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Everything posted by An_Axem_Ranger

  1. I have nothing meaningful to contribute to this thread, but I'd just thought I'd drop in to say this LP is awesome. Serious lulz were had in reading some of these chapters.
  2. Oddly enough, that worked. I can't say I fully understand why not having all of those pointers makes the prep screen fail to work, but whatever works. Thanks a ton for the help! I really appreciate it.
  3. Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone :) And yeah, if you've been on GameFAQS then I've probably bumped into you before. Despite my Super Mario RPG based username, I tend to hang around the FE boards a lot. lol, you know what I mean. I've used him every time I can. I've played every FE game except FE 3 I think. However, I live in the US and don't speak Japanese, and unfortunately I have yet to find a complete English translation for FE 1, 4, and 5. Even the ones here aren't complete.
  4. Thanks for the advice. Apparently I've been using quite an outdated version of EA. I took your advice: I got the most updated version of EA I could find (9.3 or something I think?) I tried assembling the event again, it successfully assembled, and yet I'm still getting the same error. The game skips the opening event as if it doesn't exist. Any other ideas?
  5. Hey, everyone. I was told that this would be a good thread to post my question in, so here goes. I'm trying to make a FE7 hack, and everything seems to be going fine so far, but I can't for the life of me get the preparations screen to work. In my chapter events, I'll have the Opening_event end with the "ENDB" command which is supposed to take the player to the prep screen when the event is over. In the Nightmare Chapter Data Editor Module in FEditor Adv, I always have the preparations screen enabled in the correct chapter. Yet it still doesn't work. If I end the opening event with the "ENDB" command, when I actually try to play test it, it will skip the opening event entirely and go straight to the ending event. If you need me to be more specific about anything, ask me an I'll try to provide more detail. Any ideas? Here's the script. This isn't the only chapter I can't get the prep screen to work on, so there must be some error I'm consistently making or something. [spoiler=chapter script]#define DISABLE_TUTORIALS #include EAstdlib.event org 0xC9C9C8+(4*0x28) POIN Pointers org 0xCA23D0 Pointers: POIN Turn_events POIN Character_events POIN Location_events POIN Misc_events POIN Ballista_events POIN Opening_event Ending_event Turn_events: CODE 0x00 Character_events: CODE 0x00 Location_events: CODE 0x00 Misc_events: CauseGameOverIfLordDies DefeatAll(Ending_event) CODE 0x00 Ballista_events: CODE 0x00 Opening_event: SHOWMAP CMOF CAM1 [7,5] MUEN 0x0044 LOU1 Dragons ENUN CAM1 [7,15] LOU1 HaroldPlusPosse ENUN STAL 40 CURF [13,16] BACG 0x22 TEX1 0x000848 REMA CAM1 [7,10] MOVE 0x4A [6,13] MOVE 0x4B [6,11] ENUN MUEN 0x0012 STAL 30 BACG 0x22 TEX1 0x000849 REMA STAL 30 CURF [6,5] BACG 0x00 TEX1 0x00084A REMA CURF [6,5] TEX1 0x00084B REMA STAL 40 CAM1 [7,15] CURF [6,13] BACG 0x22 TEX1 0x00084C REMA STAL 40 MOVE 0x4A [9,18] MOVE 0x4B [10,18] ENUN STAL 30 MUEN 0x0032 LOU1 AlliedUnits ENUN CURF [5,14] BACG 0x22 TEX1 0x00084D REMA MOVE 0x4A [14,19] MOVE 0x4B [13,19] ENUN TEX1 0x00084E REMA DISA 0x4A DISA 0x4B ENUN ENDB Ending_event: MUEN 0x0032 BACG 0x22 TEX1 0x00084F REMA BACG 0x00 TEX1 0x000850 REMA STAL 50 BACG 0x00 TEX1 0x000851 REMA MNCH 0x09 ENDA Dragons: UNIT 0x4D 0x43 0x00 Level(10,Enemy,False) [6,5] [6,5] [FlameTongue] [0x3,0x3,0x9,0x20] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [5,7] [5,7] [FlameTongue] [0x3,0x3,0x9,0x20] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [6,8] [6,8] [FlameTongue] [0x3,0x3,0x9,0x20] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [8,8] [8,8] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [12,5] [12,5] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [0,3] [0,3] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [0,6] [0,6] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [1,8] [1,8] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [2,4] [2,4] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [3,3] [3,3] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [3,6] [3,6] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [9,4] [9,4] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [10,6] [10,6] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [11,3] [11,3] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [14,4] [14,4] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT Empty HaroldPlusPosse: UNIT 0x4A 0x4B 0x00 