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Posts posted by Gone2Ground

  1. For other people, since PKL can't update from phone:







































    Serious Bananas - Haar, Nailah, Ilyana

    PKL - Edward, Mia, Marcia

    Gone2Ground - Nolan, Laura, Makalov

    Folgore Green - Titania, Zihark, Nephenee

    Quintessence - Jill, Elincia, Gatrie

    CR-S01 - Oscar, Volug, Tanith, Naealuchi

    Konnor97 - Boyd, Aran, Brom, Leo

    (I'm not sure if I missed anyone or not)

  2. I'm fairly certain that the three of them have not been encountered yet by this time in the books, either. It's been a while since I read ACOC, because I hated it oh so very much.

    Then Storm of Swords happened, and all was forgiven.

  3. Meh. At least Peter Dinklage is still being awesome.

    Sidenote: Anyone watch lastangrygeek's reviews called Stark Raving? They're pretty funny.

    "Haha! That's not his sister! That's the girl he was fooling around with on the ride here...Excuse me, I need to go vomit."

    "I give this episode...four severed heads of Sean Bean out of five"

  4. *nods* Alrighty then. And wasn't sure if the point of knives was for something everyone can use. Though I like the idea of it being it's own weapon class, mostly since it really makes Thieves and such stand out all the more. Only issue is it doesn't feel quite different enough from your average sword thing to really warrant it. *shrugs* But I think it's got potential either way, you should explore it. And the Rings sound like a nice idea, a good way to try and flesh out units and such a bit more equipment-wise. FE has never had a lot of equipment outside of weapons.

    After some thinking, I've gone for the best of both worlds - there Iron Dagger can be used by anyone of any class (Giving Priests/Clerics a way to attack that doesn't need complicated Staff rules), but the rest of them need the Knife skill (Considering renaming it to 'Daggermaster' or 'Nimble Fingers', as 'Knife' is boring.)

  5. I kind of want all of Awakening to be a surprise, to be honest. Well, the bits of it I managed to not get in trailers.

    Rings work like Bands and Knight Wards from the Tellius series, as does the Seraph Robe/Draco-shield. The other consumable items are still consumable, though.

    Unarmed is just making an attack without a weapon - it's mentioned in the Combat chapter I'm working on after the Character Creation.

    Mamkutes/Laguz/Those Rabbit-people/Dragons etc. are going to be one of the last things I do, and they'll be in the 'Setting Packs' I make once the actual game is finalized.

  6. Hmm, I see. May want to include elements from another FE. Maybe include Knives or Rings or something. *shrugs* Though, I do admit it's just my OCD bugging me that magic has six weapon types while physical stuff only has the four. :P So feel free to take it with a grain of salt.

    I'll be happy to help with the double branched promotions, and that makes me pretty happy. Would like to even help with making a full on tree of things if I can, sounds like a neat idea.

    If you're doing double branched promotions, maybe include something similar to FE13's Skill system. Not sure if you know how it works or not, but it has an interesting element.

    I'm staying the hell away from anything involving FE13 due to spoiler reasons.

    I'm actually giving Dancer's swords from FE4, and the Rings can be given to any unit for regular bonuses (Like rings from other games). The Knives are there as well, but I'm debating if all units should be able to use them or just some of them.

    The help would be appreciated, just hang on until the beta PDF is finished if you don't mind.

  7. Hmm. Any particular reason you split Anima? Just curious, helps me get a better feel for things. Do Dancers (and Bards if they exist) use any weapons? Perhaps unique equipment like Rings or some such. And is it double branched? Like, say hypothetical Mage can upgrade to hypothetical Sage or Mage Knight, and Sage can promote to Archsage or... Archsage 2, and Mage Knight can promote to Mage Paladin or Mage Great Knight? Something like that. If it is double branched, that'd be pretty neat, means I may have a shot at a class which uses Light, Dark, and Staves.

    I split Anima as I wanted an element from FE10 in the game, and the double-layered Magic system is the most obvious to pick.

    Dancers use Swords as their only weapons, and Bard is actually a promotion choice for the Dancers.

    The promotions are indeed double branched. So, you could have a class that uses Light, Dark and Staves, as all characters keep their previous skills and weapon levels after promotion. I'm probably going to need some help making some of the third-teir classes, as we only have FE10 for that and only so many of them...but Third-Tier is going to take a while to do anyway, so no need to worry.

    (Sage into Archsage or Saint, BTW)

    (Mage Knight into basically Sage on a horse or Mage Knight on a Pegasus)

  8. Hmm, I see. Mostly was curious if Mastery skills or their ilk existed. How about reclassing, or something similar? And do any other classes have the Anima Mage deal (as in three separate ranks that early on)? How about promotion? Mostly just random thoughts, no need to worry too much about these if they aren't done yet.

    Mastery Skills are planned to be part of the Third-Tier promotion, as each promotion will provide a few new Innate skills (Masteries will be one of them)

    There isn't going to be any reclassing, but the promotions will be branched.

    No other classes have the Anima Mage deal, it's just them.

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