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Don Draper

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Posts posted by Don Draper

  1. I'm not commenting on this Johan x Finn thing, since it's obvious, blatant trolling. Johan is shit, I always recruit Johalva (who isn't stellar, but hey).


    Anyways, I'm not going to bother with Johan>Fin anymore, seeing as I'm outnumbered 5 to 1, and I don't really care enough about Johan to argue with that many people. Johan's really underrated, lets just leave it at that.

  2. Fin leaves for a large part of the first generation, so its not like he's getting anywhere close to a huge level lead. Remember, he starts at Level 1. Johan has Ambush/Hero Axe, which is often enough to one round thanks to great strength. Fin has competition for the Hero Lance (Fee, Oifaye), so its not like he's guaranteed it. Johan also has superior durability. I say Johan wins.

  3. You'll be fine. People won't start promoting until around Chapters 14-16, and you'll have 9 Heroes Crest by now. Fin, Olthin, Halvan, Fergus, Shiva, Asvel, Carrion (If you used the Elite Sword for most of his level-ups), Lifis and Nanna will probably be the only ones who need to promote right now. Mareeta and Tina will still have a long way to go, and leaving Saphy unpromoted for a bit doesn't really hurt. Mareeta can get the next one in 16A/17B, and your two healers can get the remaning ones shortly after.

    Your team looks good, although I prefer Sara over Tina myself. You can bring 18 units to the final chapter, so maybe sit out Fin (Dean has A in Swords, so he'll be alright). Also keep in mind that Karin can be good for saving villages in the earlygame, until you get Dean. As for skills, make sure Olwen gets the Ambush scroll, as she's pretty awful without it.

  4. Get like, about 20-25 S-Drinks for your units. Give them to those with low HP or those who wield heavy weapons.

    I would also switch between thives and healers for each chapter and make sure you don't use Sara in chapter 24. You gonna need here in chapter 24x and it'll be bad that you don't have her for you-know-what.

    Money is extremely hard to get in this game, so there's a small chance chance of getting that many S-Drinks without arena-abusing (You would spend 100,000-125,000)

  5. I agree with the above, although don't train too many "fighting" units. If you focus on a few each chapter, they can get the bulk of your scrolls and gain crazy levels with crazy level-ups. Forthe majority of the game, I trained about 8 fighters (Leaf, Olthin, Fin, Halvan, Asvel, Shiva, Fergus, Carrion). Fatigue was never an issue, as I'd only need about 4 of them each chapter. Prepromotes like Dean or Sety can help bulk up your army later in the game.

  6. No matter how good Fin and Olthin are combat wise, they can not make a chapter easymode by warping somebody to take the throne, and then warping in Leaf.

    I agree with Eyval down, and I'm still not sure about Leaf's position :/

  7. Staff experience sucks. I don't know where you've been living, but I think attacking and actually killing something with a Bow is more efficient in leveling them standing on the sidelines healing once a turn for a mere 15 experience. At Carrion, more of a chance to die. Robert should not be in the line of fire when you are going to an enemy phase.

    I'm not sure where YOU'VE been living, but healers can warp units, which can lead to chapters being won in one turn. When you have to deal with chapters like 22, this is a Godsend. Its also helpful for rank, if you took too long on another chapter. Staff users can also silence beserk staff users, sleep ballista, they're really, really useful. And Robert not being in the line of fire means he'll almost never gain experience.

    He can sure as hell level faster then your Healers, since he can kill stuff. The weapon rank arguement has been brought up; it is his flaw, yes. However, if you're actually letting him attack things, you shouldn't be having a problem.. He virtually only has to go through one Iron Bow to D.

    You're going by experience gained by a heal staff. Staves like M-UP gives 30, Rescue gives 40, Warp gives 50, they gain experience very fast. Much more then somebody who's only getting minimal exp on player phase.

    There are regular Soldiers to kill in the chapter where Robert joins, and even better, his favorite, Wyverns. Elite sword isn't bound to Carrion, I can easily toss it aside to someone else; It's not professional, so it's different. Tina and Linoan may have excellent staff useage, both with Prf weapons, but Tina comes very underleveled when you already have other healers ahead of the game(Nanna, Safy, etc.)

    Tina has the Thief staff, which can steal Warp staves, Status staves, and Master Weapons. Very useful, as the staves will likely be used up by the time you get to the user, and Master weapon wielders are hard to capture. And sure he can kill a wyvern, until the wyvern comes and kills him with a critical.

