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Everything posted by SPSEliwoodGabriel

  1. ...Is it just me, or Sumia... with the Maribelle scene... has no shadow?!
  2. Battle Network can be dark at times, as well. Especially when you consider the First Game Spoiler about Megaman himself...
  3. ...If Chrom's in the game I hope it means we can figure out more about the mystery that is his pants. ...That, or someone takes really good snapshots of Chrom in action in the FMVs. This cosplayer wants as many details about Chrom's clothing as possible. Back on SSB, I WANT TEARING SHADOWS AS A SONG. And, um... if Chrom's in it, I hope some of his expressions are in the game, too. Especially the lip-biting nervous one. (That would be a good tripping expression, if the banana tripping isn't out.) ...Speaking of Chrom, would his abilities from reclassing be in his moves, too? It would be cool if there's some dread fighter action. And, uh... taunts! ...I have no ideas.
  4. ...I see refrain and I automatically think "chorus". French language. ANYWAY. I'm with the crowd with Chrom... his little stammers are so adorable! Really, anything he says is awesome. Same with Priam. ...And believe it or not, Male!Robin Voice 1, because I'll forever associate it with Lucas. XP ...That's all I have at the moment. XP
  5. *flailing and keysmashing aside...* Pit's got his Upperdash Arm. New move set? Dark Pit confirmed? I CANNOT WAIT. Also, Megaman.
  6. Not really "watching", and not really "anime", but I think it was made in Japan? The new Mysterious Cities of Gold episodes. I was all "EFF YES NOSTAGIA!" then they just had to use a certain plotpoint that had me almost scream because it was a remake of a scene in the last episode of the first season...
  7. Oh, jeez. A couple of relatives, here and there. If an FE character ends up with my mother's name I'll laugh, because her name is SERIOUSLY uncommon.
  8. I'm still in the middle of experimentation, but HOLY CRAP DREAD FIGHTER CHROM SOOOO AMAZING. And he looks so silly as a sniper. XP
  9. I have NO clue what's going on, but I'll just add something- My Lucas *Robin* and Sumia are freaking powerful together, so, uh, I agree with the whole underrated thing?
  10. ...Even as the crazy Chrom fangirl that I am, I don't even WANT that thing. I'd like Chrom's... assets to look realistic, ktnx.
  11. Happy birthday, you sexy prince you. You picked up a Ladle and a Kneader... so, party over at the Bathrealms?
  12. If you'll excuse me, I need to be a stereotypical fangirl for a moment... AAAAAH, APOLLO, WHY SO HAWT?! YOU LOOK LIKE VYSE FROM SKIES OF ARCADIA! YOU LOOK SO BOSS, BUT YOU STILL HAVE YOUR PERSONALITY INTACT! *flails about like crazy* ...Okay, I'm done.
  13. Height or looks ≠ actual age, really. For one, I've been looking about 16-ish for 9 years now. Can apply for some character, too.
  14. Meh. Galeforce is pretty useful, but I love the variety of skills available. Dual Support +, Ignis, Tomefaire, Limit Breaker and Lifetaker to my Valkyrie!Self!Avatar? Pretty deadly without needing Galeforce.
  15. You know what's disturbing? That's exactly as how I calculated their ages based on the minimal information we had. To have my headcanon become canon... it's freaky.
  16. Aaahhh, so the localization team WAS having fun with voice clips! XP
  17. You guys have to remember that Future!Lucina's presence sped up how the wars happened in her timeline, and it's not sure how long it was between Future!Chrom's death and when the children left their world. That said whatever their ages are is headcanon at most. Considering that Emmeryn's birthday is December 23, she may have become Exalt the year she turned 10, so depending on the actual dates, she's either 24 or 25.
  18. ...Anyone not talking about how they used one of Chrom's clips in the Lissa & Emmeryn Hot Springs convo? Did they do that with the Japanese version, or was it just the localizers having fun with their dialogue?
  19. Welp, it does help my self!Avatar being paired up with Priam in my Eowyn game... pretend I'm married to him. XP
  20. ...I had my eyes filled with Chrom's greatness. I have been satisfied.
  21. ...Apparently I'm Marth. ...I need to rectify this icon. (Actually, I DO need a change...)
  22. You know, I do have this theory that Cordi doesn't like the idea of being rejected? The reason why she doesn't take a chance with Chrom is because to her, it might be too risky? ...I dunno. That's what I feel, anyway.
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