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Defeatist Elitist

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Posts posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I learned... that the Theory of Evolution is absolutely, positively FALSE.

    Wait, I didn't learnt that... I already knew it...




    some words and shit even though this is FFtF

    Also today I learned loads of rad shit because I got to an actual real school apparently as opposed to a certain other poster.

    edit: Also, yeah, Onani Master Kurosawa is pretty rad.

  2. So I'm not sure how serious that was meant as a response, but I do find it interesting how some people believe that drugs developed by professionals specifically to combat depression are useless and do nothing, or even that they're unreliable, while simultaneously believing marijuana is some sort of cure-all wonder drug (or even just that it's very effective at dealing with things like that). I mean, I've met few people more rampantly for legalization of recreational drugs than I am, but that specific opinion has always been kind of weird. I guess people just distrust the pharmaceutical industry a ton.

  3. Calling each other biased is a shitty attempt of so called debaters to discredit each other in their own eyes. In other words, it's hollow name calling and you're both a disgrace for doing it.

    I think this is actually a really good point. In an argument like this, that particular kind of bias is sort of irrelevant. I mean, if somebody's arguing one of the sides, of course they probably think it's right.

    edit: Also, with regard to mental illness chat, I think it's pretty rash to just outright say that prescriptions are ineffective or should never be used. To be sure, they're probably way over prescribed and used unwisely, but they have a number of legitimate uses, and they do work for some people who are depressed. If it stops their depression, I say more power to them.

  4. and this thread might just end up even worse than it was because of it. I suppose you felt it needed to be said, but that really just means to me you did the same thing he did.

    I'm not sure why the thread would end up any worse. I mean, it's pretty obvious I don't actually think that he's personally destroying the US, I was just making a fairly obvious play on what he said. Now, I absolutely think he's been fairly consistently wrong and intellectually dishonest (whether he means to be or not) in this thread, and I'm sure people know that I think that, but hey.

  5. I don't think I'm in most of those people because I don't remember you calling me out on anything which doesn't make sense because I say so many stupid things all the time x3

    Well I think I just have horrible memory and you have made fun of me and I of course just don't remember~ But I guess that means I handled it well =3

    I don't think I called you out on anything because I don't think you ever said anything horrible.

  6. Yeah that's a good point, there are some pretty cool people I've met through SF. I mean, I'm sure that's nothing special, and I'd have met equally cool people if I'd joined some other random sites for other shit, but hey, I didn't do that.

  7. So I'm coming in blind, but are you sure the reason they always win arguments isn't that they're just right or something? Maybe the other shit is just joking, I dunno. GIVE US BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY YO.

  8. Hey, this place is a lot more mature than anywhere else I visit (coughMALcough). People here these days will generally listen to reason.

    Well of course MAL is going to be bad, most people who call themselves anime fans are going to be awful subhumans because anime (like most things) is like 90% shit. But there are far better places than this, not that I really hold it against SF. I can't expect a random free forum on an obscure japanese map game to be anywhere near perfect, or even good, so it's done pretty well.

  9. hm

    It was probably for debates

    I can actually answer for both of us (well at least part of it). I joined because Tino and Swordsalmon posted a topic on FEU being like "holy fuck these people are really mad about the idea that some people like to rank FE characters what the fuck" and I figured I'd come on over and try to help their mighty cause of being allowed to debate and have tier lists. Reikken and a couple of other people where there at the time as well on the "it should be okay to rank fire emblem characters and argue about them" side, and Mekkah joined the argument not long after (one of my favorite SF moments ever is still when sandman posted one of his trademark passive aggressive "fuck debaters" style threads about complex strategies and Mekkah just posted an image with all the plans erased and "move Ike here and have him murder everything" or something similar scribbled on it). Then I realized that the non-FE sections were even fucking dumber than the rest of the forum so I decided I'd try to fix that too. I never would have succeeded if it weren't for Death, and probably wouldn't have succeeded without the FESS merger, though to this day I still don't think I ever really managed to fix this place. Oh well.

    Honestly, my biggest regret is that I even liked FE at all, I want to have an amazing story like Death's of being that guy who doesn't even fucking play or like the games and runs everything.

    Since people have been discussing it, my post history is for the first several years just a catalogue of experiments in persuasion, argument and just convincing people of shit, as I constantly tried to find out what worked better. I ended up realizing a certain level of derision combined with solid argument and horrible nasty comments works best, but now I don't give a shit about convincing people and just make horrible nasty smug comments.

    also also people who look back on their old posts and feel bad, remember most of you guys were people who reacted alright when I made fun of you, the really shit people just left 8[

  10. Ibn throws his broadsword into the air, grabs Richard's shoulder, spins him around and stabs him twice in the face with his sabre, then catches his falling broadsword and lops off Richard's head. Richard goes down.

  11. Actually, using an "expressionless" style can at times be quite useful for different uses. It seems to have become fairly popular on the internet, for example, to remove necessary punctuation in many situations involving comedy or sarcasm. An example:

    "What's wrong with you? Are you retarded or something?"


    "What's wrong with you are you retarded or something"

    you forgot the thing some people do when posting with some varying degree of irony where they not only leave out punctuation but also capitalization and sometimes other forms of grammar and even spelling

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