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Posts posted by Konnor97

  1. I was excited for this since the first day, and I've never been not looking forward to its release. Fire Emblem (a series I've been into for a while) + Warriors (a series I've had my eye on for a little bit and feel a strong draw towards) is awesome. It looks good, it sounds good, and I'm perfectly fine with the roster.

  2. Just now, Motendra said:

    Thats more so because while Xander does indeed wield a sword in this game, his sprite shows him (and anyone in the cavalry line) with a lance. A small oversight

    Yeah. A small oversight, but an easily fixed one. Like, why not just use a Pegasus Knight?

  3. Just now, Solaris998 said:

    Is that supposed to be showing the weapon triangle? I thought it was just showing the switching between characters thing, and that you switch through them in a certain order.

    I think it is. It has Corrin with her sword and an arrow pointing to Frederick with his axe. Frederick has an arrow pointing to Xander with a lance (which he can't wield in this game), and Xander has an arrow pointing to Corrin. Also Takumi with his bow and Leo with his tome are separate from the others. Next to it are some image of Rowan knocking a guy away, revealing some kind of WPG, which has been associated with the weapon triangle.

  4. 1 minute ago, Thane said:

    I think it just moves its head (...entire body?) back a bit and closes its eyes. I believe it recoils normally there. I believe the real question is if the sound was added afterwards or if it's a real super effective sound, and if so, if it's indicative of Burst's typing. Fire seems reasonable, all things considered. Fire/Fairy, maybe?

    I hear you. I just hope they go with some really freaky combinations. Ghost/Rock or Ghost/Normal would be pretty sweet since they've never been done before. Just to drive home the point that they're different.

    I choose to believe that it was a real super effective sound, because something funky with Fire, which the move seems most like, would be cool.

    Hopefully. Assembly, and Burst to a lesser extent, is too cool to have a boring typing.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Thane said:

    It does slightly though; we're just seeing it from behind. Right?

    No, it's Iron Defense. I wouldn't take that as any type confirmation just yet though, as Pokémon like Turtonator has it as well.

    It's a little hard to tell to me. It definitely moved a bit, but it didn't seem like a recoil. Then again I don't know/remember what Metagross' animations look like.

    Okay. I didn't think it meant anything necessarily, but I didn't know what Iron Defense looked like. It's not a move you see too often.

  6. 1 minute ago, Thane said:

    Right here, mah boi.

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    Oh right, they only share one typing. Maybe they'd share the Fire type? I wouldn't put it past Assembly to be Fire/Ghost if Nihilego can be Poison/Rock. 

    Oh yeah, the Direct footage itself.
    Weird how Metagross didn't really recoil back though.

    BTW, was the move Assembly used in the post-Direct trailer new?

  7. 1 minute ago, Thane said:

    Ghost/Normal would be sick, though UB's are everything but normal. I just hope we get more of them, as I feel like Burst wasted a spot. I want my UB's creepy.

    Unless they programmed in a super effective sound (which I believe they've done in trailers before), it's either Fire, Dark or Ghost, seeing as it has attacked both Decidueye and Metagross for super effective damage with the same move. If it's the 'mon's signature move, then chances are it's one of those types. 

    If it follows the same pattern as Pheromosa and Buzzwole, Assembly and Burst will share their typing, though I hope that's not the case.

    I didn't know there was a clip of it fighting a Metagross.

    Kartana and Celesteela, both UB-04, share a Steel typing but not the other type, so it's possible they share at least one type. Assuming they're the same number UB that is. I just realized they didn't number them in the trailer.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Anomalocaris said:

    I don't mind Elise or Xander, I just want to recreate his shining moment from Birthright.

    I want to fight Ryoma with another Ryoma (if it was possible in Free Mode or whatever) for a similar reason.

