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Everything posted by nolongeractivesheep

  1. Oh quit whining, boys. Your testicles aren't anywhere near as sensitive as even our breasts. Seriously. And our breasts are constantly running into other things, despite their incredible sensitivity. As for childbirth... so you'd really like to feel as through something the size of a fist was being forced through your urethra? Since that's basically the comparison here.
  2. But aren't we forgetting about how the language of now will be incomprehensible by then? It'd be like the absurdly stupid things we say in latin sounding totally badass because they are in latin. But you know, with Pegasi and Wyverns and stuff.
  3. Your avatar is so adorable!

  4. 1. Amelia (SS): As a Super Trainee, she embodies everything I love about this series. 2. Florina (BS): With a massive amount of time to use her, and being completely adorable, Florina is a must for my team. 3. Marisa(SS): Her demeanor is ever so lovely, just kind of going along with whatever. Oh, and as a unit she's kind of awesome. 4. Lute(SS): She's a total nerdy girl with an adorable hairstyle and a magic growth that can shake the foundations of the planet. 5. Nephenee(PoR/RD): Completely wonderful design for a shy and down to earth girl that is completely unstoppable. ... I have way too much female bias... In general though, I prefer units that hit hard and hit fast. If I can take out enemies without them touching me, either via Critical Hit or just Doubling/Quadrupling them, then that is what I prefer to do. I also have a bias towards a certain type of character, I think...
  5. I honestly don't understand why people insist on making a big deal out of this sort of thing... I mean, anyone with a schedule is going to be bound to getting up at that time. So regardless of when they go to bed, they need to be up. I often find myself going to sleep anywhere between 23:00 and 3:00, depending on when my girlfriend does, and on weekdays, I get up at around 8:00. Its not because I'm special, its because I have work in the morning, and I don't let that get in the way of enjoying my evening. I think this is true of many working adults as well as high schoolers and college students. So um... why make a big deal out of it? Its just life. It'd be cool if you were using the sleep for 30 minutes 8 times a day thing so you never have to go to bed, via tricking your body into thinking its rested.
  6. I think that this is probably one of the most notable things about Samus. For most of her run, she's had nothing but a massive bulky power suit. There's nothing sexual about it. Its just functional combat gear. And that is what makes her so often. Zero Mission has the Zero Suit, but it doesn't really come up again in the series, so the minor blunder isn't so bad. Now... I do detest Other-M for turning an incredibly strong female character in a whiny ponce that can't do anything without her commander's permission... But that's what happens when you let Team Ninja ruin your franchise. Beyond that... Gender roles in games have been slowly evolving. Look to the Elder Scrolls series for an example of extreme gender equality. Everyone is just a person, gender is irrelevant. I think that as its becoming harder to continue to objectify women as sexual objects because more and more women are becoming the costumer, things are improving. Even if only slowly.
  7. Personally, I'd just focus on Fir and Gonzales at this point. Though, could you give some other statistics? It might be helpful to see the big picture before I can give any advice.
  8. Go play Tales of the Abyss 3DS, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS, Cave Story 3DS or Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked and just dare to tell me that Resident Evil is the best game on the 3DS. Its a good game, yes. But honestly, its lacking compared to some of the other titles available on the console. Though that may just be my opinion.
  9. Hiya, its nice to have you here! And don't worry about being shy... I know that feeling completely! I'm really really excited for Fire Emblem: Awakening as well! All of the news for it just makes me want it ever so much more! So um, welcome!
  10. Well, now we know why his tastes in friends include necromancers...
  11. It sounds like something from 19th century British-English. I love the way its pronounced at any rate. Ever so fun~ I might have to start using this once in a while! I love using archaic words in actual speech, even when people give me weird looks.
  12. Uwaaaah, how sad! Then we just missed each other! I will admit, that I do kind of miss it back there for some things... but then, California is wonderful... So overall, its okay! And besides, the perma-spring temperatures are kind of awesome! I suggest that all of you cold people snuggle up in a warm blanket with some hot cocoa and of course some Fire Emblem! Or some other games, portable or not. I'm playing Fate/extra in that warm snuggled manner right now.
  13. Totally just got Fate/extra. The music is ever so lovely and jazzy. Also, the female playable's hair is just pure love. I so have to steal this hairstyle once my hair grows another 8 centimeters.

