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Posts posted by Gone2Ground

  1. Honestly, the main quest is so unbelievable dull, it's probably impossible to get to the end without being overpowered since no one can get through all of this without doing all the more interesting stuff. Or at least not having better equipment then the Ring you get as a reward for the main quest, witch has a permanent endurance regeneration effect. So even at the end, it feels just like a complete waste of time.

    If you are playing the main quest for Morrowind, you are doing something wrong.

    For realz.

  2. The problem with QC is a bunch of legal and school issues that come with it, not the learning of the language. For example: All french text must be 2x as big as English text. That's fine.

    Keeping immigrants from England from participating in an English high school and forcing them to attend a french one instead of their mother tongue, making them learn Science/Math in French instead of the language they already speak fluently? That's not so good. Thank god there's a legal loophole involving only being here on a work permit. Means you can't get a job though, so reliant on your parents, it makes you.


    Sorry Missile, but it's a pretty accurate prediction.

  3. Atleast we didn't have to wait 1 year and 8 months for Xenoblade

    I hate that part about Europe, just let everyone learn English as second language. So this mess can be over *Sigh*.

    True that, I guess

    No, trust me. Having two official languages everyone must know is a pain in the ass.

    I live in Quebec.

    Trust me, just...just grin out the extra months. No-one else needs to deal with this. EVER.

  4. i've never played morrowind but i've heard it's better than the ones that come next because of just how fucking open in like literally every aspect it is.

    I shall repeat:

    The main quest itself tells you to bugger off and do something else. Pity about the number-crunching combat that causes misses even if it looks like you hit/horribly unbalanced magic that never works to start with and is overpowered from there on/lack of a reason to NOT steal everything you see that isn't nailed down or on fire (Even then, MODS). If you want to get the most out of Morrowind, you really need to look at the modding community: if you have a problem with the game, they have fixed it for you.

    No. Exceptions.

  5. I've got 400 of Oblivion. I did most of my Morrowinding before I was logging hours. :D

    re: magics: I always found magic to be tremendously boringly slow to grow in Oblivion. It was pretty weighty once you finally got it somewhere, but until then you were churning through a whole bar of mana + change every fight. That and skill levels were based on how many casts you made (of any spell) so there was essentially no reason to cast big magic until you finally grew into the big magic man. The only good news is that Waiting for 1 hour (read: instantly) refills your everything to full, so if you can burn a fight down in one mana bar the waiting is essentially nothing.

    I tried to play a mage in Morrowind (which b-t-w is amazing) and ended up hybridizing over into skullfuckery before I really got my magic ball rolling. Alchemy was rather fun in Morrowind, though - there was some good and some bad. The good was you weren't locked to properties on ingredients based on skill, so you could use all four from the moment your 10 Alchemy ass picked up a mushroom. The bad was that the properties were never (? spot me on this) revealed organically, leaving you to experiment (which was tedious) or memorize/make a cheat sheet/alt-tab to the wiki. On the other hand, ingredients were modestly cheap besides the super good ones, money was a bit easier to come by overall, and you could just join the Mage's Guild to get permission of EVERY MAGE'S GUILD ITEM and raid their massive stores. Or steal them, since Morrowind didn't really have a Stolen flag.


    but at least dualcast lightning bolt staggerlocks dragons, so there's that

    re: sneaks: Sneaking in Oblivion was way less rewarding than in Skyrim, sort of because it wasn't overpowered as shit. I never really got a backstabber to work in that game, but Marksman-based Sneak was pretty cool and worked pretty well from the twenty-odd levels I played of it. Morrowind sneakery was super basic, but worked.

    EDIT: god i want to play morrowind again

    Morrowind magic is a bitch to play as. It does get rewarding towards the end, though, but the only combat spell you can reliably cast at the start does slightly less damage than just swinging the default iron dagger would.

    Properties were revealed based on your Alchemy skill, which you level up by consuming ingrediants/making potions. You could still use the ones you weren't aware of though.

    lolMorrowind Stealing

  6. Just as a note, there probably could by some freak genetic thing down the line as a series of distant relatives breed consecutively that the holy blood is restored out of sheer dumb luck. You know, like a recessive gene in both families that just doesn't get paired up until the eight child or something.

    Not studied genetics since ninth grade so probably wrong here

  7. You know how Skyrim just grabs your attention and goes "Dude, there's freaking dragons. Deal with this NOW?" Morrowind puts you on a boat, dumps you off, gives you a quest, and then the guy ACTUALLY SAYS TO YOU:

    "Eh, not yet. Go do something else for a while"

    Morrowind is probably the most open-ended one, thanks to how it's put out, but its also the least engaging.

    The reason Oblivion is 'meh' is because it falls into the territory of "better than Morrowind in this respect but still worse than Skyrim/Better than Skyrim in this respect but worse than Morrowind was at this" sort of rut. I have a severe bias towards Morrowind, though, as it was literally the thing that took most of my original Xbox's time (Different save files added up to about 5% of the drive's capacity, a surprisingly large amount...) and Oblivion just disappointed me compared to it.

  8. Because why the hell not?

    Anyway, my own personal favorite game of 2012:



    Because I'm a sucker for good stories and blatant attacks on CoD/Battlefield, especially when done as well as this. I could force you through a tl;dr paragraph of why this game is awesome, but Extra Credits already did that. Long story short, it's a really well done story and a fantastic study of why we play modern shooters and why we probably shouldn't.

    If you don't wanna play the game, look for the last 15 minutes on youtube, as well as the sequence known as 'White Phosphorus', although I'd recommend just renting it if you don't wanna buy it.



    Shuddup, I'm a fanboy for the series

    HALO 4

    Again, fanboy

    DAY Z

    This isn't technically a game, so it got cut out short. But I've sunk countless hours into it, and it also made me discover the ArmA games, which are really good in their own right.


    It just...wasn't...long...enough...check it out though

  9. I want more formation skills, dammit.

    Shield Wall: +1 DEF for each friendly unmounted unit next to you.

    Volley Fire: +10 to hit/+1 STR for each friendly archer next to you when you make a ranged attack

    Peasant Raligun: Sacrifice a unit at the end of a line to deal 20 damage for each square in the line

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