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Mercenary Lord

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Everything posted by Mercenary Lord

  1. Actually, to be completely honest, I bear no ill will toward you at all. I was just telling everyone the picture in my head which made it funny. Aere, that was uncalled for. He hadn't done anything in the past few hours to deserve being insulted like that. Shame on you.
  2. Am I part of the Phoenix Saga team? I think so. So I'll talk. Or rather, I would talk if I could, but I think my spine split from all of the stuff in this thread. Let me type out the picture in my head. -. I see Bladehero22 as a monkey stand in the middle of a bunch of gorillas (no offense intended), and the Gorillas have a ball, which they are throwing back and forth over the monkey's head. The monkey thinks the gorillas are playing at first, and hoots at them to stop. They don't, because they're trying to teach the monkey humor. The monkey doesn't get it, and starts throwing a temper tantrum. The gorillas laugh and hoot, and the monkey thinks they were just playing all along, and tries to be friendly again, but the gorillas just start teasing it again. The monkey gets angry again. Then a totally awesome gorilla, Furetchen, goes up to the monkey, and in no uncertain terms, tells the monkey how much of an idiot he is. The monkey, being an idiot, doesn't get it, and continues to be angry. Then the leader gorilla, Klokinator, steps in, and gives the monkey a metaphorical smack in the jaw, and screeches into the monkey's face, 'YOU ARE AN IDIOT.' The monkey STILL DOES NOT GRASP THIS AND CONTINUES TO TRY AND JOKE AROUND AND MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER. - This is like the best birthday present ever, and it isn't even my birthday! I love you guys who defend our fair forum from idiocy. Gentlemen. Ladies. I SALUTE YOU. (But ssrsly, this was fucking hilarious. Moar. MOAR!)
  3. Thank you. AND HI YETI HOW R U THERE. I dunno why I screamed that. Or rather, why I Capslock-ed it.
  4. I love my Mug, so I'm keeping it. I also don't have to worry about critique, because I didn't make it. IT'S A WIN-WIN SCENARIO. For everyone but Yoshi.
  5. I'm satisfied with it 'cause Mewiyev was nice enough to make it for me without pay in her free time. I'm not gonna ask for anything more. Although it was shaded hastily. Here's the original and stuff. http://i.imgur.com/L3Ho8.png Yeah. I think it's fine, for now. THAAANK YOU! @BH22 - I used to think the same thing, but it was mostly due to him wailing on my stuff. Now, being more mature and all, I realize that he's got good intentions, and is just blunt to a fault. Which is awesome.
  6. The art's face was more based on my own face, rather than the sprite. I like the sprite how it is. SO THERE. And BH22, I think...um... Arrogant? Certainly. Slow-Learner? Eh, no really. Can't take a joke? Not even a tiny wisecrack. Complaining about how you can't take a joke, but don't understand that you can't take a joke? I won't even rate myself for that one. Confusing and Annoying? To the point where everyone I talked to wanted to stab themselves with a spoon.
  7. Wow...this Bladehero22 guy reminds me of myself when I was...when I was...actually, never mind, I'm still pretty much like that. On an unrelated note, to those who give a damn, I have pretty artwork of my character now. [spoiler=ART.] TANK YEW, MEWIYEV.
  8. That will be cool. I will help you plan, even against your will.
  9. I bet that dragons built those ruins. That would explain why the wall of the ruins is bigger than the fort. It looks good.
  10. Guess what? He's not going away for a year! Yaaaaaaaay~ I shouldn't say much more, because he sword to slit my throat if I ever did something like that.
  11. Oh. Well, thank for clearing that up, I guess.
  12. Back to...SoS? I'm new here, so I don't know what the problem with SoS is. Explanation, possibly?
  13. I believe he got a PM from an admin telling him to GTFO or something.
  14. Axe would be cool. Can I see what you've got so far?
  15. Now you've got me interested. I can't wait to see this.
  16. If I get My classes done, He prolly will put them in, but I'm the official spriter and stuff...so...
  17. Oh. You're welcome. I thought that the site might come in handy. :D
  18. Well, I'm just going to link a whole bunch of cool megaman armors and stuff, then you can take a look at whichever ones interest you. [spoiler=Lots of Links]http://www.sprites-i...enfir/Standard/ http://www.sprites-i...k/files/X/X5/X/ http://www.sprites-i.../X/Zello/X4-X5/ http://www.sprites-i...les/X/Zello/X6/ http://www.sprites-i...s/FortressBoss/ http://www.sprites-i.../X6/Boss/8Boss/ http://www.sprites-i...Boss/Assembled/ http://www.sprites-i...iles/X/X4/Misc/ -This one has some cool 'spell' looking animations, in case you were looking. http://www.sprites-i...UltimateArmour/ http://www.sprites-i...files/X/X4/Wep/ -This one has a bunch of weapons and recolors and such. http://www.sprites-inc.co.uk/files/X/X6/Wep/ -Same here. Okay, all done.
  19. OOH, Can I pull out an awesome Megaman sprite sheet I has somewhere? Pretty please?
  20. I think the sides are more along the lines of who helped get their hands on FEXP totally not me or anything, and those who raged ad got angry when Klok and Co. did. and since you already have my mug, no problem, right? Right.
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