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Everything posted by Crazycolorz5

  1. You called? Kogasa's from Touhou: Undefined Fantastic Object and feeds off of surprise.
  2. I have plans. It's going to be pretty similar to your mock-up, probably. Now, if I'm gonna do it (transformations), I'll do (FE10) laguz. But not yet, not in the near future, yet.
  3. Wizardry: "Might affect hit..." Makes hits run off of GBAFE formula when I'm fighting someone (attacking or defending). Actually, something we've already done in hacking, is made a "Dancers can't refresh other Dancers" hack. So that's an easy fix.
  4. Fix'd; it was meant to be the AS (formula) Changer hack
  5. We're also in the process of brewing up an assembly tutorial ,geared towards FE-specific knowledge, on FEU. I'll inevitably post a link to it once it's done.
  6. Is this for FE7 or FE8? Also, credits to Blazer for documenting the behavior of items. Furthermore, there's a third table that controls the targeting for items/staves
  7. Possibly; I'd try to rig it up based on Dance if I wanted to do this, personally. Or maybe copy the attack routine but skip the equip menu or feed it fake data or something *shrug*. Yes it's possible but it'd be a pain in the butt.
  8. Idk, I took the fatigue suggestion seriously, so, like, I think he said it seriously.
  9. Making it "you can ONLY dismount indoors" seems a bit odd, tbh. And hard to define what exact parameters you want to allow dismounting (couldn't they dismount indoors then go outside?). Making it so that "You can only be inside while dismounted" is easier -- set it so that horses can't move on inside terrain tiles. And it is on my todo to make dismount/mount only usable if your other form can actually traverse the tile you're on. Though that's not a feature yet. Laguz are being considered and I'm thinking about it, but I have other things to work on for now, so I don't see myself doing them anytime in the near future.
  10. Sounds fun to implement, if only I wasn't already completely bogged down in wizardry to-dos. tbh we HAVE the technology...
  11. If it's FE7, new!EA has some codes for disabling skipping and renabling skipping of events: http://feuniverse.us/t/fe7-disable-skipping-a-section-of-events/1421/3?u=crazycolorz5 The thread also has the codes/macros if you're using EA V9.10.
  12. I try to have descriptive titles, but if you're still not sure, most of the pages probably contain more information.
  13. Yes, this is correct. FE8 has the true hit system where it actually rolls two numbers. So, like, a 9% hit is more like a 3% hit.
  14. So instead, a new thread about "why corrin is bad" would have to be created? Despite the existing thread having (assumedly) many good points/viewpoints? Many of those who read the new thread may not have been following the old one, and thus may just be reconstructing things already said, and the ones who have seen it would be thinking "I already know all of these points". The is instead of being able to start where the old thread left off. I find this wasteful and counterproductive.
  15. My thoughts from my first runs: Birthright: Oboro why are you so OP? No one can kill you, and you half kill everything back, and seal their defense... MVP without a doubt. Conquest: My first Elise was RNG blessed. I went back to look at her stats and I think she has like, 4 more HP and Def than she has any right having (accounting for stat boosters). But I'd say part of the rest of her utility is due to my spoiling of her, oops lol. (i.e. Replicate, +3 Thunder tome, etc) More objectively, Effie was the real MVP. Ate hammers (well, a singular hammer) to the face. Iirc she also had the most battles fought. (Elise had the most kills) Revelations: Kinda a dumb mode to talk about balance. Oboro and Elise joined together to kill everything. I also did more paralogues here (I say that despite only doing like 3-4 of them lol) so I had more kids and was at a higher level. (I did none in birthright and did one, Kana's, in conquest). But then again, I've been told my opinions are odd, and I attribute that to Lunatic playing differently. In my current playthrough I'm contemplating why Camilla!Velouria is basically a god. I reclassed her to a Malig Knight, hesitated for a second about sending her off to hit something in range of a sniper, then looked at the sniper's damage output and did it anyway. (granted, this current run is on Normal for relaxing.)
  16. Here's the data I collected. Notably, - The EXP formula changes based on what mode you're on (Normal has a MUCH more lenient curve as you gain levels over Lunatic) - You get a little bit more EXP for attacking paired up enemies (I didn't note the amounts, but it was 3-6 ish for damaging/kill) - I seem to have gotten 8 EXP for killing an enemy while being 4 levels high on Lunatic, contradicting others' findings of 7 EXP. Could someone verify?
  17. That's a bit of an issue though -- If the default answer is generally "yes", then should it really be a rule in a first place? What I'm suggesting is to catch the cases you'd say "no" to under a different rule, such as off-topic posting. From what I'm gathering, you're generally fine with necroposting when it adds to the conversation, so why have a rule specifically restricting necroposting? I'd also like to emphasize that it's also about accessibility. Having to PM a mod before posting, when expecting a "yes" anyway, is a barrier to posting. Yeah, I'm hoping having a mindset slightly less encouraging to always start a new thread would help with this.
  18. I didn't say it was good, I said it was far.
  19. Yes. But its base distance is still really really really really far.
  20. Event Assembler originally by Nintenlord! FEU Thread Future Planned Features Since I'm editing EA and incorporating new changes, as well as USING the new features, I thought I'd make a thread specifically dedicated to its maintenance and download. This is that thread. It did seem awkward to me that our most useful/powerful tool gets buried in the forums, and the latest version isn't in the OP of the thread it is on. With me developing for it as well as posting this thread, I can keep this post updated. Download Tools at FEU's EA Formatting Suite. Latest Version Download: Event Assembler V11.1 (Thanks @Stanツ_) Latest Changes: Previous Version Downloads And Short Description:
  21. For the portrait that's glitching out: Have you tried opening your ROM in FEditor, saving it, then closing it? For the portrait that's not showing up: iirc GBAFE has a limit on the number of portraits in a conversation at once. I forget if it's 4 or 5, but if it's 4, then that explains the one not loading.
  22. I made a thread: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=63792 It just calculates the stat differences based on the difference in the class bases. So if you wanted, you could set the cav bases higher and the unmounted bases lower, and stats would get decreased accordingly.
  23. This is a crosspost from FEU. Usage: Allows classes with a mounted class to be associated an unmounted class an vice versa. Their stats are changed in between the forms based on differences in the base stats of the classes. Installation: Extract all files in the zip. Open up "DismountMount Installer.txt". Set the TextID's you'd like to use for the names and descriptions of the command, and the location of some free space. If you repointed the Class Table, change that definition. Then scroll down to MountedClassTable:. Change the entries there to fit the class associations you want. It should be of the form MountedUnmounted(mountedclass, unmountedclass). The table should end with EndMountUnmountedTable. If you have other commands you need to integrate into the Unit Menu Table, copy the MenuCommand lines and merge them into one installer (advanced). Finally, install the file with EA V9.12 or later. Download: DismountMount v0.9.zip Screenshots: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9rxeq15o4rhnzew/Dismount%201.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/j54y0zzsn0f3881/Dismount%202.png?dl=0
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