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    Binding Blade

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  1. Apparently, he is.

  2. I did, so he was an alt of the original Vykan, not just someone who used a similar name for YouTube?

  3. Check "about me" Crash.

  4. How's this guy get banned?

  5. Actually the desert trick is a way of getting desert items with almost 100% reliability. Dondon demonstrates it here:
  6. Right, now I remember, 8 turning is in fact faster in real-time
  7. Lilina is like Mordecai... Only without the durability
  8. Yeah, Alan/Lance just needs to rescue Lalum before Zealot does the Roy hand-off.
  9. How come you don't have a bunch of 15 move units?
  10. Comparison to TAS turncounts (+ when you're ahead) Prologue: 1 C1: 3 C2: 4 C3: 4 C4: 2 C5: 3 C5x: 8 (+1) [no Forde/Kyle] C6: 3 C7: 4 C8: 5 C9: 6 C10: 3 C11: 6 (+1) [way more units] C12: 6 C13: 1 (-1) [didn't do the Seth double javelin crit] C14: 8 C15: 4 (-1) [lack of manipulation/probably better to send Saleh south] C16: 5 (+3) [warp] C17: 2 (+1) [warp] C18: 7 (+2) [warp] C19: 2 (+1) [warp] C20: 3 (+2) [warp] Final: 3 If you combine the red with a 2 turn final, you could save 3 turns. Though judging from your videos, you don't seem to manipulate the RNG that much, if at all (eg/ loads of javelin double misses), so what you have seems pretty optimal.
  11. Yes. I actually figured this out a while ago with the help of Toothache. See (starts at 1:55).
  12. Fire Emblem + Zombies? What the flying fuch? ;) I'm rather impressed you managed to turn the main character into a freaking bird, and some of the dialogue had me in stitches. My only real complaint is the lack of difficulty, and some monotony from facing the same enemy type over and over. P.S. Of course I had to TAS this :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiHT1hHDyIw Prologue Yes, that is, in fact, a bird shooting lasers from its mouth :) Chapter 1 Turn 1: Budgie moves towards some upcoming reinforcements. Chapter 2 Turn 6: Pile up all my units onto one square for the lulz. Overall notes: It's not possible to create a chokepoint to clog up the enemies because of the constant stream of overpowered reinforcements virtually every turn. Chapter 3 Turn 1: I have Kiro rescue the tent, which allows me to move the tent 3 spaces on subsequent turns. By keeping the tent alive, I get a (crappy) award of 3 items at the end. In retrospect I should've just let the tent bite the dust :/ Turn 3: The set-up should be obvious- An unarmed Budgie and Dath act as avoid tanks while the remaining units are safely tucked away in a corner. Turns 4-11: Utterly boring, feel free to skip. Overall notes: I'm kind of wondering if it would've been faster to take an aggressive approach to this chapter. For some reason the enemy phases take forever despite at most 3 enemies attacking per turn. Chapter 4 Just a shopping chapter, no reason to buy anything since it's the end of the path :O
  13. Made some slight progress on the TAS :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-8-hnPt5b8 Prologue Turn 2: I settled for 2 crits here, though having Renair land all 3 isn't out of the question. Furetchen's crit rate is only 1% unfortunately. Turn 4: I have Renair visit the village in case I need the money, and Kolbane gets an optional kill just in case he's useful later on. Chapter 1 Overall notes: Not much to say, just a total crit party. It's possible I could save a turn by ferrying Furetchen to the boss, but that would probably compromise my team's offence too much. Chapter 2 Turn 3: The thief moves onto a spot where he blocks a reinforcement from spawning. I'm stopping here for now because I need to buy some hand axes for Furetchen in C1.
  14. 2 questions: First, is it possible to send me the unit growths, perhaps via PM? I'm not sure how to find them through RAM search :/ And I'm assuming the patch in the OP is the most up-to-date?
  15. Mekkah had this fun little Sacred Stone hack where everyone was a flying dancer with overpowered 1-2 and 3-10 range swords and virtually unlimited movement. Was able to 1 turn even the annoying rout maps.
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