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Mercenary Lord

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Everything posted by Mercenary Lord

  1. Oh, you. Thanks for providing it to me, Yoshi.
  2. Stuff.I think I may or may not have fixed a few of the more prominent problems that eCut pointed out. I tried to follow the instructions given without changing too much of the design, because I adamantly refuse to remake half of the sprite. I take way too long on sprites to do that.
  3. Well, considering I'm talking to him, and that he just said no, I don't believe he would. But the point of this thread is not to have a discussion about what he would or wouldn't do.
  4. While I respect your input and am glad you were able to help, Do you truly expect 3/4 of the entire James graphics to be remade because of a little disproportionate body position? I don't believe that Klok would want to do that.
  5. Thank you. I try, seeing as there aren't that many people who make battle sprites on this site.
  6. I didn't make the mug in my avatar, the credit for that has to be given to the almighty Lord Yoshimus. (Or Yoshirider.)
  7. Don'y curse the internet...it tries it's hardest...
  8. Wild HORSIES? NUH-UH. That'd be too cool. They'd like, be all RAAAWR. and stuff. Why didn't I think of that? I'll get right on- *sees Klok's post* Uh...never mind...I'm a bit to busy. (P.S. Deranger-That map was from a while back, and I never intended for it to be anything other than a test map.)
  9. Thanks, dude, Nice to see a friendly face. :)
  10. it's too bad myrmidons aren't like that, that'd be bad-ass as fuk. And you're right. You make no profit. They do. What's the word.....uh....prostitution? Hm...I'm sure I'll remember eventually.
  11. Isn't it? It's fun to deflect, though.
  12. Technically, what you do is not Mercenarism, it's Vigilantism. Mercenaries fight for gold. Nothing else. So...yeah. Let's try not to ruin a good relation ship, eh? I already docked your pay once. It'd be a shame if you couldn't afford those 'bitches' you 'fuck', hmmm? Oh man I am enjoying this.
  13. Man, even though I like you a lot, I'm going to have to dock your pay for that kind of insubordination.
  14. No...nononononono...not a slave. More like...a serf. Or an unpaid intern. Definitely not a sla-yeah, he's a slave.
  15. Thank you. I appreciate it. There doesn't appear to be many battle spriters around here.
  16. It's not a prefix. It's my name. You are welcome to work for me.
  17. New Stuff: Whoosh. Pew pew. An newer version of the captain sprite, with some bad shading but a better design. Ninja Potato. 'Nuff said. Gerald the Cavalier/Paladin. Two light icons. One has bad dithering. [spoiler=The Archives] This is where all of my super duper old stuff goes. Whoever the f*ck this is. My first splice, consisting of Raven's face, Joshua's awesome hat, and Heath?'s body. You love this, don't lie. My second attempt at splicing, only slightly less terrible. A 'younger' version of Oswin that I accidentally saved as a JPEG. Another attempt at splicing. Not successful. It was about this time I decided that mug-spriting was not for me. I changed focus, and went on to make... This. One of my first battle sprites ever, an attempt at the Third tier for the Hero class, the Vanguard. Isn't it gorgeous? It wasn't gorgeous. But I persisted. No terrible sprite was gonna tear me down! So, a few months later, I created THIS: Which was a definite step in the right direction, but I was still missing my mark. So I stopped for like six months and did nothing but do nothing. During my period of inactivity I came up with a bunch of little random thingies that were to small too really be called good or bad. Made this one to try and help a friend... Eventually, I felt like I should give spriting another try, so I did! [spoiler=Archives: Pt. 2] A bunch of equip-able item icons, as well as five 'card' icons. They're currently being used in FEPS. Then, I went on to make this: A almost fully completed sprite sheet for a riderless wyvern. I love this sprite sheet. BUT IT'S UNFINISHED. - And these are my latest creations. A Mercenary Throwing animation, because if you can throw axes and spears, you should be able to throw swords. These are the two main lords from FEPS, Jessica and James. * ELIWUSS IS NO MORE. Who needs a tiny baby sword when you can have this?
  18. A good time shalt be hadeth. Never fear!
  19. Well, it's me. The 'official' battle spriter of FEPS, headed by Klokinator. I don't really believe I'm that good, but I try my best, and stuff. So...anyway. I'm here. Hi.
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