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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. The Kantonian versions of Raichu, Marowak, and Exeggutor can be obtained while in Ultra Space locations, as they aren't in Alola.
  2. Technically it did, they just weren't explicitly shown. According to Xenoblade: The Complete Guide (strategy guide only released in Japan), there are 17 chapters plus the prologue. The chapters seem to be split up by the times when you are prompted to save after certain cutscenes.
  3. I thought it'd be a good idea to post leak stuff here instead of the main thread. I'll still tag spoiler stuff, at least for right now. Check SciresM and Kaphotics on twitter, or visit 4chan. The script has been dumped, among other things. MODEL FOR LEAKED POKEMON
  4. The game's leaking. Check SciresM and Kaphotics on twitter, or visit 4chan. Actually, I'm gonna go ahead and make a dedicated spoiler/leak thread.
  5. Yep. Apparently it is 10 Gold materials and like 30,000 gold IIRC. And I don't know why they wouldn't die.
  6. I imagine you'll be able to obtain Master Seals in the History mode maps that come in the packs. It would be pretty unbelievable if the developers just decided that up to 9 characters would never be able to promote.
  7. Like the ORAS demo? That was mainly just Gamefreak not being thorough when scrubbing stuff for the demo. Dataminers could go through the demo because it was available to access. The pre-load of USUM may have the data there, but it isn't accessible because they don't have the "key" to get into it. Here's a little FAQ by SciresM that should explain things a little better. It's for Sun and Moon, but it will still be relevant. https://pastebin.com/28CW3zxq
  8. Not from the eShop stuff. IIRC, there's a specific key used to "unlock" the pre-loaded copies for play, and it is way too inefficient to attempt to crack it. Any leaks/datamining will come from physical copies that break the street date.
  9. I started getting a lot more archer stuff in the Fates map, particularly the Hoshidan side. Once two characters get to A rank, you'll receive a X's Teachings for both characters. That material, plus the character's gold material, is needed for characters to get another's skill. Also the initial character needs to know their own skill already before it can be spread, using 3 of their silver materials. So if you want Chrom for example to get Astra, Ryoma would need to A support someone (it doesn't have to be the person you plan on giving the skill to), and then Chrom would go into the crest market and buy Astra (assuming Ryoma has already learned it). It gets a little easier considering you get a character's gold material at B support, so you easily get the resources to pass around skills, as long as you keep supports up.
  10. What level is your team? 15 is generally the recommended level for the first stratum boss. Also I read that the body IIRC was weak to Ice, so if you have a fencer/warlock, you can make use of that.
  11. https://www.gamnesia.com/news/future-fire-emblem-warriors-dlc-content-will-be-influenced-by-fan-requests
  12. I've heard some people reporting game crashes/freezing in performance mode, mainly during Dual Attack and Awakening Musou.
  13. I think it's that physical weapons use magic and target resistance, while magical weapons use strength and target defense.
  14. I am flabbergasted at making the NPC crew paid DLC. Also Linde over Merric? Lame.
  15. Holy crap the cockney (I think) accent on Rex.
  16. @Jedi I've noticed you've mentioned a couple of times that you mention SW4-II as one of the best Musou games. How does it differ from SW4, and is it worth it to play both?
  17. I didn't want to necro the old Etrian Odyssey topic, so here we go. Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth has finally released internationally today! The demo released a few weeks ago. What are your teams? What is your guild name? How are enjoying the game? I personally haven't got the game yet, mainly because there are other games coming out that I want to play, but I plan to probably pick it up holiday time. I have played the demo though, so I have guild Forrester, and the team of Raddy the Pugilist, Cynthia the Dragoon, Harry the Botanist, Pat the Rover, and Anna the Warlock.
  18. Nice that we have some more concrete info about the packs. Since each pack has 3 characters and 3 History Mode maps, what are the chances that each map will be dedicated to a character from the pack?
  19. Sorta-yes. Each chapter has two Anna's Mementos. One is found on any difficulty, and can be found somewhere on the battlefield after 1000 KOs IIRC. The second one can only be found after beating the game, and only on Hard or Lunatic mode. The second one has some kind of challenge you need to do in order to get it, like defeating a certain enemy without letting a certain character fall below a certain HP threshold, or capturing and holding all keeps before triggering the final officer of the map (you are given a hint on the mission in the menu).
  20. 1. Is Frederick counted as an armor unit? 2. So there are Iron/Steel/Silver/Brave weapons, and stuff like Anti-Armor and Reverse Triangle are skills. Are there dedicated Anti-X weapons i.e. Armorslayer/Beast Killer, or are they just repped as skills? 3. Are they any skills outside of Anti-X, Reverse Triangle, Magical, and Gold/Slots/Recovery Item/etc. +?
  21. I like how all Soldiers are Patrick Seitz. The Mage kinda sounds like Matthew Mercer to me.
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