item, uses) "ORG (ItemTable+0x24*item+0x14); BYTE uses"

    #define setWeaponType(item, type) "ORG (ItemTable+0x24*item+0x7); BYTE type"

    #define setEffectiveWeapon(item, effectivenessPointer) "ORG (ItemTable+0x24*item+0x10); POIN effectivenessPointer;"

    #define Axes 0x2

    #define HorseAndArmorEffectiveness 0x8ADEC2

    #define WolfBeil Rapier

    setWeaponStats(WolfBeil, 10, 80, 10, 10)

    setItemUses(WolfBeil, 45) //I forgot this

    setWeaponType(WolfBeil, Axes)

    setEffectiveWeapon(WolfBeil, HorseAndArmorEffectiveness)

  14. Inventor Award - Emblem Warriors (the concept will really shine as soon as someone gets rid of the "20 green units on the map at once" cap)

    You called?

    Kogasa Award - Ragefest Revengeance (that turnaround was amazing, but wot's a kogasa)

    Kogasa's from Touhou: Undefined Fantastic Object and feeds off of surprise.
  15. Anyways, Fatigue is an awesome mechanic when it's properly designed around. You have to tailor the progression and cast composition to accommodate for the extra layer of challenge, but it the forced party rotation aspect is something that I've always appreciated from a design perspective. I jotted down some thoughts on implementing Fatigue a while back, but my concept for the display would likely be difficult to implement. Some sort of gauge would be appreciated--I felt that Thracia displaying only the fatigue count made it somewhat difficult to track (that, and piss poor menu translation in the incomplete FE5 English patch).

    I have plans. It's going to be pretty similar to your mock-up, probably.

    Good work on Dismount too, CC! I think others have suggested it, but if you wanted to take that mechanic a step further you could implement FE3-style Dragonstones where the Manakete actually transform into alternate dragon classes for a few turns before shifting back into human form. Perhaps that could be implemented as a status effect? Coincidentally, TRS handles dragon mechanics the exact same way.

    Now, if I'm gonna do it (transformations), I'll do (FE10) laguz. But not yet, not in the near future, yet.

  16. Wizardry: "Might affect hit..."

    Makes hits run off of GBAFE formula when I'm fighting someone (attacking or defending).

    Well, maybe if they're afraid of Dancers breaking the game by refreshing each other in an infinite loop forever, but I'm sure they could program something for that (like, only being able to use the Dance/Sing/Refresh command once per Player/Enemy/Other Phase).

    Actually, something we've already done in hacking, is made a "Dancers can't refresh other Dancers" hack. So that's an easy fix.

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