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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. Eh. It was something I guess. Quite a short episode though.
  2. Depends on what skills they have. Itsuki has options like Rakunda, Charge, Thunder Strike, or Espada + Diamondsplitter. Kiria has Makaraguard/karn, Samarecarm, Tarunda, Rakunda, Amrita, or Naga (it can session off of the dragons she can't hit weakness on, if there are any).
  3. So with Generations winding down, with about 2 or 3 episodes to go, what do you guys think they'll do? I'm guessing an episode with AZ, and for another XY one, there's Zygarde too. If they have an SM episode, I'd like to see one with Kukui and the creation of the league/gathering of the Elite 4.
  4. Apparently the Wii U version of Yooka-Laylee has been cancelled, but there will be a Switch version.
  5. No concern at all for Rostov's 3 Skill? Also nice playthrough so far.
  6. Episode 16 is now released. I actually like this one quite a bit.
  7. A random surprise, but the first 6 episodes of Generations got their Japanese dubs. I'll only post the first 2, for posterity's sake, but the rest can be found on the official Japanese Pokemon youtube channel.
  8. I forgot about Poke Pelago doing that. Working on over half a box done at once sounds pretty good.
  9. Speaking of breeding, where's the best place to run around? I use the small fenced area just south of the nursery helper, but I feel like it's a placebo.
  10. Eh. It kinda depends, a little. Like for Kiria, she doesn't have many options for skills, so she may dip into Megidolaon or whatever. Mamori maybe, but others, not so much. They're just kinda something to have around until you get other skills, but they generally aren't that useful imo.
  11. Talk to all of the players that ask questions. Sometimes you need to wait around an area a little bit for them to spawn in. I do zig-zag walking up and down, which works well.
  12. There's a massage woman in Konikoni City, and I think feeding malasadas to your pokemon at the various shops may help. The ones which have your trainer share a malasada with a pokemon.
  13. I like the difference between notes for Ryuki and Rotom Dex. Ryuki seems pretty cool though. I hope he gets more of a presence in another game, like Stars perhaps.
  14. Sorta. Each plain bean is 20 minutes, a patterned bean is 1 hour, and a rainbow bean is 2 hours. 36 plain beans would make it take half the time for 12 hours, and get 24 hours worth of time then. If you put in say, 20 patterned beans, it would go double speed for 20 hours, getting 40 hours worth of time. You'd need 36 plain beans, 12 patterned beans, or 6 rainbow beans for it only to take 12 hours per round treasure hunting. Any more wouldn't speed up that singular session, but it'd speed up follow up sessions.
  15. Kahili was mentioned in the demo by an Ace Trainer. She didn't actually appear in the demo.
  16. Speaking of the Champion Battle music, it's weird listening to it, and realizing that some of the music we've been listening to in the trailers were parts of it. UB-04 is Kartana/Celesteela. Xurkitree is UB-03.
  17. It's really cool how the Move Relearner can also teach moves a pokemon hasn't learned yet. Like, I'm not gonna get Araquanid to level 57 before the League. Or like how Incineroar is not gonna wait to level 55 to get a decent Fire move to replace Fire Fang.
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