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Everything posted by nolongeractivesheep

  1. My basic philosophical ideals... Hm. Well, many of them developed as a result of the internet and the nature of anonymity removing consequences from actions and as a result having to deal with many many people who treat others without even a shred of respect, as well as dealing with prejudices in my offline life. So.. I guess I'll list the basics for you, as you asked. >w< Empathy is the most important single concept in existence. It doesn't matter how much one may be able to sympathize with another person. When someone is truly in pain, saying it'll be okay and patting them on the back does nothing for them and certainly doesn't allow you to feel where they are coming from. To be capable of having actual relationships with people, one must put themselves in the shoes of the other. Every thing they do must be something you can at least attempt to think of from their perspective, in such a way that it makes since why they might do things as they do. When someone begins to empathize with others, they can become much closer... and most importantly, can be of greater help. And helping others is something that I'm pretty much entirely about. Do not condemn anything outright. No matter how horrible or wrong something may seem, to condemn it solely on personal bias is completely inane. Think about the concept and everything related to the concept. If it is a belief, then one must think about why the other person would hold such a belief. Why such a belief is good for them, but perhaps not for others. Is this thing harmful to others? Is it harmful to that person? Many questions arise, but until evidence to prove that something is negative has been given, it is best to assume that at least, for the holder in the belief, it is okay on some level. Looking at how you said my method would result in getting friend-zoned... My guess is that would stem from having taken such an approach and that being the result, or perhaps hearing of it happen to others. Personal experience is plenty of reason to believe something to be true, so I don't think you are necessarily wrong about that possibility. But it certainly isn't the only outcome available. Obviously there are concepts for which thousands of years of evidence, anecdotal, historical and scientific exist to the contrary, and for something as obvious as one of those, it is okay to condemn it. Acts such as murder or rape would fall under this category. But even with such acts, it is still important to try and consider the motives, such that perhaps if the signs were seen in a person, one could steer them away from a destructive path. No matter how out of the way it may seem, always stop to help anyone with anything that you are able, and if you are unable to help, try to direct them to something or someone that can help them. Altruism is a major basis of my life, and I've learned that sitting around feeling sorry for myself and blaming the world is completely pointless. The reason the world seems to suck so bad is that so many people act that way, and fewer and fewer people out there are helping people for the sake of helping them. So instead of just sitting around waiting for someone to save me, I prefer to be the sort of person who extends their hand to anyone who would take it. To those who are hurting and crying out for help as I did long ago. And even not as extreme as that can be, after all, just helping someone who tripped up is a kind gesture that is becoming ever rarer. Never assume you know anything about anything, honestly. No matter how much you have learned, you still have much much much more to learn about not only it, but everything else in the world. I'm still young, and I certainly haven't even but begun to learn everything that life has in store to teach me. I'm learning new lessons everyday, and applying them to myself as best I can. My opinions are prone to changing over time, and even part of my philosophies as well. To talk as though you know everything and cannot be wrong only assures that people may dismiss you. Keeping one's mind open to both learning new facts and changing opinions on both previously learned facts and beliefs is vital to growing as a person as well as being able to maintain healthy relationships with others. Plus, if someone is static, they are totally boring. owo So um... yeah. There's a lot more than that too, but um, there's your answer.
  2. That you honestly think that is the case is kind of exactly why people seem to get bad advice constantly. That does not get you friend-zoned at all. I am neither a teenage girl nor a boy without experience, but a woman who happens to live with her own girlfriend (and best friend too, so much for that friend-zone), and kind of knows a thing or several hundred about how many more nerdy girls operate (i.e. probably the kind of girl that anyone who hangs around a Fire Emblem forum is going to share interests with). I'll put this out here right now: Dating is a useless and outdated form of relationship building. In an era where communication with the other side of the planet is instantaneous, seeing someone once a week in any personal capacity isn't going to make anything more than a fleeting interest of time occur. True friendship is essential now more than ever, and that everyone is still following the horrible methods of the past is why there is a nearly 50 percent divorce rate these days.