  9. Now that I've slept on it, I'm in my 'cool, yeah, whatever' phase. Lyn's in, so that's neat. The box leak is real, but it isn't the entire roster, so that's cool. I'm done being salty about it. It's not worth it. It also made me look a little hypocritical because I got on people for dropping the game (not that I was gonna but still) because of the roster. Now I can (vainly) hope that Ephraim will be a character already in the game and not DLC (which he totally will be possibly).

  10. Just now, Sbuscoz said:

    Let's leave this bad mod and talk about serious matters: why everyone criticised Camilla for having jiggle physics but no one talks about Lyn's?


    I've seen it mentioned on Reddit like once or twice, but also it's only been like 2 hours, and it's a little more subtle than Camilla's, especially since you can see half of Camilla's boobs.

    Lyn is from GBA and Camilla is from 3DS.

  11. 9 minutes ago, YotsuMaboroshi said:

    For all of the 'clone' characters, the normal strings seem shared, while the special attack, pair up special and Awakening special are different.  I believe at least some charge attacks are also not shared, but demos seem to have only given us one of each pair except Chrom/Lucina, which I wasn't paying enough attention to at the time to note the differences.

    - Cordelia/Hinoka is the most noticable, since Cordelia's original trailer showed her entire normal string, which we later also saw on Hinoka in demos.  In these last trailers, Cordelia seems to be using C2 plus some aerial follow-ups, while Hinoka uses the normal string.

    - Leo's gameplay here shows his C3 (the Fire blast, assuming I'm counting correctly) and C2 (the wind blast).  His first two attacks are identical to Elise's, who's gameplay shows either the full normal string, or her C5.

    - Takumi's gameplay here was his C2 (arrow slashes) and C3 (rain of arrows).  Sakura's was the normal string, which Takumi was seen using in demos, just like Hinoka.

    - Chrom's part of the Awakening trailer seems to be his normal string, while Lucina appears to show C2 and C3.

    Since out of the clone pairs, one was using the normal string and one used C2 and C3 in these (except for Hinoka/Cordelia), I'm pretty certain that Elise's showed the normal string, which means Leo likely has Fates Mjolnir as well.

    This is mostly to provide a general analysis of the clone pairs than really directed at you, but I do think saying they share 'striking similarities' is downplaying it a bit.  I think the only one I haven't really looked at is Lianna and Rowan, but I don't remember enough of their normal string to say whether they're a clone pair like these or not (I know they have different charge attacks and specials).

    I'd like to make an apology on my part since I had the "analysis" on the difference between Takumi and Sakura, claiming that their attack strings were completely different, and that may have sparked some of the 'clone' argument. I honestly had no clue about the demo footage that showed Takumi doing his string, and I am a Musou noob, so I couldn't tell that Takumi was doing some charge attacks, and I just assumed it was all a part of his string.

  12. 3 minutes ago, DaisyLencea said:

    I think this 'fake' artbox is useful.

    If IS don'T delete this artbox:

    'Tiki' means no Manakete.

    'Catria' means no more Flier.

    'Lyn' means no more Sworduser.

    'Celeca' means no more Magicuser.

    'Anna' means no more Axeuser.

    I don't get what you mean. Like if they don't ask the retailer to remove the image (which would imply it is fake), it would somehow confirm no more characters of those classes/weapon types?

  13. 3 hours ago, Torii said:

    No surprise Sakura is a clone of her brother honestly. But (what I assume is) her Awakening attack is interesting, she looks really fun to use. Everyone else is still looking just as fun. Kinda surprised they released these trailers so soon, I was kinda expecting them at the end of the week but I'm not complaining.

    I wouldn't call Sakura a clone outside of using a bow. Her attack string is clearly different than Takumi's. He fires a triple shot fanning out, slashes twice with his bow, fires another fanning triple shot, then another, and then he fires arrows into the air to a bunch down around him. Sakura fires a triple shot that seems to fan out wider than Takumi's, another triple shot, a quadruple shot, spins around while shooting arrows, jumps up to shoot arrows down in front of her, lands and shoots rounds of triple shots angling upwards, and then she fires one large shot in front.

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