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Everything posted by SPSEliwoodGabriel

  1. [spoiler=Marth] This is just out of pure curiosity, but have someone found Lucina's confession portrait, since it's sorta confirmed that MU can get kids with the second generation?
  2. [spoiler= Marth] I really wonder if Lucina keeps her Marth voice after being unmasked, or she uses a more feminine voice. She does strike me as a tomboy, though, so I think it might be the former...?
  3. [spoiler= The Kids] I wonder if there's going to be special support convos if two of the kids end up being siblings? Like, say, if Lukina and Mark ends up being siblings, they'd have a different support convo than if they weren't.
  4. [spoiler= Libera and Soso] From the way the conversation is, it doesn't seem like Libera's her father but another man. I wonder if those are support convos that doesn't end up in S...?
  5. I fixed my spoiler tags. Now, can we confirm that female!MU and Krom can get married, or we're still not certain?
  6. [spoiler= The royal family marks]Emelina's got hers on her forehead, Krom's got it on his arm, and Lukina's got it in her eye. Where's Liz's? [spoiler= Masked Marth]Wow, Lukina's freaking tall. She's taking after her daddy, that's for sure.
  7. Aaaaaahhhh! Those spoilers are precious~!
  8. I checked Nicozon and there's no videos of Kakusei that is actually someone playing the game.
  9. AAAAAAAHHHHH OMG OMG OMG ALL THESE SPOILERS MAKES ME HAPPY! [spoiler= Masked Marth] Masked Marth ends up not only being an actual girl, but Krom's daughter?! Lukina now has 100% epicness from me. It's pretty cool her mark's her eye, I love heterochromia and she's so BEAUTIFUL. I have a feeling something happened during her timeline and she went to a past to help out her dad. Now, my biggest wonder is if you can pair up Krom with MU, because that would be EPIC. ...I can't stop geeking out over this revelation.
  10. Why did I not see this?! I'd love to voice act- I did some voice acting for some Starmen.Net stuff as Ness' sister, Tracy, but I can try to do other voices.
  11. You get epic Doc Marten's! *Inserts the Paw Pad Orbitars*
  12. *You get a 'GOTCHA!'* *inserts Dark Pit's purple brooch*
  13. I also noticed something- What if 'Marth' and DLC!Marth are Marth at different ages? DLC!Marth is Marth during FE3/12, while 'Marth' seems to be more of FE1/11's Marth...
  14. Guys, who said anything about 'Marth' being an antagonist? Maybe IS is taking inspiration from other Nintendo Media and 'Marth' is akin to anime!Meta Knight in Kirby of the Stars. Of course, that's not exactly confirmed, but I don't get an antagonist vibe if 'Marth' is seen helping out Krom kicking Corpse Soldier ass. From their reactions in the games, here's what I think happens in the game- 1- 'Marth' challenges Krom to a duel in that coliseum place to test his mettle. 2- 'Marth' helps Krom and Liz against the Corpse Soldiers. 3-'Marth' tests Krom's mettle again somewhere else. 4- Something happens with 'Marth' and that eye thing. Of course, because there's not a lot of cutscenes, I can't really tell what's really going on, but that's my interpretation of all the 'Marth' cutscenes. So yeah, I don't get that antagonist vibe... I feel more like 'Marth' is being a teacher figure to Krom. And I still firmly believe that the butterfly motif isn't a coincidence. *shakes fist*
  15. *Touhou's the crap outta Ashnard* Phantasm level, baby! *throws Masked Marth's mask to NP*
  16. I am so glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.
  17. Modification 4. Starting to look good, but it looks like I kinda goofed off with certain places... fixable, thought. Again, critiques are helpful, so go ahead. I'm gonna start working on other sprites as well, so sooner or later I'll post them as well to see what you guys will think about it.
  18. First I was: The I was : Oh, TF. Never change, man.
  19. *it lodges itself into a wall next to me* Yay, free weapon to put in the Armory! *throws Krom's Falchion to NP*
  20. *sails over her head* ...Wow, I'm that short? *throws DLC!Marth at NP*
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