  3. You should totally obtain a Gothita and raise it to be your ultimate partner! >w< Gothic Lolita power go~ Plus, its a fun Psychic type to use. I'm probably just biased due to the whole lolita thing though... >x<;;;
  4. Welcome to Serenes Forest! >w< Forums are great fun, so I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here! Just find topics that look interesting and post, and you'll make friends and have fun in no time~
  5. For starters, you need to meet someone with similar interests. Romance must not be an objective during the initial stages. Since honestly, the notion of a girlfriend is worthless in comparison to that of an actual friend anyway. If you find a girl with similar interests, then compound on those interests. Discuss those things. Get to know her better through the things she loves. Share things you love that she hasn't been exposed to, and likewise, be willing to explore her own interests that are alien to you as well. As a friendship develops in this way, the two of you will become more involved in each other's lives, just as any real friendship would develop. And from this point, if there is any kind of romantic spark there, it'll just continue to deepen until eventually you are in a position where if you wanted to, asking her out might be just fine. That can take a very long time to be in that sort of amazing friend / borderline romantic interest position. Make some kind of move too early and you not only threaten the friendship, but when that happens, it may also seem like it was all just to try and come onto her. That's the sort of thing that no girl wants to feel. Ultimately, just be a friend. And keep being an awesome friend. The most successful relationships are between best friends. Not lovers. Lovers fall to pieces. Best friends never end.
  6. Well, let's see... When I think about this, I feel that I'd probably have really long hair. It would probably be blue. My eyes would also probably be blue. I'd likely have a breastplate and shoulder guards on, and without a doubt there would be elaborate floral etchings in the metalwork. I'd have a totally adorable ribbon tying my hair back, and short straight bangs as well... Hm... I'd likely wear a short skirt with boots and thigh highs... And beyond that, I'd likely be carrying a sword or a lance. My armor would be white with blue etchings, and my skirt would be a lovely pleated white... And my boots and thigh highs would match my armor! So... I guess class-wise, I'm a Pegasus Knight or some sort of Halbedier/Myrmidon combo.
  7. I adore Catria~ She's amazing. Thanks... I actually make it a point to be helpful... Just because you can't see the person you're talking to in front of you is no reason to treat them any differently than if that were the case. If someone places a plea for help, I want to help in some way, even if its just my dumb advice.. >x<
  8. Oh, hi! Um.. I'd like a friend too... so I'd be happy to be your friend!
  9. Being picky about appearance is a sure fire way to prove your insincerity when it comes to a relationship. Naturally when someone is completely repulsive, that's one thing, but moderately attractive is just as good as gorgeous, all things considered. Its what's on the inside that counts.
  10. Um, hi. I haven't posted any topics of my own yet, so, I suppose I'll start with this. I've always had a fascination with the weather, and I've lived in sooooo many different climates now that I've seen just about everything. I really loved all the storms I enjoyed when I was in tornado alley. Recently, I moved to Southern California, which basically means I don't get to experience anything I'd actually call weather anymore... owo;;; So, with that in mind, I was wondering what kinds of weather that everyone else is experiencing right now. For myself, its a breezy 65 with no cloud cover at all. Simply divine, but a bit monotonous overall. So, how about everyone else?
  11. I see no reason to laugh at you. Its completely understandable. But if you really want a girlfriend, then you need to be seeking one. You need to befriend girls, and not in just some shallow way. You need to get to know them inside and out long before you've even considered that romance is possible. This is /especially/ true on the internet. Beyond that, you should go hang out in places that actually have massive populations of /actual/ girls. Tumblr and Livejournal are full of actual girls. Beyond that... if you make an awesome best friend that's a girl, don't push things... Just let them happen. If something's there, it will become apparent in time, and if not, you've at least made a good friend. I.. hope I helped.. >.<
  12. I should hope so. The Creature Campaign made it fun even without people to play against. But really, I'm rather downed by the fact that there's no Wi-Fi battles. Hopefully we get the DLC shop and an online gold shop too at least..
  13. Oh my! My favorite Fire Emblem game made more challenging? This sounds like fun! =D On that note, will there be any more modifications to the difficulty of the game? I'd like to see monsters beefed up a bit in all honesty. Grinding is too easy in Sacred Stones, and while we grinders will find a way anyway, I like to feel like I've worked for my overpoweredness.