Level(1,NPC,True) [13,18] [13,16] [Vulnerary] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] //Zoldam or Harold UNIT 0x4B 0x4D 0x00 Level(1,NPC,True) [12,18] [12,16] [Vulnerary] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] //Uhai or Fake Prine UNIT 0x4E 0x38 0x00 Level(10,NPC,True) [12,17] [11,14] [steelSpear,Javelin] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x4E 0x0A 0x00 Level(8,NPC,True) [11,17] [10,15] [steelSword] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x4E 0x18 0x00 Level(7,NPC,True) [12,19] [9,18] [steelBow] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x4E 0x1D 0x00 Level(10,NPC,True) [13,19] [12,15] [Mend,Vulnerary] [0x0F,0x4,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x4E 0x20 0x00 Level(10,NPC,False) [14,18] [11,15] [Thunder] [00000000] UNIT Empty AlliedUnits: UNIT 0x03 0x25 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [5,18] [5,15] [Flux,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Bramimond UNIT 0x17 0x38 0x00 Level(2,Ally,False) [4,18] [4,15] [ironSpear,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Garry or Kent UNIT 0x18 0x0E 0x00 Level(2,Ally,False) [6,18] [6,15] [ironSword,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Derk or Sain UNIT 0x11 0x1D 0x00 Level(2,Ally,False) [4,19] [4,16] [Heal,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Heather or Serra UNIT 0x0D 0x18 0x00 Level(2,Ally,False) [7,18] [7,15] [ironBow,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Philip or Wil UNIT 0x13 0x20 0x00 Level(7,Ally,False) [5,19] [5,16] [Fire,Thunder,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Erk or Athos UNIT 0x10 0x1C 0x00 Level(5,Ally,False) [6,19] [6,16] [Lightning,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Elmos or Lucius UNIT 0x1C 0x0B 0x00 Level(7,Ally,False) [5,17] [5,14] [KillingEdge,SteelSword,Vulnerary] [00000000]//Rena, Rath UNIT 0x26 0x41 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [2,18] [2,15] [Vulnerary,Elixir] [00000000] //Donatello or Nils UNIT 0x1D 0x32 0x00 Level(6,Ally,False) [3,19] [3,16] [slimSpear,Javelin,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Florina, Tiffany UNIT 0x23 0x3C 0x00 Level(5,Ally,False) [7,19] [7,16] [ironSword,LockPick] [00000000] //Raphael or Matt UNIT 0x08 0x39 0x00 Level(10,Ally,False) [3,18] [3,15] [KillerAxe,HandAxe] [00000000] //Batta or Dorcas UNIT Empty MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
  6. I appreciate you trying to help. I'll ask there and see if anyone can help me there. The prep screen is definitely set to be enabled in the proper chapters as well as victory conditions. But I have yet to get the ENDB command to work at all, so I think I'll try your GotoPrepScreen suggestion.
  7. Well, I'm not sure if the event assembling itself is the problem or something else, so I thought it might be better to ask here. Here's the script. This isn't the only chapter I can't get the prep screen to work on, so there must be some error I'm consistently making or something. [spoiler=chapter script]#define DISABLE_TUTORIALS #include EAstdlib.event org 0xC9C9C8+(4*0x28) POIN Pointers org 0xCA23D0 Pointers: POIN Turn_events POIN Character_events POIN Location_events POIN Misc_events POIN Ballista_events POIN Opening_event Ending_event Turn_events: CODE 0x00 Character_events: CODE 0x00 Location_events: CODE 0x00 Misc_events: CauseGameOverIfLordDies DefeatAll(Ending_event) CODE 0x00 Ballista_events: CODE 0x00 Opening_event: SHOWMAP CMOF CAM1 [7,5] MUEN 0x0044 LOU1 Dragons ENUN CAM1 [7,15] LOU1 HaroldPlusPosse ENUN STAL 40 CURF [13,16] BACG 0x22 TEX1 0x000848 REMA CAM1 [7,10] MOVE 0x4A [6,13] MOVE 0x4B [6,11] ENUN MUEN 0x0012 STAL 30 BACG 0x22 TEX1 0x000849 REMA STAL 30 CURF [6,5] BACG 0x00 TEX1 0x00084A REMA CURF [6,5] TEX1 0x00084B REMA STAL 40 CAM1 [7,15] CURF [6,13] BACG 0x22 TEX1 0x00084C REMA STAL 40 MOVE 0x4A [9,18] MOVE 0x4B [10,18] ENUN STAL 30 MUEN 0x0032 LOU1 AlliedUnits ENUN CURF [5,14] BACG 0x22 TEX1 0x00084D REMA MOVE 0x4A [14,19] MOVE 0x4B [13,19] ENUN TEX1 0x00084E REMA DISA 0x4A DISA 0x4B ENUN ENDB Ending_event: MUEN 0x0032 BACG 0x22 TEX1 0x00084F REMA BACG 0x00 TEX1 0x000850 REMA STAL 50 BACG 0x00 TEX1 0x000851 REMA MNCH 0x09 ENDA Dragons: UNIT 0x4D 0x43 0x00 