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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Considering the scans indicate that hidden weapons don't exist, Felicia, along with Jakob and Kaze/Saizo/Kagero, isn't looking likely.
  2. This brings the roster to 14: 7 Sword Infantry (Rowan, Lianna, Marth, Chrom, Lucina, F!Corrin, Ryoma) not counting Darios 1 Sword Cavalry (Xander) 1 Axe Infantry (Lissa) 1 Axe Cavalry (Frederick) 1 Lance Flier (Cordelia) 2 Tome Infantry (M!Robin, F!Robin) 1 Breath (Tiki)
  3. http://www.aniplex.co.jp/p5a/ Video trailer once you enter the site is apparently exclusive to Japan, so don't be surprised when it doesn't play. From the same studio who did the Persona 5: The Day Breakers, Persona 4: The Golden Animation, and the last 3 Persona 3 movies. Thoughts?
  4. Camus is MVP, being one of my only characters that can reasonably take on Celica. Sacrificing a Lon'qu for Vantage 3 was the best decision I ever did. The rest of my team is Cecilia, Eliwood (still need to get him to 5*), and Gunter. Coincidentally, this is also my Arena team.
  5. Didn't expect Frederick, at least in this trailer, so I'm pleasantly surprised. Lissa with an axe is slightly unexpected, although it makes sense it retrospect.
  6. No. For example, I have no intention of playing Wonderful 101 again.
  7. Gamestop has had preorders ready since the Fire Emblem direct. That's when I put mine down.
  8. The inventory size increases to the combined size of both Alm's and Celica's convoys.
  9. Remember when I said to not get your hopes up about the rumor (not that I think anyone did)? It was confirmed in another official statement that they are indeed exclusive to 3DS. It was a clerical error when it was temporarily listed with a TBA Switch release date. I think mostly everyone figured it was just a rumor and that it was just an error on the site, but to those whom interest I peaked with the rumor, I apologize. Souce: https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/872113726132015104 I can't find the actual source of that info, as even though it was said to be from TPCI, it does not seem to be on the press site. It should still be evidence enough.
  10. True, and the direct itself mentioned they were for 3DS, along with the press site and whatever, but the rumor indicates the possibility of them also being for the Switch. It's just a rumor, and there are plenty of rational explanations for the stuff on the press site that lead to the rumor, so take it with a grain of salt. Who knows, it could be a sneak peek of an announcement at E3 or a future direct, or nothing at all that people are looking too far into.
  11. Not to raise false hopes, but there's a rumor going around that USUM may have something to do with the Switch. There's a screenshot on NeoGaf from the official press site with a TBA for a Switch release (going there now does not have that part, possible fake) http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=239365653 Also on the press site, during the write up about USUM, there is no mention of what platform they're on, when Pokken DX's Switch platform and GS' 3DS VC platform are listed. http://pokemon.gamespress.com/releases/2434/new-pokmon-games-announced-via-pokmon-direct
  12. By the sounds of it, USUM are alternate takes/what ifs of Sun and Moon? Going by my guesses from the trailer, "what if the protagonist was native to Alola?" "what if there was a Pikachu Forest?" "what if there was a Totem Togedemaru (Steel trial by Molyane or whatever his name was?) and Totem Lycanroc? (Rock Trial instead of Rock Grand Trial?)" etc.
  13. Whichever side "plays" it gets the item(s). So if you have Alm's army do Mila's Bounty 2, he gets a Pitchfork in his convoy, and Celica does not, nor can she do Mila's Bounty 2 in that file unless you reset before you did it.
  14. As far as I understand, it takes the six (not counting Res) growths of a character, and does a shuffle between two random ones eight times. So first it may switch HP and Attack, and then Defense and Luck, and then Luck and Attack, etc. The player does not know how the growths are shuffled. After that character levels up, it reshuffles growths. Unequipping the ring reverts growth changes, and it may reshuffle into a new pattern when reequipped. It's pretty much an item for shits and giggles.
  15. It was confirmed when the game was announced. I think it's N3DS exclusive, but don't quote me on that.
  16. His first one expires at the end of Act 2, but I don't know about the second. Bows are X2 effectiveness, and everything else I believe is X3 effectiveness. Blessed weapons, Ridersbane, Armorcrush, etc.
  17. Randomly appears on a Revenant in the Mountain Graveyard. Handmade Doll can be given to the girl you save from the Sylvan Shrine as one of the cute items she wants. My brother found the Luna bow there, so yes for that set of special weapons. No clue about the regalia though.
  18. Mila Statues are where characters promote once they have reached a certain level. All statues work the same, except for the Overclass DLC statues which only work for certain classes, and they can be used as much as you wish. There's a few, but they're mostly obvious. Listing the ones I've most often seen people say they missed. Celica Act 3 Alm Act 4
  19. This is working off Gaiden knowledge, so I don't know if some things were made more obvious or changed a bit in Echoes. Act 3 Act 4 There are other things I'm sure, but those are the most obvious guide-dang-it things off the top of my head, as contradictory as that sounds.
  20. 1. No. 2. I don't know if it's blacked out or not, but they can't use it. 3. They cast the spell once. 4. They don't cast it. 1. No. 2. Priestess has 2 more base speed than a Sage. That's about it.
  21. Alm x Celica Gray x Clair Clive x Mathilda Mae x Boey Zeke x Tatiana Berkut x Rinea are all canon. Genny x Saber is implied IIRC.
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