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Everything posted by CheeseAnton

  1. I know this sounds weird, but hear me out. Dillon's Rolling Western x Persona Obviously this would never happen, and my ideas may be underdeveloped. I just wish there were more tower-defense games where you are an actual character and not just an overlord spending money from the heavens. Plus, I love the Persona games for their mixture of real world life sim to crazy monster beating time. So I wanted to mix these series because I said so.
  2. Bio Gear Solid A stealth game, where you are trying to sneak around in a giant diver suit
  3. Even since I heard of Cadence of Hyrule, I really wanted a Downwell x The Mario Series.
  4. I was playing Worms WMD and I made a team, I think called "I like Cheese" or something like that. One of the default names was "Anton" and for some reason I decided to just put "Cheese" in front of it, thus was the first use of "CheeseAnton." I didn't even really think about it, it was my 7th worm, I think, and I was happy with the other names like "XxXCheeser" and "Mac." Someday while playing with my sister (gonna call her Lyn), she said "I hate this" "your team is stupid" and stuff like that, and Lyn absolutely lost her mind when she saw those fated words... CheeseAnton. Lyn absolutely hated that name, so to spite her I made it my near default account name, as I was getting old of my last one (came up with it while I was 7, it's, for lack of a better word, cringe and awful).
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