  14. Doing my best to ignore some of the more... absurd (?) replies in this thread... I personally look for true companionship. The sort of individual who will stick by my through anything. Someone to cling to and to be clung to by. I'm hopelessly romantic, and I like someone who is the same way as me. If we're making each other squee over the romantic chessiness spouting forth from our pieholes, then we're definitely meant for each other. I like the sort of person that know when it really matters to comfort me, and likewise back. I seek an adorable equal, I guess?
  15. Hello! Welcome to the Forest! I'm new too! Its nice to meet you.
  16. Isn't it though~? I adore artstyles like this... Ever so beautiful and wonderful. Thanks, and I intend to be as active as I can be! I usually don't have much trouble staying active places.
  17. I was under the impression that this series was always all about ass-kicking female characters. It certainly promotes the idea of women being equal to men, and even if it not as physically strong, certainly a bit more graceful. I can't wait to play using the new cast. the blue dress is adorable! ^o^ And pink haired runs would be so much fun!
  18. I do so ever adore that game! Its been a while since I've played though, since my Wii bit the dust... ^^;; I typically main Marth, and insist that he be in White. His Final Smash is always a bit too broken in my opinion though. The F-Zero stages are my favorite, at any rate! Heee, more Catria love! Lute is my favorite from Sacred Stones. She's so absolutely adorable with her nerdiness. Plus, as a unit she is just unstoppable. And naturally I really love Tana too! My second favorite from Sacred Stones is Amelia, however. Not only is she cute, she's completely awesome. I love using her a Super Trainee since she's functionally the same as the Halbedier class of later games. I know! I've played FE11, and loved it. I also gave Catria as a Myrmidon a spin, and that was fun. I can't wait until the fan translation for FE12 is complete. The My Unit system is so cool! Even if it does encourage a little bit too much self-insertion fantasy... ^^;;; Thank you! Its a tranquil but lively forest to be sure! And I do try to be as nice as I can be. I like to be a friend as best I can to as many people as I can. I'll certain stick around, since Fire Emblem is my favorite Nintendo published series!
  19. Well, being new I'd like to be friends with anyone who would have me... But so far, I'd say that Tangerine looks like a nice person. ^o^
  20. Oh, haha. That's really funny. And thank you! I'm happy to be here.

  21. Oh my god. That's absolutely amazing. I love it so much. I can't wait to see the Pegasus Knight class of FE13. I might even make My Unit into a Pegasus Knight. Shiida is really really cool. I love that she was a strong female character in such an old game. Plus, I love her relationship with Marth. Yay, more peggy lovers! I think that they are just graceful and beautiful. And for a place called Mute City, it sure is noisy. I can't decide which one I want. x3 But thank you for welcoming me!
  22. I'd say that any number of the first games I've played do that to me. The Pokemon series especially, but even things as recent as Tales of Symphonia hit me with nostalgia.
  23. Nuuu, don't kill me Tana...! ;.; Thank you! I absolutely adore them, Catria being my favorite, naturally. Though I suppose in general I just love the Pegasus Knights in each series in general. After my first experience with Florina, Fiora and Farina, I just couldn't help but be attached to their archetype! It really seems to be! I've already seen a few topics of interest that I've posted in. I'm having fun with it all. And I like Palla too! Thank you, and yes, I am! I absolutely adore her appearance, and Pegasus Knights are just so cool. I suppose that this makes me the replacement Catria fan?
  24. I find that Extra Credits is a very good and informative series. Naturally everything they talk about is kind of obvious anyway, but its nice to see a dedicated group of individuals and their adorable art relaying messages to the world at large.
  25. That's not true at all. Hubert is versatile in all modes of play. All you need to do is have heavily dualized armor on him. Also, a little level grinding never hurt anyone. Considering the length of combos he can string together and how easy it is to get a weapon with 1000 attack for him, allowing enemies to hit you is difficult enough, even on chaos. And then if you have armor that is set up to bring him on par with the rest of the party, then you've got your problem solved. That's what I did anyway. ^^;;
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