  14. Well, it really depends on what you are looking for. If you're looking for just a "boyfriend" most guys seem to be okay with that concept by default. However, if you are looking for an actual relationship, what you need to be seeking is a true friend. Someone who will stick by your side regardless of whether you are in a relationship or not. To get such a guy, you need to be on the lookout for several things. Firstly, a personality that is similar to your own. If a guy can relate to a girl, he is going to treat her better and be able to empathize with her a lot easier. This is something that you'll want not only for just a friend that's a guy, but especially in a boyfriend. You'll want to find a guy with similar interests, too. Since if you like many of the same things, there's always something to do together and to talk about. Be sure to be open to anything he wants to show you, because what he loves is important to him, and likewise, try and express and share the things you love as well. There will of course be things he'll be closed off to, so finding a happy medium is important. This comes down to the friendship phase of things. If you spend long enough with a guy that he becomes a good friend, then you'll solve this problem by default. Lastly... watch how he treats others and how he acts around his friends. If he seems like a totally different person when with his friends, then he is likely just putting on an act for you. Now, if he's more emotional and talks more intimately with you, that's nothing to be alarmed about, since he trusts you as a friend, and there's a perception that guys can't talk about their emotions with each other. One you've befriended someone who fulfills these traits... then just let it happen. You don't need to be tsundere nor yandere... Just deredere. Maybe leave subtle hints about wanting something more here and there, but honestly, just be his close and dear friend, and if there's a spark, it'll happen on its own. Maybe one of you will confess first, but either way... That's the best way to get the kind of boyfriend that you see in all kinds of media that just doesn't seem to exist in reality. Naturally even this way will still have flaws, and no one is perfect. You won't be the perfect girl, and he won't be the perfect boy. But... if you're the best of the friends, then it doesn't matter. Since you'd be in it for the long haul by default. As I said in the how do you get a girlfriend thread... Lovers fall to pieces. Best friends never end. Keep that in mind.
  15. That would be Knights of the Old Republic, which was a BioWare game. BioWare is pretty much the forerunner and premier supporter of sexuality equality in games, with any of their games that have gender choices on the part of the player allowing for homosexual relationships with characters within their works. And, their developers will even totally thrash anyone who thinks that this is a bad idea with a scorning post about how they are just sexually insecure. Its kind of awesome. Dragon Age 2's homosexual options recently resulted in a rather hilarious and awesome exchange between a homophobe and an amazing developer.
  16. Well, its true that sort of thing happens... girls who are incredibly shy generally don't do that sort of thing. I've known known a girl who is quiet and shy to just exclaim I love you to someone out of excitement before, nor have I ever done that. I've seen that happen when it comes to actual romantic feelings though, under the guise of being that sort of seemingly normal excitement, with a hope that the target picks up on how out of character it is for them and inquires further. Or maybe I'm just projecting again. I guess when someone has an attachment to an aspect of something like this, its because they are projecting? At any rate... To discuss a two more characters... Ike and Soren come to mind, as per the topic's initial post. This is more a lifelong friends turned lovers sort of thing, and its surprisingly common among lasting homosexual relationships. I've met more than a few people and have even some friends who ended up with their dearest childhood friend after everything else in the world proved to be lacking the merit of a true friend. Soren was found by Ike when he was a child. Their destinies were eternally intertwined, and Ike's endless idealism only strengthened that bond. Soren is almost yandere for Ike, and this is especially noticeable in the early parts of Path of Radiance, when Soren is cold to anyone who perceives to be potentially threatening to Ike. Very much his way of saying... This one is mine, and if you touch him, I'll make certain you regret it. Throughout everything that happens, Soren remains by Ike's side, and pretty much never leaves it. So long as he has Ike, he doesn't need anyone else. And Ike accepts this and continues to stand up for Soren no matter who puts him down. The ending in which Ike and Soren leave Tellius is very telling of a life partners relationship, even if it isn't sexual at all. As I stated before, its perfectly possible to be homoromantic without being homosexual. Many asexuals are plenty romantic, they just lack aesthetic attraction and sexual desire for others. And of course then we have Raven and Lucius... Lucius appearance itself is pretty much tailor made to inspire gender-confusion for the player, and the dialogue between the two really only suggests something a little more than just friendship. There's examples elsewhere in the thread that cement it in my book.
  17. It doesn't have to be sexually motivated. Someone can just as easily be homoromantic. The amount of gay subtext in this series is so blatant that denying it is pretty much insulting. Its one of the things that I absolutely adore about Fire Emblem.
