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Don Draper

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Status Updates posted by Don Draper

  1. However, I'd still like to continue them in the future.

  2. Hey Sirius, sorry I haven't logged into serenes in forever. I kind of want to just focus on FE3DS for the time being, but I'll let you know when I'm up for starting them up again. Sorry about that.

  3. Sorry to put the challenges on hold, but I'm headed to a cottage tomorrow, and I'll be leaving my Wii behind. Hopefully you'll still be interested in challenges a week from now!

  4. I cleared Beat Blox in time, and I got 2 minutes 12 seconds on Melty Molten. I didn't find Melty Molten too bad, but Beat Blox took me a few times.

    I'll try the Purple Coin challenge, and I'll try to come up with a new one for you. It'll probably involve one of the Chimp challenges, I've been trying to get a decent score on the Fluffy Buff one.

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