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Allan's Aokage

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Posts posted by Allan's Aokage

  1. I disagree that it's "negligable", especially in micaiah's mode on normal or hard dificulties where having bad biorhythm can get your already puny characters killed in a couple of rounds.

    They do that anyway.

  2. Mia

    Gatrie (I only ever use Armoured units on the chapters were they're forced (2-1, 2-2, 3-P, 3-1) so I just chose the top one. Hur hur.)

    Marcia (She isn't too bad. Is awesome with the Brave Lance. But this isn't about lances. She's still good ;P)

  3. ..I love them far, far too much.

    Also - do you mind me using the Kurthnaga portrait as an avatar on a different forum? If not, who should I credit it to?

  4. Another who finds Laura cute?

    I really hate this game for characters. We barely see some characters, and the ones who I wanted to be developed (Aran, Laura, Edward, Nolan, Lyre (I didn't use her, but still), Volug) appeared, what four times each maximum? The new Support system is bad for story and good for gameplay. I would prefer a switch on that, myself.

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