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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. It's fairly easy to tell in the screenshot without the grid. There's a space between that soldier and Grey, and a couple spaces up is the archer to confirm there's only one empty space between them. It's probably the standard pattern used in other games. A is Alm and G is Grey, and he just falls in range of support. It's probably a better visual way to show what unit(s) are giving support bonuses, which in this case I think may be a crit bonus as there's a tiny orange line at the end of Alm's crit chance. _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ _ X X X _ _ _ X X X X G _ X X X A X X X _ X X X X X _ _ _ X X X _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _
  2. Chrome. That'd be a weird difference though.
  3. Weird. I can see post count. But I can't see badges.
  4. It's not gone though. At least not on the desktop version.
  5. Go to the activities tab at the top of the site, and click unread content. There are some menus that allow you to narrow/broaden your search, and in the ownership menu you check content I have posted in. You can also go to the read status menu and check everything to see all of the topics that you've posted in, whether they've updated since your last check or not. You should then save the settings as a stream, so you can just do a click on any page to bring them up.
  6. I want to get it, but I should probably finish DQVII first. Kinda put it off when SMTIV:A came out, so I've got a long ways to go.
  7. A day late on this, but the game is out. Pick it up if you haven't.
  8. As far as I know, no. Just the normal edition and the Take your Heart Edition.
  9. I don't know if this is the right place for this, but sometimes a pause icon appears on my tab of the site, and I don't know what it means. It usually appears if I haven't looked at the tab for a while, and when I click the tab it disappears. Clicking the icon does nothing, and hovering over the tab doesn't give any details. I use Chrome if that matters.
  10. It's the black sheep of the series. Considering it was only the second game, things weren't fully set in what a Fire Emblem game should be like, so Gaiden tried some stuff that nowadays is not used. There's towns, dungeons, a single equipment slot, designation between black magic (offensive spells) and white magic (healing spells plus Warp, Dear (removed monsters), and Illusion(summons NPCs of a certain class)), etc. Other notable things introduced in Gaiden are: And probably other things that I can't think of at the moment. But yeah, Gaiden isn't a bad game, but it is an old game. There are definitely some things that you can see were reused in later games, especially FE8.
  11. It seems like they're keeping the 'still take 1 damage even if your defense is higher than their attack', going by the tink when that knight attacked Alm. Using the names from the main Serenes site, and some guessing we got Alm, Cellica, Clerbe, Boowy, Sevr, and I'm gonna give a wild guess and say Zeke.
  12. Not to burst your bubble, but you're kinda missing a 5th row.
  13. I wonder what's up with the pause thing that appears on the tab every now and then.
  14. I just noticed, is there no way to see what people are viewing a topic anymore?
  15. And I figured out my problem with viewing stuff I follow. I missed the little 'save stream' thing that pops up when you fiddle with the menus there.
  16. I see in notification settings that there's a locked checkmark for emails for when someone comments in content I follow, and that's gonna clog the hell out of my inbox. Going into the email gives me the options to unfollow or adjust notification settings. Clicking the second one brings me to the notification settings, and there's even a red box on the option for Someone comments on something I follow. Too bad I can't uncheck email notifications. And I figured it out. I just have to set no notifications on everything I follow. Just like what I did before.
  17. Site layout is alright. I miss Magical Purple, but I'll live. Is there a way to save preferences or whatever for viewing topics I'm following? Like in the Activity thing, selecting to view content I haven't seen is a default, and then I have to do another drop down menu to narrow it down to just stuff I follow. If I leave the page and then go back without using the back arrow it makes me set that again. Minor thing now, but it'll probably bug me more later. Also I somehow posted this halfway finished without meaning to, but I don't know how. Ooh, I like the signifying blue bar letting you know when the new posts start.
  18. So in that Parental Controls video, did we just get a sneak preview on what the Switch game cases will look like?
  19. Good thing the Switch isn't region locked if that does happen.
  20. And get a surprisingly good game that blew my expectations after the first accurate trailer?
  21. I am so hyped for this. It was just confirmed in the Switch presentation after Fire Emblem Warriors (which will of course get more hype on this forum), and although it didn't say SMTV, it is totally SMTV. So, thoughts? I know there's not much to go on, but still. It seems like it will be in 3D, so we'll get some nice demon models, hopefully seen in action during battle like Nocturne.
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