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Posts posted by Gone2Ground

  1. Daily Update May 03

    - V.06 of the Player's Section complete. New changes include:

    * Soldier now starts with the Knowledge: Warefare skill

    * Skills chapter started, with Tier One (Level 1-40) skills included. I think I have all of them, but if I missed one, tell me. If I've done something stupid and they're not in alphabetical order, and you notice, tell me and I'll switch it around to the right way.

    - Items chapter started

    - Item List started

    - Magic chapter started

    - Combat chapter started

    Yep, I've been a busy little bee.

    FERPG Player\'s Section v.06.pdf

  2. I'm back from my weekend break with a revamped Player's Section, now with shiny Leveling Up chapter and updated Character Creation system!

    List of changes:

    - Level Up chapter included

    - You now have 20% to spend to increase your Growth Rates on character creation

    - Shaman has his missing skill included

    - Classes have their Promotion choices added

    Don't recognize the name of some of the promotions? Oh, you will see...*Chuckles*...not really. Sky Ranger's the only one (I think), and that's just Falcoknight that uses a Bow instead of a Sword, with some Skill changes and slightly different Promotion Bonuses.

    I do need suggestions for the Tier 3 classes, as I plan on having each Tier 2 class having 2 Tier 3 classes to choose from (There can be overlap, remember). I don't really care if it's just 'Class X with less of Stat Y and more of Stat Z', but I do need suggestions. If you think some classes have weird promotion choices, tell me what you suggest!

    Thank you for your continuous support!

    - G2G

    FERPG Player\'s Section v.05.pdf

  3. New skills that aren't out-of-combat are a pretty low priority, but definitely a possibility.

    About Overlap: Most Mages are pretty much the same, with minor differences (Anima higher SKL, Monk higher SPD, Shaman higher MAG) in the stats, mostly differentiated by their type of magic. I also wanted Troubador/Clerics to be pretty much the same, because...well, they are.

  4. Well, here's my log. I restarted today because I didn't Abuse hard enough. Remember I'm not as good as other players.

    ...no, seriously, I suck. I'm openly admitting it.

    Free units: Micaiah, Sothe, Ike, Leanne, Reyson, Rafiel, Black Knight, Lehran

    My Team: Nolan, Laura, Lucia, Makalov, Mist, Volke, Giffca, Vika, Sigrun


    None as of yet.

    [spoiler=Part 1]

    Part 1 Team:

    Micaiah, Sothe, Nolan, Laura

    1-P 6/4

    No really this was as good as I could get it. Suck, don't I?

    Okay, I could have shaved a turn if I'd Abused out Miccie's Crit, but I just really didn't care right then. I did abuse the hell out of Edward for Wrath criticals/dodges, though. Miccie got a LVup that was pretty good - look ma! SPEED! Now, I just need a few...dozen...more of those.

    Unit		Lv	Xp	HP	St	Mg	Sk	Sp	Lk	Df	Rs	WLv			Support		Skills
    Micaiah   	2 	85    16      3 	9   	8 	8  	10	2	4  	Light D			A Sothe    

  5. Shamans were hard to pick skills for. If you have any suggestions on better skills for units, I'll happily take them (Blossom/Paragon are off-limits until promotion because it's stupid otherwise).

    Just now, all weapons/items have the same stats as in the games (Mostly using FE7 for their stats, with a bit of FE9 thrown in). If there's balance issues, I'll fix them, but the Weapon list is pretty low priority.

  6. I spotted an issue. Shaman lacks a third skill to pick from. All the other classes have three, Shaman just has Shade and Corrosion. I've got the rough draft of my guy, let me show you the stats I worked out. Was weird luck, was using a random number generator though, no d10's.

    So far have a decent understanding of how things are supposed to work I think. Though think an option for more static choices (given X amount of points or X amount of percent and you divide amongst stats) might be a good one, I got really unlucky in some areas (though do have the rule to fix that, which I like).

    D'oh. Shamans are meant to have Discipline as their third skill, but I forgets.

    The static choices are being considered, but I wanted to avoid potential minmaxing as much as possible. Maybe if I give you all 20% to split up and boost individual stat growths after generation?

    Man...casters have such high Leader ship growth.

    Oops. That was just meant to be the Troubador/Priest/Clerics. I'll fix that later.

    It seems to me that it should be possible over a long period of gameplay to improve stat growth range at some point.

    This is a planned feature, but it's covered in the Leveling Up section.

    Thank you all for your support! Here's the character sheet.



    (Minus skills, that's still under development, but mostly self explanatory)

    PDF IS BELOW! (Will get rid of stupid watermark later. Converted file from wrong laptop.)

    It's a pretty big milestone for the project, but there's more to come. By the end of next week, I aim to finish the Skills chapter by tommorow night and put up the REALLY complete Character Creation system, with the revamped Character Sheet to go up tommorow morning.

    Then, if you don't mind, I'm taking a well-deserved weekend off to go play some Magic: The Gathering at a prerelease, and try to get past 1-3 of RD JA!Hard using only Laura, Nolan, Sothe and Micaiah. Stupid draft. Couldn't have given me Edward (Grumble grumble...)

    After that, it's all systems go on the Combat chapter...Soyeah. Make a character, post it, tell me how it works, what improvements need made, etc. Any help in this form is appreciated!


    FERPG character creation BETA.pdf

  8. fuq sleep, I have an IPad.

    Greetings, I am the 'meh' player. I shall be your control group of average-players-in-first-draft-turncount. I will finish in a month, but my turncounts are going to be fuqing stupid.

    I fail to see why I should be dissapointed with my squad. It even has a dragon!

    Badasses, ASSEMBLE!

    IKE - Da Hero. Will be doing most of the work in PT3. Then again, it's freaking Ike, so he'll be doing a lot of stuff. Will use Ragnell (Even against Black Knight. Hammers are for people with no sense of drama.)

    MICAIAH - Da Heroin. Will be my main offensive magic user for most of the game. Dracoshield Hoarding, GO. WILL BE USING THANI BECAUSE IT'S BROKEN.

    SOTHE - Da Lancer. Will be doing nothing in most of PT1 because Nolan wants that lovely lovely EXP. Will be a lifesaver for the rest of it. Will be using the SS-rank knife.

    NOLAN - Da Tank. Will beat faces in during PT1. Urvan, GIVEN!

    LAURA - Da Chick. Will staffbot reliably, then help Micaiah kick ass in the Desert.

    MAKALOV - Da Stoner. Has a horse, so +1. Gonna give him Alondite for endgame, because it's freaking MAKALOV. With ALONDITE. Will promote to use BOWS because I'm TROLOLOLOLOL.

    MIST - Da only other Greil Merc other than Ike. Great. Well, at least she can fight and heal and has a horse.

    LEANNE - Screw it, she's going to be my Heron. Live with it.

    LEHRAN - BWAHAHAHAyeah no, not recruiting him. Screw it, too difficult, i'm out.

    LUCIA - Da Action Girl. Always useful to have a Trueblade along in my opinion. Vague Katti given.

    GIFFCA - LOL endgame tower bait. Will just plow through stuff.

    SIGRUN - DA FLYER 1.0. Given the Wishblade. Shall see you in hell. HOLY GUARD, ASSEMBLE!

    VIKA - Da Flyer 2.0. Will level-spam like crazy when I get her back, because she can be a real powerhouse if levelled. According to a LP I read once.

    Then again, that guy used Fiona as his Wishblade user, so WTH should I listen to him?

    VOLKE - Da Eleventh Hour Ranger. He kills things and acts awesome.

    He's MOTHER-FRAKKING VOLKE. He needs no other things to do.

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