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Everything posted by ZemZem

  1. this also thanks shezzy \o/ and happy new year to Marcus
  2. happy 2018 dudes try not to die this year
  3. Yeah. Only a good 80% of it is about the games. The remaining 20% are for fanart, music, and doujins for lonely nights. Donezo. You caught me in the knick of time. https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/78926-3x3-of-the-week-9-touhou-characters/&page=11
  4. yeah saying LoLK doesn't give resources is objectively false graze better chums
  5. It'll never stop, and it shouldn't because ZUN doesn't mind if us westies pirate. And that's how it should be. There won't be another game as brutal as LoLK for a while, according to ZUN.
  6. If you want an easy to unlock extra, play: PCB, IN, GFW, DDC, LoLK, HSiFS. Everything else from EoSD on (assuming standard bullet hell) requires Normal or higher. As for spell practice, only IN, TD, DDC, and HSiFS have it.
  7. Grazed it. the stage is mostly memo so yes, but the yinyang sections can be tricky without UFO summons Final spell is irrelevant. And UFO has no spell practice. 1cc on Normal or higher, bucko.
  8. You can set goals for specific scores. You don't need to be the best of the best to compete for something. Also: http://thscore.pndsng.com/index.php?recent=1 Japanese scoreboard of specific Lunatic scores throughout the games. A popular source for runs and challenges so people can get scores they want.
  9. depends on if you don't mind resetting a lot if not, then you'll find some enjoyment in it
  10. >Sekibanki >best >not Wakasagihime Also I get my keyboard fixed tomorrow~ Back to playing soon.
  11. DDC Stage 5 is great Also yes Jules, welcome to Touhou. Mountain of hentai, as it's dubbed (I saved tons of it, I admit). Doesn't mean you should have the pics out in the open.
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