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Everything posted by SPSEliwoodGabriel

  1. Granted... however, it's now your computer that's making everything slow. I wish for kittens. Let's see how you guys will mangle that!
  2. http://youtu.be/-ysqqQkl8go Perhaps one of the most striking songs ever written by Luc Plamodon. This song is just... ugh. Sends chills down my spine. And I sung this in choir.
  3. Kobayashi-san's work DOES include male-gender people... it's just that they're usually pretty young, so I dunno if it was to give the illusion that 'Marth' is young...? I dunno. Interestingly, among them are two When They Cry characters, Satoshi from Higurashi and Kanon from Umineko...
  4. I, personally, call the Masked Marth just... 'Marth' and refer them as... well, self-demonstrating, I guess. Mainly because I have lots of theories. Have a list: 1. 'Marth' is the real deal, send forward in time to help his descendents. 2. 'Marth' is a zombie/corpse soldier, but because he's the Hero King, he resists everything related with them, because he's that awesome. 3. 'Marth' is a fellow descendent of the first Marth, and quite frankly, in this theory, the gender doesn't matter. 4. 'Marth' is Xane in disguise, if he lived that long. 5. 'Marth' isn't just the first Marth's descendent, but Alm's. Again, their gender doesn't matter. 6. 'Marth' is in fact either Sheeda or Elice in disguised sent forward in time. 7. 'Marth' is FE12's My Unit in disguise, eternally walking the new lands in the guise of their former lord to protect them in his place. 8. 'Marth' is a cousin of Krom's. 9. 'Marth' is an illegitimate sibling of Krom's. 10. 'Marth' is Marth's restless spirit after FE3/12's Bad Ending. 11. 'Marth' is the real deal and is pulling off a Hero's Shade with Krom... somehow. 12. 'Marth' is in fact the real Marth... in an alternate universe in which he was a she. And now that I think about it, remember in one of the videos, there's this butterfly, and 'Marth' has a butterfly mask? I don't believe in coincidences in Fire Emblem.
  5. Maybe the tiara is to blame? Then again, it just wouldn't be Marth without it.
  6. Update 3 of Mellie 2.0... She's actually looking great. I share your sentiment, Jubby- this hair color is much more beautiful. Would you believe me if I took it from a random village's sprite? It's also much more accurate to my actual hair color. Also, for those curious, I used prototype!Lute's hair for her. I know there's still errors around, and I'm still conflicted with that necklace (I'm seriously considering changing them to pearls or making a big choker), but overall, I'm loving this look more than 1.0. She seems to look a little more mature than 1.0 while still looking rather young. And yes, she's the brightest shaman walking around Elibe. (I am, in fact, thinking of making a custom shaman sprite sheet just for her. Or at least the design.) But again, all critiques accepted!
  7. Aaaaah! Ike's artist did Marth! I think I have a new icon~! And wow, I can see a few differences between Alternate!Marth and 'Marth' despite having the same design. Also, I just realised- is anyone else reminded of Eliwood when looking at the outfit?
  8. Revision two, with actual, proper colors... The things I can see that I've got wrong- 1- The left ear has two earlobes. I do intend to cover the second one with an earring. 2- I have no idea with the right ear. Either I find a way to hid it, or I take the right ear of someone. 3- Are her eyebrows visible enough? The bandanna's hiding them, I think. 4- I see lots of technicality problems with her hair shading... that spot right far from the left ear, that I noticed the most. If anyone can please give me pointers on how to fix that, it would be AWESOME. 5- Also you can help with the empty faces/awkward shading on her face, please. 6- Tips on making her clothes not look like a direct rip of Lalum's? I do love the sleeves, but changing her top would be great... and I wonder about her necklace, too. Should I modify so they look more like strings of pearls for diversity?
