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Everything posted by SPSEliwoodGabriel

  1. Seen the clips on Youtube on the European channels. Because I like learning new words and I kinda wished there was a French translation in Canada. Things I liked in the French translation- Saint-Royaume d'Ylisse? Les Veilleurs? The French Translation makes me wish there was a French translation here in Canada! And according to the French info, Pair Up is called Duo. Brave weapons are Héros weapons, is that constant with French translations? And hey, I kinda expected Clerics to be called Soeurs! Also, the Master Seal is called the magister... *looks up Google* Oh hey, that is awesome! More reasons why I could've liked a French translation around here! And the Second Seal is scholaris... Here's from wiktionary. Why does the French version has the cooler names?! ...Also, were Priests always called Vicaire in French translations? ...Moine Guerrier? YES. And Baladin for trickster? Works with the jester motif of the clothing. Were Swordsmasters always called bretteur? *The word fits.* And Dark Knights are Paladin Noir? SEXY. Crochetage... I didn't knew the French work for lockpicking! Tantivy is Indépendance... I could work with that. Quick Burn is Adrénaline- why didn't they used that?! Swordbreaker is Anti-Épee, that's pretty cool. Healtouch is Main guérisseuse and the Rally skills are Raliement: ___. Kinda like that. Also, ___faire is art des ____. More on classes... Tacticians are Stratège, which means strategist. ...Taguel is Tagüel, looking pretty metal to me. Villager is of course villageois... Did I ever said French language is awesome? Also, they're using the Walkyrie spelling. More metal.
  2. I'd want Ike's headband AND his hairstyle... for girls. We needed more tomboy-ish hair for them. Also, Ike's hair in pink- awesome.
  3. ...least favorite? Sorry, doesn't compute now. Maybe once I get them all I'll be able to say something, but right now, the ones I got... I enjoy them.
  4. Well, I do have an avatar with my own name, *points at sig*, but I also have Lucas for my male run and Eowyn for my "Fun" run. I'll have other runs with Kellyn, Chen, and maybe a few others, don't know yet.
  5. I go with Robin. Default name? Gonna stick with it.
  6. YES on Chrom and Ricken. I bet they would have cute supports. And call me crazy, but I kinda wished Chrom and Priam talked more to each other. Stupid Spotpass.
  7. I go CRAZY with naming. Persona references? Not just for spells, but I did went with the whole "Velvet _____" theme, as well as a few Personas themselves. Shocksticks are ALWAYS Godchu (Because who else does it reminds you of?). Chrom's lance in my Eowyn game is always refered as "Observer" because of my stories. I've yet to forge a Ruin Tome to call Megidoleon, but I'll do it. And there's also my "___ Custom" weapons, as well.
  8. Ffffffffffffffffff the rapier twit. I LOVE YOU MIST.
  9. I'm gonna try and get all the ships because I can and everything's canon to me. HOWEVER. Had I not married Chrom in my Melanie file, I would've married Priam. Because if he seriously have the Ike genes, he's gonna need someone to carry them, and who else but Morgan? (So he can get married to Lucina and they both have amazing blue haired kids who has the bloodline of two legendary FE heroes!)
  10. I have three at the moment... Myself, Eowyn and Lucas. Which one should I choose?
  11. Look-wise, I'm all about Ignis. Mostly because I still got a toe on the weeb side. But while there's no visible look, Dual Support + lately has been cray-cray for me. Shove my Melanie build in my Eowyn game and gave her this, have Ike pair up with her, it's like she's married to him with the bonuses. Would that sort of bonus help someone out in the more aggressive modes?
  12. Guys, I wonder if people having their names in twice is because of them being so popular they had to add another... No, that wouldn't make sense... would it?
  13. Erm, Lady Feena, not to upset you, but Chrom/Fem!Avatar has been already claimed and compiled.
  14. I think, right after Grima's defeat, Chrom thought of when they first met and decided to check that place, so... a few weeks?
  15. Okay, I have not played any Ace Attorney games (despite knowing quite a lot about them and owning their English Artbook), but I kinda grew fond of Apollo and now I feel like Capcom is trying to get me to play this game. Bandages? Covered eye? Reminds me a bit of Vyse from Skies of Arcadia? Hel-LO, I believe you've made me into a bigger Apollo fangirl?
  16. I've got a few more interesting ones! Pass the Popcorn, Chrom- Send a Maxed Out character to a challenge in which the enemies are only in their primary classes. The Observer- Create the fancharacter Bram with either Spotpass!Ike or DLC!Ike reclassed to Dread Fighter, Maxed Out, with the following Skills- Aether, Ignis, Resistance +10, Tomefaire and Hit Rate +20.
  17. Wait, we're getting Emm this week?! I thought it was Yen'Fay! ...Anyway, YEEEEEEEEES. I've been waiting for her!
  18. ...That has to be the most awesome name for an Arcfire ever.
  19. The spell animations aren't that fancy, but I think it works! ...I will admit, oddly enough, my favorite must be Micaiah's Pyre. I dunno why, but the image of a ball of flame coming like a meteor towards your enemy is simple but GREAT. I named one of mine *KABOOM*.
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