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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. 4th Island's Kahuna wasn't as bad as I thought, knowing ahead of the, once again, 3 level jump. Araquanid really pulled its weight, thanks to Scald actually doing decent damage off of 46 Special Attack because of Water Bubble, and it's naturally good bulk. The roughest part was Gastrodon because I don't have much that can handily take care of it and its stupid Recover. It even ended up using Struggle at the end. Still have never turned on the EXP Share, and team is ~level 40.
  2. I just got to Poni Island, and dang those last two fights were something. That was a solid 3 level jump after the last major battle, and there were only 2 battles in between! I had to Revive stall a little bit just to deal with the first one, but the second could've ended really nastily if I didn't have Mimikyu. Having a pokemon with only Normal and Fighting moves is not a good idea if ghosts are readily available. But yeah, considering I only have physical attackers, and it's a Fluffy!Bewear, things could've ended really badly.
  3. Well, the Sun and Moon anime starts Dec. 5th, so there is a little bit before it starts. It also airs on Disney XD, so they may finish up the XYZ anime on Cartoon Network. We'll just need to wait and see.
  4. Thanks for covering this. Didn't expect this to be up today. It was alright.
  5. Oh. Maybe it's after Nanu or something. I'll check, as I'm on my way to Po Town.
  6. 2 stones > 1 stone > Up > 4 stones > Left > 3 stones http://pastebin.com/Ey061dJj
  7. Man, how good for the circle pad is the faster egg method? It seems alright, but I feel like it will wear it down too quickly.
  8. Are team types a spoiler? E4 have teams 54/55 (ace), and the last trainer has 56/57 (lead)/58 (ace). Beware the last trainer's Stealth Rocks.
  9. Go to there house's after fighting the Kahuna of the island (only for the first 2 islands). Ilima: Mansion on the west side of Hau'oli. Lana: House north of Olivia's shop in Konikoni. Kiawe: House west of Pokemon center in Paniola. Sun exclusive. Mallow: Restaurant in Konikoni. Moon exclusive. Water Mage, I'd say so. I was playing on switch until sometime before Kiawe's trial. Not many important fights since then (just got to Ula'ula), but it's something I guess.
  10. It only appears in the left area, the one with the small half-circle shaped piece of grass. Anytime.
  11. Waiting for Thunderbolt may be worth it though, as that's the move that Raichu needs for Stoked Sparksurfer.
  12. Looks good. Let's see, I recently defeated Totem Lurantis, and boy was that a pain. Well, at least the Trumbeak was. It just kept spamming Screech and Supersonic, with the occasional powerful Pluck. It got to a point where I was stalling with Super Potions and Revives to make Lurantis use all of its Synthesis and then taking little potshots. At the end I had to take a chance and just attack the Trumbeak to finish the battle, and I only got through thanks to Torracat not hitting itself twice and Trumbeak using an unnecessary Screech. Totem Salandit was unexpectedly strong with those Flame Bursts, but I got through it well enough. Current team: Beltigre: 24 XX03: 23 Kiwa Hirsuta: 23 Mude: 22 Scuttlebug: 22 Araquanid
  13. You can get it near the Tapu Village on Ula'ula. Level 28-31 range. Just wait for the hail.
  14. Just beat Totem Wishiwashi. He went down pretty easily thanks to my two weakest team members: Grimer and Dewpider. Grimer poisoned Wishiwashi and attempted to poison the back up Wishiwashi before going down to Helping Hand!Water Gun. It had lost 3/8 of its health by then when Dewpider came out. Dewpider used Infestation for additional damage and Bubble'd once, and after healing from a rather weak Helping Hand!Water Gun, Wishiwashi was down to 25% health, and so it became a weakling again. Another Bubble plus the poison and Infestation damage knocked it out. The helper Wishiwashi went down soon afterwards thanks to it only having Aqua Ring and Helping Hand. And here I got Grubbin to level 19 and used my rare candy on it for Charjabug because I heard how tough it was. Like I understand it could be tough, especially if you knocked it low enough for it to summon Alomomola. And I kinda cheesed it. Team right now: Beltigre: 19 Jolly Torracat XX03: 20 Quiet Charjabug Kiwa Hirsuta: 18 Adamant Crabrawler Mude: 18 Naive Mudbray Scuttlebug: 17 Adamant Dewpider : 15 Quirky Grimer Ana the name rater is in one of the buildings in Heahea city. I think the first one after the ferry station. Before the apparel shop I believe.
  15. Cool. If you trade your pokemon and get it traded back, it says, "Welcome back, _______." By the by, should we make a Sun and Moon trade topic or use the pinned Wi-Fi topic?
  16. So I'm at Route 4, finally got a Crabrawler, and Litten finally evolved. I decided to train some other pokemon while I wait for my other team members, so I have a Grimer and Meowth taking up some experience from Torracat, Grubbin, and Crabrawler. It adds a little more challenge, at least for the first island, as my main team isn't super strong. Having fun, and I even wiped once against Hala, as it turns out a defensively weak Fire type, and Bug type, and Poison/Dark type, a defensively weak Dark type, and two untrained mons purely to help in whatever way they can, is not the best team. First attempt ran pretty sour as I crit Mankey and lost 4/6 of the team, struggled through Makuhita, and got pummeled by Crabrawler. Second attempt went better as I didn't crit Mankey. Grubbin was the star as it resists Fighting and it has decent defense. Team so far is: Beltigre the Jolly Torracat. XX03 the Quiet Grubbin. Kiwa Hirsuta the Adamant Crabrawler (took forever for Iron Fist and then a decent nature). A Quirky Alolan Grimer (ace for Totem Gumshoos thanks to Poison Gas strats). A Timid Alolan Meowth.
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