  9. That's what I thought myself. Should I use the ear from Mellie 1.0, since that seemed a little more accurate?
  10. Before I go on that sprite again, I just want to show you my current work on Mellie 2.0. It's nowhere close in being done- in fact, I don't have any coloring job done. If it looks shoddy, it's supposed to be- this is merely me brainstorming and isn't even close to even, say, 30% of what I'd like to be the final image? The image is big on purpose. Also, if someone can suggest on something to change the top- not the sleeves, the sleeves intend to stay- and the necklace, please tell me in advance, and yes, I know about the unused bangs peeking out of the forehead. I just want to make sure the ears and everything else looks good before I continue with the job. (Also, you can guess which characters I'm currently using to make Mellie 2.0). Also, tips for the hair- should I modify the white part by coloring it, or by copy-pasting parts of the hair and lining it up with her cheeks? So yeah, I'm not asking for coloring or anything like that- I just want to know if, by far, it looks right position-wise.
  11. I think I got the clothes problem done, and some none-matching shading issues, maybe... I couldn't exactly figure out the neck problem, but I had an inkling that it was that gaudy necklace with that awkward stance that didn't work. I thought maybe this might work, unless someone has better necklaces ideas. And I still don't know what to do with the under-chin shadow now that I modified the necklace..
  12. Alright, so! I have a sprite modification in progress I'd like you guys to critique. So, is it okay? Does the necklace look awkward? (My guess is that it is.) What would you suggest for this sprite to look better? Also, I'm looking for ideas on how to modify the hair, any suggestions? Thanks ahead!
  13. Er, yeah, I thought I'll show you guys my old attempts to spriting. They were planned to be in my little pet hack project for FE7, but... I'm having second thoughts. My very first attempt to a custom-ish sprite, this is Lady Sora Del Frate, an Etrurian Cleric and one of the heiress of House Del Frate. She's supposed to replace Serra. The second version of Lady Sora and closer to my image of her. Yeah, I'm putting myself in the hack, as Canas' replacement. Lady Mellie Del Frate is actually older than Sora by a few years, but looks younger than her sisters. (Note- I don't have any sisters in real life) This is me trying to edit the hell outta her. I'm planing on modifying this sprite even further to get closer to my looks. And this is my attempt on making an albino archsage!Eliwood. I do feel like I failed at the attempt, but I'm not giving up- I have new ideas for him! So, uh, how do they look? Any suggestions for future sprites?
  14. Let me add Tiki to my list~! Aaaaahhh, the Little Divine Dragon has all grown up! She's beautiful!
  15. Okay, raise your hands if you found Tiki adorable. *raises hands*
  16. Okay, I'm looking at the commercials... and there's a scene with the eye-like portal... and there's a scene with 'Marth' reaching out to someone... it looks like 'Marth' is in that eye! Interesting, isn't it? I wonder what it means...?
  17. If I can, I shall pair up my My Unit Edda with Krom... if I can get the game here in Canada and I have a 3DS. I have no clue if I will make a male My Unit soon. I wonder if you can pair up with 'Marth'...?
  18. I do not have the game, but I've spoiled myself the plot because I love spoilers, and all I can say is- KEYSMASHING KEYSMASHING KEYSMASHING IT IS THE KILLER APP OF THE 3DS AND DARK PIT IS THE MOST AWESOME CHARACTER EVER. ...Ahem. Sorry for capslocking, that's what happens when I'm excited.
  19. Perhaps it's not the Marth we all know and love, but a descendant who bares the name and resembles him? Actually, I have a lot of theories with 'Marth', zombie being not one of them. Not until they dance Thriller.
  20. *decides to play Touhou with Marth... I'm Phantasm level*
  21. Hiii! Hehehe... Didn't expect me to come here, huh?
  22. Thanks, you too! And that happens to be my favorite flower~!

  23. ~I haven't really age physically for eight years now. Being short and with a baby face, I need make-up just to look older. Not that it bothers me, it's in the family. ~While I am more on the introverted side, I have so much energy I had a hard time telling I'm an introvert. ~I stayed in the same school from kindergarten to graduation. I went to a minority group school, however. ~Despite being a chocoholic, my favorite flavor is vanilla.
  24. Krom. Is. Hot. He's like the love child of Ike and Marth and that's why I love him. Digging the tattoo mark thing and the whole asymmetry. I think I'm gonna love Liz, too. Her outfit is so adorable and I wouldn't mind cosplaying as her. HNNNNNNG 'MARTH'. I am so sure to cosplay as them because the outfit is so EPIC! I'd need more stuff before I can confirm if I like them or not.
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