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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. I saw Monolith Soft, and got excited. I didn't recognize anything, and lost some excitement. I saw a Nopon, and got super excited. I saw a giant tree, and got sad about Etrian Odyssey V. I saw Xenoblade 2, and got slightly confused, but also really really excited. Is this supposed to be [spoiler=MAJOR SPOILER]Shulk's new world from the ending/epilogue of Xenoblade Chronicles? I got quite hyped about Fire Emblem Warriors. But what the stole the show for me was SMTV. Holy crap I am pumped. The part with the silhouettes of the demons with the glowing eyes is like Nocturne, but then SMTIVA Odin appeared with music that sounded like music from that, and whoa. I can't wait for that. Splatoon2 looked cool too. No region locking was awesome to hear. Arms looks neat, and with the mention about them potentially appearing in future titles, it seems like they're gonna get in Smash. Dragon Quest is cool. About the paid online, I didn't quite take it like that. It seemed to me he was talking about this service/app on Smart devices that can link with the Switch's online, and then later on the service/app on Smart devices would require a subscription, while the Switch's online was presumably free. Or I probably just understood it wrong. But yeah, as cool as the Switch seems, I'm not buying it until one of Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Fire Emblem Warriors, or SMTV is released.
  2. I just hope we see all of the teased games from the reveal trailer, plus some surprises.
  3. If there's an overlap in class trees the unit will learn the skills of both trees. So in your example, Rhajat will start out with the Diviner skills, as she starts out as a Diviner. If she promotes to Onmyoji she'll start learning the Shrine Maiden skills. Or for example if you have Laslow and Charlotte marry, since they share a Hero promotion, if they promote into it they'll learn the other unpromoted skills, and so Laslow will learn HP+5 and Gamble, and Charlotte will learn Strong Riposte and Good Fortune.
  4. The tome thing can be gotten around though. The game checks for whichever between Sophara and Isaac is the most recently captured castle. If it's Sophara and Celice talks to Julia, she get's Aura, and if it's Isaac, she gets Rezire. So it's perfectly possible to recruit Johan, let his allied castle be captured (does this decrease castle rank?) to Slayder, and then capture it back for both Johan and Rezire. You can do this too for getting Johalva and Aura, but it takes longer to lead Slayder over, and it's for a worse reward.
  5. Oh yeah, that's a thing too. I think with Kana it's because Dragon!Kana and normal Kana are considered two separate units, and with Shigure, since he doesn't appear until after the chapter, his parameters are determined after the chapter. I'm not sure about Nina and Percy, and I don't have a file atm to check.
  6. They're determined once you enter the paralogue. They're SOL unless you give them an Enternal Seal.
  7. Do those work both ways? Or do they only benefit Mozu? Because I didn't think Mozu shared Villager with her husband.
  8. First off, Marth can't reclass, so he's SOL. Secondly, the only classes with Resistance growths are the magic classes and Pegasus/Draco Knight. You're getting 5% with Pegasus/Draco, 15% with Mage, 20% with Dark Mage/Sorcerer, 25% with Sage/Bishop, and 35% with Curate/Cleric. Most characters that aren't already magic classes don't really want to become them as it tanks their Strength growth. Dracoknight is an option for some characters, but that 5% growth means they're only getting on average 1 point. I'm not of good authority on reclassing for other characters/stats, but I'd say it would depend on your end goal.
  9. It's pretty fantastic when it comes to Mamori's SP skills. She can pop in, heal, and with her second turn, pop back out.
  10. A minor thing, but you called Lachesis Fury a couple times when she got attacked with Meteor.
  11. -Get "lucky" with a losing roll in the Dusk Lottery -Get lucky with Keaton's Collector -Visit online castles with Crystal mines
  12. The Japanese dubs for the Sinnoh episodes have been uploaded.
  13. It's not needed. I've got the raw encounter tables. http://pastebin.com/MwTpYFxn Just ctrl-F Sableye.
  14. Sableye is SOS only from Carbink encounters. As for fishing, the extremely common Magikarp is annoying, but at least you can save scum bubbling fishing spots for the (slightly) better odds.
  15. Eleonora is really useful for taking out Savage Enemies thanks to Mass Destruction. Stick enough skill incenses in her and she'll be instant killing all enemies on the field like 95% of the time.
  16. Status effects are sorta useful and sorta not useful for bosses. Most statuses, if they hit, don't last for too long. The most millage I've got out of a normal status effect on a boss from what I remember was a lucky Mute against Yashiro in the Excellus fight that left him useless. However, Kiria's Pastel Power skill is really useful, as it allows at least another turn of acting before the boss becomes an issue again. Plus for bosses that summon minions aka most, if not all, bosses, it keeps the minions from being annoying as well. Pastel Power is even Almighty too, so no worries about potentially not being effective due to resistances like with Spirit/Body spells.
  17. 7th skill for Itsuki? And I see your point for not wanting Charge/Concentrate on him. For Kiria I prefer the Ma-dyne spells mainly because of a Radiant Skill Kiria gets later on that lowers their cost. Between those two skills for the 7th slot, they're both pretty good. Concentrate for better damage on her attack and possibly some session attacks/Duo Arts like Give Me! or Exhibition, or Naga for guaranteed sessions on Dragons.
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