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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I love Mistah Makalov. HE HAS PINK HAIR. And is totally badass.
  2. Maybe I should redefine this. Titania is easy to use. She makes the game easier. This is what is considered good. That isn't to say that it is impossible to beat the game without her. It's just more difficult. EDIT: The best team ever would be a team with which you had to use absolutely no strategy or thought whatsoever to win perfectly with.
  3. Astrid can use the Double Bow. Shinon can too. And he has increased range. And good stats. And comes excellent. And blah blah blah. I agree that Makalov is good though. As to your last point, well, this is what I'll say. I often use sub par or very bad units when I play the game. I've used Fiona. I simply think that some characters are MUCH harder to use than others.
  4. I am aware of the need for proof. Do you want me to link you to reports that show some of these things? I mean, she's fully admitted to being a creationist.
  5. Right. Oh wait, no, wrong. Now, even considering other things, just think about this. This woman is a creationist. That in and of itself is enough to turn me off, but there's so much more. Have you seen the number of lies she made up, the number of questions she dodged? Do you understand what she did with her power?
  6. No, it's not entirely because of Bush. He doesn't have total power. But it makes a pretty massive difference.
  7. What is the point? Because some people will change their opinions on things. I have done so in the past. It's like asking why we debate anything. And Lyle, do you have any fucking idea what Socialism is? Do you? Or are you talking out of your ass? Obama is not entirely a Socialist, Socialism isn't bad, and fuck, even though they drone on about it, America isn't pure Capitalism anyway.
  8. No. I would like, for once, for the Right Wing to take a step backwards. The entire world has an awful view of the United States right now. Bush Administration destroyed America in the world' view wholly. And I am yet to see a single person outside of the United States that supports McCain. People in America are far to caught up in the political game. For example, you said change is fucking stupid. That is wrong. Wrong to the extreme. Change, ironically, is actually very good, read what I said earlier. You also just ADMITTED THAT YOU WOULD PREFER A CANDIDATE THAT CHOSE THE WRONG THING AND STUCK WITH IT. And don't let me even get into other parts of Palin... Lol, humans and dinosaurs co-existing. ^_^
  9. "I'd rather someone who makes the wrong choice and never wavers from it than someone who realizes a mistake!" Sounds like a pretty typical line from the Right Wing. I could go on and on about how much Palin fails, but I'd really rather not. All I will say right now is that I am definitely not comfortable with the very likely situation (if McSame is elected at all) of her being President. McSame is way too old.
  10. Wait, what, where we watching the same debate? Sadly, Palin did not commit Political Suicide, but it was PAINFUL to watch. You could SEE Biden holding back. Palin lied so many times, and was proven wrong so many times it isn't even funny. She ranted on and on about being an "average American", and having "family troubles", but she makes way more money than the average American. So many things she says are ridiculous.
  11. I should very much read that. While young Mr.IreadanddrawungodlyamountsofinspirationfromTolkien'sbooks is a bit, well, my nickname for him says it all, they've all been pretty good so far. I hope this one maintains the quality. Since I love Tolkien, I have to at least like the series a little.
  12. FE9 Astrid is great. FE10 Astrid nosedived several dozen stories. I was so excited when I got to play as the Crimean Knights. I was like "ALL THESE CHARACTERS WHERE PRETTY DAMN AWESOME IN FE9". Then, Astrid went and ruined everything. Pathetic level, being doubled, dealing pretty much no damage... She had to be babied to the extreme. And of course, you could pour BEXP into her, but couldn't you also pour that into your characters that, you know, are actually good? And you could actually get full use of the three-and-only-three-stats-per-level-up thingy. If you poured it into Astrid, she'd end up sub par anyway, and you'd lose out on improving those other characters. Not to mention that Paladins took a MASSIVE blow in RD. The new terrain shit alone dethroned them from being the best class in the game.
  13. So you like people who really can? I don't know why people seem to dislike trolls. I mean honestly, should you really be getting mad about what some guy has said on the internet?
  14. Yes. I have to add to this. Astrid requires far too much work to get to a useable point for her to be worth it. You spend far more effort getting her competent than you save later in the game. She got horribly nerfed in RD. No longer does she supply the Knight Ward, and have an OK join situation. She now isn't even special for Paragon, because you can rip it off her and put it on a better character.
  16. Axes as previously stated, because by far the most common enemies are (in approximate order): Soldiers, Brigands, Armor Knights, and Social Knights. And a lot of those wield Lances.
  17. Lucius. Look, do I even NEED to post Akbar again? I've been through this so many times...
  18. Oh come now, Lord of the Flies isn't bad. Morbid maybe, but by no means bad. ^_^
  19. Birthday Happy. Cake? Yes/no? Presents? HAPPINESS?
  20. I like all seasons. Thus, I like Fall. Fall is great!
  21. Honestly, there's very little difference between the two other than some hormones and different bits. :P I didn't vote. ^_^
  22. I'm reading: Well, I'm ALWAYS in the process of cycling continueosly through the Lord of The Rings (and all the rest of Tolkien's work), Haruhi Suzumiya series, Artemis Fowl series, and the Discworld series. Know I'm planning on reading His Dark Materials, The Dark Is Rising, the other Dune books, etc. I also plan on rereading a bunch of books soon, especially the afore said cycle that I am ALWAYS rereading, Watership Down, and Arthur: The Seeing Stone. Oh, and I'm reading Snow Crash.
  23. Nice. Ever been to the Sunshine Coast? That's where I live.
  24. What about Clannad: After Story? Also, Haruhi 2. It shall be coming eventually, but I'm not sure exactly when. I'm not in a huge rush, because I read all the novels, but it will be cool when it comes out. I just hope they cut down on the fanservice. ^_^
  25. People who refuse to accept logic and reasoning. :P
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