Level(10,Enemy,False) [6,5] [6,5] [FlameTongue] [0x3,0x3,0x9,0x20] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [5,7] [5,7] [FlameTongue] [0x3,0x3,0x9,0x20] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [6,8] [6,8] [FlameTongue] [0x3,0x3,0x9,0x20] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [8,8] [8,8] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [12,5] [12,5] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [0,3] [0,3] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [0,6] [0,6] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [1,8] [1,8] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [2,4] [2,4] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [3,3] [3,3] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [3,6] [3,6] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [9,4] [9,4] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [10,6] [10,6] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [11,3] [11,3] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT 0x4C 0x43 0x00 Level(1,Enemy,True) [14,4] [14,4] [FlameTongue] [00000000] UNIT Empty HaroldPlusPosse: UNIT 0x4A 0x4B 0x00 Level(1,NPC,True) [13,18] [13,16] [Vulnerary] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] //Zoldam or Harold UNIT 0x4B 0x4D 0x00 Level(1,NPC,True) [12,18] [12,16] [Vulnerary] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] //Uhai or Fake Prine UNIT 0x4E 0x38 0x00 Level(10,NPC,True) [12,17] [11,14] [steelSpear,Javelin] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x4E 0x0A 0x00 Level(8,NPC,True) [11,17] [10,15] [steelSword] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x4E 0x18 0x00 Level(7,NPC,True) [12,19] [9,18] [steelBow] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x4E 0x1D 0x00 Level(10,NPC,True) [13,19] [12,15] [Mend,Vulnerary] [0x0F,0x4,0x0,0x0] UNIT 0x4E 0x20 0x00 Level(10,NPC,False) [14,18] [11,15] [Thunder] [00000000] UNIT Empty AlliedUnits: UNIT 0x03 0x25 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [5,18] [5,15] [Flux,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Bramimond UNIT 0x17 0x38 0x00 Level(2,Ally,False) [4,18] [4,15] [ironSpear,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Garry or Kent UNIT 0x18 0x0E 0x00 Level(2,Ally,False) [6,18] [6,15] [ironSword,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Derk or Sain UNIT 0x11 0x1D 0x00 Level(2,Ally,False) [4,19] [4,16] [Heal,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Heather or Serra UNIT 0x0D 0x18 0x00 Level(2,Ally,False) [7,18] [7,15] [ironBow,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Philip or Wil UNIT 0x13 0x20 0x00 Level(7,Ally,False) [5,19] [5,16] [Fire,Thunder,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Erk or Athos UNIT 0x10 0x1C 0x00 Level(5,Ally,False) [6,19] [6,16] [Lightning,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Elmos or Lucius UNIT 0x1C 0x0B 0x00 Level(7,Ally,False) [5,17] [5,14] [KillingEdge,SteelSword,Vulnerary] [00000000]//Rena, Rath UNIT 0x26 0x41 0x00 Level(1,Ally,False) [2,18] [2,15] [Vulnerary,Elixir] [00000000] //Donatello or Nils UNIT 0x1D 0x32 0x00 Level(6,Ally,False) [3,19] [3,16] [slimSpear,Javelin,Vulnerary] [00000000] //Florina, Tiffany UNIT 0x23 0x3C 0x00 Level(5,Ally,False) [7,19] [7,16] [ironSword,LockPick] [00000000] //Raphael or Matt UNIT 0x08 0x39 0x00 Level(10,Ally,False) [3,18] [3,15] [KillerAxe,HandAxe] [00000000] //Batta or Dorcas UNIT Empty MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
  8. That topic description seems pretty silly to put now; if I knew what was wrong, I wouldn't be posting this. Anyway, I'm trying to make a FE7 hack, and everything seems to be going fine so far, but I can't for the life of me get the preparations screen to work. In my chapter events, I'll have the Opening_event end with the "ENDB" command which is supposed to take the player to the prep screen when the event is over. In the Nightmare Chapter Data Editor Module in FEditor Adv, I always have the preparations screen enabled in the correct chapter. Yet it still doesn't work. If I end the opening event with the "ENDB" command, when I actually try to play test it, it will skip the opening event entirely and go straight to the ending event. If you need me to be more specific about anything, ask me an I'll try to provide more detail. Any ideas?
  9. Hmm... I'm gonna go with either Neph or Ilyana. Outside of drafts, I don't think I've ever beaten the game without them. Although, I do like Pelleas as well. I don't think I've beaten FE10 without him. I'm a sucker for the dark magic users.
  10. Seems like a fitting thread title. Hey, everyone. I've floated around here for awhile, but never registered. But now, I figured, why not? I first came here because I was linked to some hack info or something like that. Even now, I'm here mostly for the FE hacking, but that's not to say that I won't participate in the other forums as well. Anyway, good to be here. How are you? You got any questions or anything you want to know about me, go for it. As a side note, why is everything white? It's hard to tell where I'm supposed to start typing stuff.
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