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Defeatist Elitist

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Posts posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. 22 hours ago, Original Alear said:

    This is the first time Defeatist Elitist visited my profile and didn't say I love you. I mean, I don't think that's exactly true, but I had come to expect him saying "I love you" or "I still love you" on occasion. I don't blame him though, because I was psychologically channeling that I wasn't sure/didn't love him back because I had no idea why he loved me. Actually, him not saying I love you, I believe, brought me closer to loving him.

    I love you.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Original Johan Liebert said:

    Sometimes I think everyone but me has a modification where if they look at me, they see a little tag hovering about me that says "whatever he says his name is, he's actually SeverIan, the fucking liar."

    It's simply what I know you as.....


    Anyway, I'd recommend Blindsight, I think you'd like it.

  3. 15 minutes ago, indigoasis said:

    No, it's still there, you just gotta hover your mouse over your profile pic, and it'll tell you how many posts you've made.

    Stuff that's been on the forum should slowly be making it's way back after the update. The content count was just renamed to "posts."

    i mean originally there was post count, then they introduced content count which was presumably different.  now you  can only see post count again.  im trying to figure out what they did to content count.

  4. This is exactly the sort of discourse I would expect in an environment dominated by that unscientific so-called "FE4 THREAD".  Where is the material analysis?  What about means or mode of production?  What about interests?  Value?

    You speak of permission.  In what context?  Pants on or pants off, the only place truth and light can be found is with empirical tools, with the ever improving analytical methodology that has been handed down to us.

  5. The revisionists in the old FE4 thread have claimed a near monopoly on FE4 discussion and miscellaneous chatting for far too long.  This work is much too important to leave to that rabble of traitors, unserious thinkers, and agents of reaction.  Worse, they have associated our cause with their idle chattering and ineffectual collaboration with capital!

    I welcome all true practitioners of the immortal science with open arms.

    Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains.

  6. 4 hours ago, Original Johan Liebert said:

    I THINK that Hikarusa was allowed to return - was he banned again after that?

    I hope my "ban everyone" policy was understood to not be sincere. But I would probably have been banned if it was understood to be sincere, so I think I'm ok.

    he was unbanned a long time ago and posted after that, its just that none of us have seen him for a long time as far as i can tell...

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