    20* HP 47.7 Str  19.9 Mag  4.8 Skl  20.0 Spd  20.0 Def 15.4 Luk  20.0 Bld 15.6 Mov 9.4

    LOL 20/20 averages, nobody not named Galzus or Sety is making it that high. Try 20/10

    Cheapest, yes, however you should have funds avalible from selling stolen items/stolen weapons that you don't need. More might? An Iron Axe has a mere two might over an Iron Bow. WTA? 5%, lol. Oh BTW, there was something brought up called the "Hero Bow" that can double attack too. It even has equal might to that of the Hero Axe, and 25% more accuracy! Even better, it has 20 more critical then the Heroes Axe. :3

    Funds available? Are we playing the same game? Money is EXTREMELY hard to come by in the game: You start with 0, you don't get any from villages, and most money you want saved up for Knight Proofs. And you act like 2 Mt is a mere difference, it can make a difference between killing and not killing. And to use YOUR logic "I can easily toss the Hero Bow to somebody else". And you can only use the Heroes Bow on players phase, so phail.

    The axes you state that can hit indirect have terrible hit, minus the Pugi, which is Othin exclusive.

    Like Hit matters on anyone not on terrain like a throne.

    So I lack the understanding: If he is only good for a certain period of time and no longer, why is he so high? BTW, Brighton, as I said, is only good until Chapter 7. After that, Othin easily surpasses him.

    Because endgame isn't the entire game. And Brighton isn't only good until Chapter 7, just that he slows down. And lol at comparing him to the third best unit in the game, I could say that Olthin surpasses Asvel, does that make Asvel bad?

    Okay, once again. She shouldn't be so high on the chart if her only utility is dancing. Sure, she can steal, but the best she'll be stealing after a certain period of time will be enemy recovery items and maybe the odd item like a Manual. Even in this case, she is in the line of fire, in which she can be easily killed, as you mentioned earlier about how she is so fragile. Meanwhile, while Lifis and Parn can defend themselves well, they can actually steal enemy weapons.

    I already posted a quote as to why Lara is useful, look back a bit

    Exactly. So since she is a crappy Thief, her utility is dancing. Since that is her only card, she shouldn't be so high, because dancing can only get you so far.

    Again, quote. Second page. Read

    Lara starts with an E in swords flat, yet you seem to be so fond of her. ;)

    Because she should be a DANCER

    Oh, and Alva vs. Robert (They're pretty close in the tier list).

    Alva (Base Level): 24 HP, 6 Str, 5 Skl, 9 Spd, 5 Def, 4 Lck

    Robert (Base Level): 23 HP, 5 Str, 4 Skl, 8 Spd, 4 Def, 6 Lck

    Alva (10/0): 30 HP, 9 Str, 9 Skl, 13 Spd, 7 Def, 9 Lck

    Roberto (10/0): 29 HP, 9 Str, 9 Skl, 13 Spd, 6 Def, 12 Lck

    Alva (20/1): 37 HP, 13 Str, 16 Skl, 19 Spd, 12 Def, 16 Lck

    Roberto (20/1): 35 HP, 16 Str, 17 Skl, 20 Spd, 11 Def, 19 Lck

    That's at the SAME LEVEL. Alva will get some Elite Sword levels, and can attack on player phase. That means he'll be getting way more experience. And it takes Roberto until 20/1 to surpass him. Alva wins.

  8. Usually the characters that come earlyish

    FE2: Katua, Paola, Celica, Baro (Cecila's route), Alm, Clea, Misen, and Zeke (Alm's route)

    FE3 (Book 1): Kain, Abel, Oguma, Marich, Hardain

    FE3 (Book 2): Katua, Paola, Sirius, Oguma, Navarre

    FE4: Sigurd, Ayra, Lex, Levin,

    FE5: Olthin, Halvan, Shiva, Fin, Asvel

    FE6: Lance, Alan, Rutger, Clarine, Dieck

    FE7: Hector, Oswin, Eliwood, Lowen, Guy, Priscilla

    FE8: Vanessa, Moulder, Lute, Franz, Seth

    FE9: Ike, Oscar, Kieran, Boyd, Titania

    FE10: Nolan, Zihark, Jill, Haar, Ike

    FEDS: Kain, Abel, Barts, Marich, Zagarro

  9. I'll make the changes you said Mekkah. And yes, I'm ignoring "other route is better", because that's kind of subjective. The other route has a Sun Hit manual (best skill in the game if you have high skill), and Sleuf (Auto A rank in staves)

    I'm going to watch the Hicks vs. Kein debate because they actually look pretty similar at this point.























    Upper Mid











    Lower Mid

























    Cyas, Leaf, and Hicks are still on the IDK list.

    Are you going to update your first post with this list Mekkah, or do you want to make them seperate? This list is pretty much an ordered version of your list with a handful of different movement places.

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