  18. Honestly, the series has a ton of implied gay characters and relationships. The Girl-Girl and Boy-Boy shippings that this rabid fanbase has are typically rooted in character endings. Or even just in their relationships in the game. My favorite example is something that is completely up front in the first Fire Emblem game that I ever played. In Blazing Sword, Florina's relationship with Lyndis is kind of beyond just friendship. There's a ton of factors in play here. Florina has a fear of men, and thus naturally associates more with girls. She's incredibly shy period, but around girls, she can be comfortable and find little bits of confidence. Lyn happens to empower her, and to give her something to fight for. She clings to Lyn in an adorable manner, and even says "I love you!" plain as day in a context that completely screamed romance to Lyn right at the conclusion of Lyn's arc. In the A-Support ending for Lyndis and Florina, it is stated that they spend the rest of their lives going back and forth to be together. That implies a bit of a forbidden and secret love. Of course, this could just be me projecting, since I totally connected with Florina since that's how I am... Still, its hard to look at the relationship as being anything but that. And while I'm sure that people will argue that since she can get married to Hector, my point is moot... well, I'd like to point out something that was very common until the LGBT community actually stood up for itself. Perfectly gay girls ended up being forced into relationships with way too forward men all of the time in the past. The relationship between Hector is so one-sided that it hurts, so honestly, I feel that's basically how it goes. She being shy and relatively helpless when not around Lyn results in her just going along with Hector's advances until marriage, and even after said marriage, still preferring to be around Lyn, who is conveniently one of Hector's close friends. Actually... Yuri and yaoi are common in Japan because homosexual relationships aren't looked down upon at all, really. In fact, Japan works essentially the same was as ancient Greece. Girls can run with girls and boys can run with boys, and in fact, its /expected/ for this to happen. Its only once people get older that the expectation for them to have a heterosexual marriage comes in, and that's just for children. Marrying sheerly out of love is still a relatively new thing in Japan. The younger generation of Japanese are also kind of flipping this expectation on their head, especially when you consider how widespread yuri and yaoi serials are, and how the most popular yuri serial, Yuri-hime, has a 3/4ths female subscriber base.
  19. That was rather... pedantic. Um, anyway... The tendency to rush into relationships is what kills it more than anything else. The internet is a convenient way to get to know people well, however... For most of my relationships, that's not what I used. I came to the conclusion of dating being utterly useless after watching how it destroys relationships before they've even begun and also through my own experiments. I'm in no way lucky. I had to search for ages to find what I was looking for in a person, and to become their friend made me feel completely privileged. Marriage is an entirely optional thing these days, and given the tax code, almost something that's better to avoid. My point is that if people know each other inside and out and already accept and love each other in spite and even /for/ all of their faults, it won't turn into some argumentative competition with both parties trying to win. My family tore itself apart this way as well, and I got to deal with all the physical and emotional abuse from that lovely ordeal. The fashion I speak of completely eliminates that possibility, since unless the two enjoy tearing each other apart, my method prevents it from ever progressing that far. I don't think listening to your parent's anecdotes about how perfect they were at first until it all went wrong is going to give you any accurate representation of the facts. If a relationship cannot work without sex, it was never a relationship at all. Its one thing to be nymphomanic and have a compulsion for sexual activity driving someone's motivations, but when its just normal people, they should be capable of living together and spending life together without sex ever coming up. Naturally if two people are married and are sexual people, they will want sexual fulfillment... But there was almost certainly far far far more than just sexuality that wasn't fulfilled in that relationship. I suppose I'm probably just the sort of person who sees things in a way that completely annoys you? ... on that note, I think I've steered this thread off topic for long enough...
  20. If I recall correctly, Anna was a Pegasus Knight in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn tutorial mode. Given that she apparently can take whatever class she is... I think its safe to say that she's the RNG Goddess by virtue of being an Action Replay user.
  21. Wow, lots of replies! Um, let's see here... To the SC person... I'm not sure that I can say that SC has Winter and Summer. Its more like Spring and Autumn, all things considered. Since it never gets cold enough nor hot enough to be considered Summer or Winter in my book. As for Michigan weather, it sounds like Southern Indiana weather, which is what I was dealing with for the 5 years prior to this one. Totally finicky as can be. Tornadoes, blizzards, severe thunderstorms, galeforce winds... it never makes up its mind. At least spring is here now, so all of you who are still dealing with snow will get some warmth soon!
  22. Oh, no, that's okay. And I do understand how that view can develop... I certainly felt that way myself years ago... It feels like if everyone is so horrible, how can anyone be worth being nice to? My answer eventually just became to be that one nice person among the flood of unpleasant someones. Anyway, thank you for clarifying... Misunderstandings are the bane of communications. v.v
  23. That's honestly one of the most selfish and arrogant things I've ever heard someone say... but I guess that's standard fare on the internet. To each their own? >.<
  24. Being selfless as best as someone can be is a thankless job. I don't expect anyone to understand it, or honestly to even respect it. Though I'd prefer that people do. On that note, don't knock it just because it seems dumb or you may have been burned trying it.
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