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Everything posted by SPSEliwoodGabriel

  1. While I do agree with Acacia there, the whole idea of the other sibling being so attuned to Falchion to create the finest cut Chrom have ever seen makes sense- in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it was so fine, it didn't fell apart!
  2. Has anyone tested DLC!Marth with any of his descendants? I did, and some were... hilarious.
  3. It's really good for quick giggles, that I know. Especially when you pair up members of a family, then it gets hilarious. XP
  4. Because I love the idea of more family members for the Ylissean family and discounting "me"... Felicity Gender: Female Build: #3 Face: #5 Hair: #4 Hair Color: #3 Class: Grandmaster Best Stat: Skill; Worst Stat: Strength Skills: Ignis, Tomefaire, Swordfaire, Hit Rate +20, Pass Lover: None (maybe Priam?) Equipment: Crow (enhanced Eirika's Blade), Ernestine (enhanced Celica's Gale), Ragnell, Book of Naga, Elixir
  5. Errrr... Ricken? I have a hard time being taken seriously because I can seem a little childish, and my looks doesn't help -I'm 4 months away from turning 25 and yet I still look like I'm in high school, and like him I'm pretty short, not to mention a magic class would seem like my idea of choice. But then I'm also like Morgan, because although my past shaped me, I don't let it being my main focus and I'm always enthusiastic, and I have waaaaaay too many talents, a nod to the ability to reclass to almost everything. ...Hmmmm... I guess I'm kinda like Nowi, too, if you add those together...
  6. This is for my main Melanie file, as Grandmaster... Ignis, Rally Spectrum, Dual Support+, Tomefaire, Galeforce
  7. Ditto on Gen 2 possibly beating Gen 1, but it really depends on how you optimize your characters with the right set of skills and classes.
  8. Personally, I'm not disappointed. Sure, there are issues here and there, but that's nothing fanfic can fix. Then again, I didn't went into this game hoping for this from FE7 or that from FE9 and etc. I knew from when I got it the gaming experience would be different from the FEs I played, and I didn't compared to the other games. While the basic FE formula was there, the mash-up created from the former games created an adventure unlike any other I've played. Besides, among my favorites, the only game that made me cry besides this one was Majora's Mask... and in Awakening, I was crying of happiness. No other games made me like that, ever.
  9. I'm calling glitch. ...*looks at her Melanie file* I'm not there yet, so...
  10. I love everyone and will make them all my gods. Does that work?
  11. Ever did an experiment only for the result to turn out gone horribly right? This is in my Lucas playthrough, and let me tell you the Ballad of Olivia and Frederick. Wanting to get all my current characters at the same level (Level 5 promoted, promotion asap as they hit lvl 10), I decided to couple up poor Dancer Olivia with my Griffon Knight Frederick for assistance, resulting in a rather quick level 15. Wanting to make her stronger, I Second Classed her into a Myrmidon, then a Swordmaster, resulting in an S level with Fred. Now? By pairing the two together, they're unstoppable, and they're stronger than my Lucas and Sumia together.
  12. ...I hear something... it is Chrom. Chrom becoming a Dread Fighter, and gaining the skills related. With Hit Rate +20, Aether, Rightful King, Resistance +10 and Quick Slash, he'll be a force to reckon with.
  13. I agree with everything involving Priam! Chrom might be my FE man, but Ike will ALWAYS be after him.
  14. Raquesis? ...We loose mythology references, but I kinda like that. <3
  15. LEEEEIIIIIIFFFF! *cough* Sorry, I always thought all of his designs were awesome.
  16. Id (Purpose) has to be one of the most epic songs ever. Also, believe or not, not that big of a fan for "Don't speak her name". It's a great song, not going to lie, but I dare someone to play on repeat Umineko's "Thank Your For Being Born" in that chapter. (Actually, that would also work for Chrom + Lucina A, the part when he says how grateful he is to have met her.) Other songs I enjoy- Conquest- For a song called that, it's rather relaxing, even its Ablazed remix. Perfect for Challenges! You may call me Marth- PIANO. I HAVE AN OBSESSION WITH PIANO SONGS. *cough* Beautiful and enigmatic, just like our Masked Marth! Champion- IKE'S RESOLUTION. Although Chrom dethroned Ike as my favorite FE guy, Ike will always have a special place in my heart, because of how simple he stayed in a crazy world. Also, Ablazed version is as epic. And what if I can't? What if I'm not worthy of her ideals?- PIANO. VIOLIN. *foams at mouth* I prefer this one to "Don't speak her name"! You have power... like mine- SHUT UP, TIKI'S THEME IS EPIC. I kinda wanted a remix of Gatoh's theme, too, if only for that remix I found at OCRemix. Mastermind- I don't know WHY I like it, it's just... there's this aggression, even in the chanting, and that distortion part, it's my favorite boss music! Even more than Monstrosity! Id (Serenity)- HOLY SHIT THE LAYTON-NESS! Seriously, it would fit right in a Professor Layton game. I'm sure there's some more, but I couldn't find them.
  17. I think they do exist, but we can't have access to them. (Going with my headcanon that there exists a variation of Einherjar made specifically for studying a person outside of battle.)
  18. Stupid question, but according to TV Tropes, the Mark of the Exalt is apparently on Chrom's second child's right eye... where in-game would that be told?
  19. More than likely the powers within Ragnell is dying out at the time, so all he can do is throw it.
  20. Well, as this being my very own topic, I'm certain I'm permitted to double post, yes? Ladies and Gentlemen, I have proceeded with the story! Past 3- in which Chrom's voice makes me melt while I should be crying... Also, my current stats is as followed- Melanie- Lvl 10 Tactician HP-24 Str-10 Mag-11 Skl-9 Spd-10 Luck-7 Def-14 (I'm starting to suspect I chose Def instead of Mag, because OMG WTF.) Res-6
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