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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. So yeah. I guess the trailer really is complete now. Also Tiki's British accent is cute.
  2. Looking at the footage again, I was wrong. It was just Corrin smacking her around. But she doesn't seem to have much less Defense than other characters. Her stats when she was fighting were 167 HP and 15 Defense. Tiki had 142 HP and 17 Defense, and I think she was taking a good bit less damage than Caeda because she was hit by generics, as opposed to an enemy officer.
  3. Arrows murder the hell out of fliers.
  4. I mean, it is fully possible that we have a playable Knight. Though it probably be Draug if anybody. No Hidden Weapons doesn't necessarily deconfirm Thieves like Gaius. FE11/13 Thieves use swords. I think there have been generic Merc/Fighter mooks. Probably. It would be weird for the infantry axe class to be Cleric. No confirmed playable Merc/Fighter is a bit weird though.
  5. I think it refers to Soldiers and Armor Knights, yes. And I think it may be talking in general, as in there are Soldiers and Knights that use lances, and so the Great Knight class uses axes. Odd how it doesn't talk about Cavaliers/Paladins though.
  6. I found it. Source: http://nintendoeverything.com/fire-emblem-warriors-devs-chrom-was-made-first-lissa-lucina-frederick-robin-talk-much-more/ "And since we also have the non-mounted and armored Knight that will use a spear, Great Knights shall end up appearing with an axe." I've seen the quote before, but I guess I was falling into the thoughts of other people who said the same thing using this quote. Sorry for slight misinformation.
  7. I mean, Armor Knights were confirmed lance users, and a playable AK was confirmed in an interview, so not all lances are Peg Knights. @Anomalocaris It's tomorrow.
  8. I may be remembering wrong, but I thought it was confirmed that F!Robin and M!Corrin were costumes. Anna (and Navarre) make it 24.
  9. What's up with the Dynasty Warriors 8/9 thing? During TGS, KT is promoting DW8, except that's already a thing in the West, and the TGS thing is apparently DW9. A person said that the numbering is off between East/West for the games, and I'm wondering why that is. And I got my question answered in the TGS topic. Japan does not count DW1 as DW1 because it plays more like a fighting game than the Musou gameplay the series would later be known for.
  10. So is the trailer complete now? The rows at the end are even now.
  11. Not FE, but what exactly is that Dynasty Warriors 8 (I think that's what it is) thing? An expansion?
  12. Oh. She becomes a dragon while in Focus Spirit (is that what it's called?).
  13. I mean, you'd be crazy to think they wouldn't be in the game, outside of the leak.
  14. I completely forgot she was on the box.
  15. That's the last of the box characters.
  16. The list higher on the page says it starts at 11:30 EST.
  17. Neat, Leo used his Iceblade in his Dual Musou (is that what it's called?).
  18. Did they skip the Marth cutscene, or was it just short?
  19. Oh hey, 3DS footage. And there it goes.
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