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Posts posted by Gone2Ground

  1. Wahl, FE7's a good start I guess. FE9 if you can find it.


    Don't make Thracia one of your earlier games. It's great, but you will regret it.

    Also hi.

  2. I'd like to reserve MaskedMarthOfSpoilers/MU and Mariabelle/Krom with all related family supports. That should keep me busy for a decent amount of time.

    EDIT: Sorry if I jumped the gun here, but thats what I'm going with my first playthrough and I kinda didn't want to have to run a second one at the same time to help out unsure.gif

  3. Yeah. Basically, this is just a thread where people recommend music and then review each other's choices. Please avoid ripping each others throats out.

    That said, let the wars begin. I'll just lead off with this thing:


    Its basically a pretty upbeat song for all the people who weren't popular in high school, but I'm drawn to it due to pretty obvious similarities with the number of the same name from Wicked. No, seriously, listen to them back to back. Wicked uses it to establish character relationships and Gilda's personality, and like MIKA's song criticizes what popular represents but in a different way. It's interesting to see a song that isn't about...well, being popular. The only real problem I have with MIKA's song is that the beat can get kind of grating and dubstep-y at times, but it's still a good message with pretty impressive vocals from one of my favorite artists.

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