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Everything posted by SPSEliwoodGabriel

  1. About female!Mark- Marketta is an actual name, it's the Finnish form of Margaret.
  2. Different artist, different years, different styles. He has blue hair and eyes, the headband and the ponytail, has a sword, and looks elegant in both pictures. Yeah, they're both Celice|Serlis.
  3. That is SUCH a beautiful artwork, and I love how it includes the mask.
  4. Don't laugh at me, but I love his outfit. It's so OUT there yet at the same time it's epic. So what if it's like a peacock? Don't peacocks have an aggressive personality? I think it works.
  5. Hey guys, look what I found! Japanese support convos, including MU/Lucina~!
  6. Like I said, Lucina has NO sense of fashion. ...Makes me wonder from whom she gets that from.
  7. ...Sounds like our little Lucina's got no sense of fashion. Ahahaha...
  8. ...Holy crap, I think I know you from FESS, is that possible?
  9. You know, with DLC Marth and the SpotPasses Marth, with Masked you could make a Marth Army. I, for one, would reclass the SpotPasses Marth, probably have one reclassed as a Trickster and another into Demon Fighter.
  10. I'll probably keep them as Strategist/Grandmaster. (With the bundle of Marths, on the other hand...)
  11. Just curious, when should Chef Krom appear, anyway? also I wan to use him as my next sig.
  12. Speaking of passing down classes and the children... [spoiler=Lucina]This fanart has Lucina as a cleric... Is that really one of her possible classes?
  13. ...They're probably gonna end up making Celice look even more girlier unless they go Tsubasa/xxxHolic.
  14. Call me crazy, but I would totally love to see Clamp do one of the DLC arts.
  15. ... YES. Amano-san's art is GORGEOUS. I'm up for that.
  16. Again, I'll knock their heads together. And make Red vs. Blue gags. You know, the Machinima show.
  17. I guess all those blows to him made a drastic Heel Face Turn.
  18. Aaaah, Krom + Son!Mark isn't one of those translated... *pouts* I totally want to see Krom trying to teach him swordplay!
  19. Well, I like Elincia's new design. I think the reason why I'm not too bothered with the redesign is because they're the Other Worlders and so they're not really the characters we know and love? *shrugs* I wouldn't mind cosplaying this.
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