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Posts posted by Gone2Ground

  1. It's been years since I read the book, but as kdanger mentioned, they're trying to incorporate things from The Return of the King appendices. For what it is worth, I think it was a pretty good movie and tried pretty hard to keep close to the source material, while still being epic as a movie.

    I really did enjoy the way to Goblin King was portrayed... it was pretty funny. I look forward to the next movie. Also, about it being a trilogy: Yes, there will be 3 movies, but from what I've read it seems like the third will be things from the appendices that serve as an inbetween for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. That means the conclusion of The Hobbit as told in the book, will likely be in the second movie.

    I've not seen the movie yet, but I heard somewhere that they are going to be showing the Battle of Three Armies and not just knock out Bilbo and time skip...

  2. So the game must have glitched or something, I don't know. Because I had Xane imitate Navarre and started the next chapter and Xane was Navarre. I'm talking name, hp, even the things that don't usually change when Xane imitates someone. What happened? Has anyone else experienced this? Is there any way/code to fix it? I can send a screenshot if you don't believe me.

    I'm in the camp that is wondering why you would WANT to fix this, and requesting information on how to do it for myself.

  3. Russel Howard.

    I actually got to see him live at a Just For Laughs a few years ago, shortly after the Royal Wedding.

    He wondered how awkward it must have been for William's bacheor party. Reach out to tip the stripper your mate brought, and see your gran's face staring out at you...

    "Pass me the red marker Philip, we'll really freak him the hell out".

  4. The very basics of the gameplay are solid; some franchises have been using their own basic mechanics for at least as long (Rock-Paper-Scissors in FE meets the Rock-Paper-Scissors in Pokemon, or for a wierder version meets the move side-to-side and jump-on-head of Mario)

    However, each game does need something new. Personally, I've always sort of dreamt of a modified Fatigue system where the characters get weaker the more fights they have been in so far (Reset at end of chapter), punishing you for relying on one character or dragging the turncount out too long, while rewarding innovative low-turn-count strategies that use multiple characters.

    But let's face it - one of FE's main draws is story and character development, so as long as that doesn't become crap, we'll still play it (If it's not a broken-ass game)

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